Many nobles have wizard inheritance?

Lynn was surprised in his heart, but his face remained calm. He had never known this before.

He always thought that only a very small group of people knew about wizards, but judging from the fact that Dybala revealed his wizard identity so easily, it seemed that those who knew about wizards were not few.

Could his teacher, Angley, also be a noble?

He agreed to bring himself to Bangor Port. Could his teacher’s purpose also be related to the ship that would arrive in five months?

After coming here, you disappeared without a trace. Are you scheming something, my teacher?

“You may look down on our family’s inheritance, but I know where good things are. When our ancestors salvaged the statue together with a few items, we secretly had them appraised, and those items are all magical items,” Dybala said. “I know where they are hidden. Moreover, our ancestors left behind the address where the statue was salvaged. He called it the Eye of the Sea God. In his later years, he sailed alone into the Eye of the Sea God. Not only that, every generation of our family’s inheritors will disappear in their old age, and I suspect they all went there.

“I noticed their movements. I destroyed the inheritance statue. For them to leave a new inheritance, they will definitely recruit ships and go to the Eye of the Sea God again.”

Dybala said, “By then, I won’t take a single penny.”

Seeing Lynn’s calm expression, Dybala suddenly leaned in, “You’re not thinking about how to get rid of me, are you? You wouldn’t be that ruthless, would you!?”

Dybala covered his chest, “It really makes me very sad. If I can’t go back, this matter will be published in the city newspaper the next day. I don’t want to hurt my good brother.”

“Do you think you can control me like this?” Lynn said expressionlessly.

“No, no, no, I, Dybala, am very trustworthy. I only need you to help me once, just once.” The playful smile on Dybala’s face suddenly disappeared, leaving only deep loneliness. “Consider it a plea from a father who lost his child and a husband who lost his wife. Just this once. I promise to bury this matter in my stomach in the future.”

“Let me hear your plan first,” Lynn said.

“They are preparing to go to the Eye of the Sea God by ship. I have read the family’s collection of books, and I know where the Eye of the Sea God is. The Eye of the Sea God is near an island. By then, we can go to the island in advance and ambush. They will definitely fish heavily at that time. We just need to find an opportunity to board the ship and deal with those few extraordinary beings. The rest will be easy. Ordinary people won’t be able to resist us at all. We just need to sail back to Bangor Port.”

“It sounds like a good idea.” Lynn clapped his hands with a smile, and dust scattered from his palms.

The dust grew heavier, turning into dense smoke. Dybala, who was enthusiastically discussing his plan, was caught off guard and ended up with a face full of soot. He was organizing his thoughts to articulate his plan when, unexpectedly, the guy on the opposite side clapped his hands, seemingly innocently, thus activating a hidden Sleeping Curse. Caught off guard, Dybala fell victim to it.

“You—” Dybala couldn’t believe it. Was this guy really not worried about his identity being exposed?


Dybala slumped on the sofa.

Lauren stood by like a stunned goose.

“Search him, what are you standing there for?” Lynn said to Lauren.

Lauren acknowledged and quickly walked over to search Dybala.

Dybala was dressed in a brown linen robe with two loose pockets hanging all over him.

From the outer pocket, Lauren pulled out a half-eaten dried fish. Then, from the inner lining pocket, he took out a rusty silver ring.

The silver ring was of standard human finger size, but Lynn, looking at Dybala’s thick finger joints, guessed why the ring was hidden in his bosom.

Looking at Dybala lying on the ground, Lynn’s expression was indifferent. I just want to do my experiments peacefully. Why do you have to provoke me?

Wouldn’t it be better to just take your own revenge honestly? Do you really have to drag me into this?

As for Dybala’s so-called claim of information leakage, Lynn didn’t believe it.

A guy who had been locked in a water dungeon for who knows how many years—what kind of loyal follower could he have? He even ate stolen dried fish from who knows where, not a single copper coin to his name.

Lynn sneered. If there were such loyal followers, they would have found a chance to rescue him long ago.

As for the so-called Sea God inheritance or Sea God treasure that Dybala mentioned, Lynn was not interested at all.

Come on, that was the sea. If something unexpected happened, where could he run to? Swim back?

Lynn wouldn’t willingly put himself in a desperate situation with no way out.

He couldn’t help but think about finding an opportunity to borrow from the Bolent family. As for the interest… Lynn looked at Dybala’s head.

“Your story touched me, but I’m sorry—I also have people I need to protect,” Lynn said, taking out his magic staff.

Acid Missile flew.

Dybala’s head was instantly corroded, leaving only a headless body twitching slightly.

The surrounding ground was also corroded, leaving pockmarked holes.

Lynn couldn’t be sure if Dybala—now without a head—could survive. After all, this was a being with extraordinary powers, not an ordinary person.

So Lynn sent another Acid Missile towards its heart position.

Although this might cause significant damage to this experimental material, Lynn wanted to be cautious to ensure safety.

If he could learn a spell that could kill an enemy without damaging the body, that would be great.

Lynn brought Dybala’s body into the Alchemy Laboratory.

“Let’s go,” Lynn said. “See if you can find the way he came.”

The fog had already dissipated on the streets outside.

Lauren followed Dybala’s scent left behind and tracked it all the way.

After walking for nearly half an hour, they finally stopped in an abandoned hut near the old dock.

“The smell here is the strongest,” Lauren said.

Lynn looked around. The ceiling of this rundown shack had a large hole corroded through it.

The walls were full of tiny insect holes, and the air was foul and damp.

In the grass outside the hut, there were fish bones and scattered fish scales.

It was evident that Dybala hadn’t been living well these past few days.

“Master, there’s a glass bottle here,” Lauren said, picking up a hidden glass bottle from the corner. The glass bottle’s body was smooth to the touch, with no dust. The semi-transparent glass bottle revealed a yellowed piece of paper inside, resembling a message in a bottle.

Removing the bottle cap and pouring out the paper, the handwriting on it looked somewhat childish.

‘I asked Mom why other kids all have dads. Mom said my dad turned into a fish and went to the sea, so if I write a letter to Dad and he receives it, can he come back to see Mom?’

Below was a doodle-like drawing—a little boy holding the hand of an adult with his left hand and holding a fish with his right hand.

On the fish’s illustration, there was a patch of scales with blood around the eye area.


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