On the other side, the brute force demon who was returning home abruptly reached out its right hand and grabbed a slender gray arm stretched out next to it.

“Hmm?” The brute force demon bent down, staring intently at the little demon trying to steal its magic stones.

Though it might appear slow in daily life and sometimes unwilling to think, it didn’t mean its reactions in battle were the same.

The little demon’s stealthy approach and outstretched hand had caught its attention, but it couldn’t be bothered to deal with it.

“What are you doing?” The brute force demon’s blood-red eyes glared fiercely at the little demon.

Instead of fleeing after being caught, the little demon struggled desperately. “Let go of me! I didn’t do anything. What are you going to do? No fighting allowed in Demon City,” the little demon said arrogantly.

The brute force demon fell silent for a moment. Indeed, fighting was not allowed in Demon City.

It released its grip, letting go of the little demon.

But who knew that as soon as it let go of its hand, the little demon turned into a blur, darting past the brute force demon’s waist pocket, hooking it with its claw.

It directly snatched the pouch hanging from the brute force demon’s waist.

The brute force demon was stunned for a moment. When it touched its waist, it realized that its most important possession had been stolen. Its already blood-red eyes instantly filled with rage.

Hearing an angry roar, the little demon hastily turned around, only to see a figure crashing down like Mount Tai, the shadow growing larger and larger.

“What’s going on?” Lynn rushed to the service hall upon receiving Toby’s message.

Toby stood just outside the hall, waving from a distance.

Approaching him, Lynn listened as Toby explained, “The brute force demon has stirred up trouble.”

“Right now, it’s confronting another wizard apprentice inside. That wizard apprentice is also from a demon wizard academy, so I can’t favor either side.” Toby sighed in frustration.

Lynn chuckled. Toby’s uncertainty about taking sides was probably just talk.

Because if Toby really didn’t want to take sides, he wouldn’t have notified Lynn.

“Has the brute force demon caused trouble?” Lynn inquired.

“It’s just a little trouble. The brute force demon killed a little demon. The main issue is that the little demon was a follower cultivated by another wizard apprentice. So now, that apprentice demands compensation from the brute force demon. Either the brute force demon becomes his follower or it pays five hundred magic stones,” Toby explained to Lynn.

After clarifying the circumstances surrounding the brute force demon’s killing of the little demon, Lynn frowned. He wasn’t willing to part with even a single magic stone.

The sequence of events clearly showed that the little demon had stolen something first, and the brute force demon had even let it go the first time.

Judging from this attitude, the little demon was clearly a repeat offender, specifically targeting weaker demons without any backing.

Perhaps the little demon had thought the brute force demon was easy to handle due to its apparent simplicity.

But no matter how you looked at it, a little demon wasn’t worth five hundred magic stones. Little demons were low-level demons in the Abyss, slightly better than lemures. They possessed small demon wings for flight and had strong learning abilities. With the right aptitude, they could even awaken some rare spell abilities typical of demon clans. However, these traits couldn’t compensate for their weak bodies and lackluster talents.

The market value of a little demon was at most a few dozen magic stones.

Even that was too much. After all, the Iron Serpent No. 1 unit that Lynn produced only required a few magic stones for purchase. An unadvanced little demon’s combat power was probably on par with the Iron Serpent No. 1 unit.

“Is there any other way?” Lynn asked. He knew Toby wouldn’t have summoned him without a solution.

“There is. Another way is to make the brute force demon your follower. Then it becomes a conflict between two followers,” Toby suggested. “Of course, the price is that you might incur the resentment of a wizard apprentice.”

Lynn exchanged a glance with Toby, contemplating. After a moment, a smile appeared on Lynn’s face. “Uncle Toby, the brute force demon is already my follower. We’ve forged a deep friendship in the Abyss. It’s just that I’ve been too busy to report to you.”

A devilish smile appeared on Toby’s flushed cheeks. “Report? You’ve already reported to me. You just haven’t had the chance to complete the formalities.”

“Either you take out the magic stones obediently, or you become my follower. Rest assured, I only require you to sign a contract with me for fifty years. After fifty years, I’ll set you free, if—”

Suddenly, a voice interrupted the conversation in the room. 

“Sorry, how did my follower offend you?” The sudden interruption broke the conversation in the room.

“Where did you come from?” Jeffrey squinted his eyes, examining Lynn from head to toe. Jeffrey knew most of the apprentices in Demon City who were not to be offended, and Lynn’s unfamiliar face was not among them.

Moreover, Lynn’s attire and accessories didn’t suggest he was from a prestigious wizard family.

Jeffrey’s heart stabilized, and he quickly threatened Lynn, who had suddenly walked in. “I’ve had my eye on this brute force demon for a while now. Wherever you came from, get out of here. If you don’t want to die, don’t stick your nose where it doesn’t belong.”

Lynn sauntered towards Jeffrey, taking his time.

Jeffrey narrowed his eyes, his gaze becoming more provocative as he looked at Lynn. “What, do you still want to take action?”

Lynn towered over Jeffrey by half a head. He leaned down, looking down at Jeffrey condescendingly, then raised his right hand.

Seeing Lynn’s right hand, Jeffrey felt a surge of hope. Yes, strike! It would be best to strike right now! The service hall didn’t allow conflicts among residents of Demon City. Offenders would face severe punishment. He could already envision the consequences Lynn would suffer.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

Lynn’s palm lightly struck Jeffrey’s face.

Though not heavy, it was loud. It rang in the ears, leaving Jeffrey pale with anger burning in his heart.

“He’s attacked! Aren’t you going to do something?” Jeffrey demanded, turning to the nearby staff.

Most of the staff knew Lynn. He was well-acquainted with Lord Toby, and Lynn hadn’t used excessive force; he had merely slapped Jeffrey.

Hearing Jeffrey’s words, the staff all looked up at the ceiling, as if there was something fascinating up there.

Jeffrey wasn’t foolish. Seeing the staff’s reaction, he instantly knew he had kicked a hornet’s nest.

This guy definitely had some backing!

Jeffrey immediately changed his tone, quickly putting on a friendly smile. “My little demon never listens, always causing trouble. I’ve told it countless times, but it never sticks. This time, it got what was coming when it was killed by your follower. Ah, well, serves it right.”

As he spoke, Jeffrey bent forward, rubbing his face, then backed away with a forced smile.

“Thank you,” the brute force demon said to Lynn, knowing once again that Lynn had helped it out.

“Friend?” The brute force demon pointed at Lynn, then at itself.

“Friend,” Lynn nodded.

A bright smile immediately spread across the brute force demon’s face.

As for Lynn claiming it was his follower, the brute force demon didn’t care one bit. “Can you feed me?” the brute force demon asked, posing a simple question.

“Sure thing, no problem at all,” Lynn replied without much thought, smiling directly.

How much could one brute force demon eat, anyway? And could it possibly eat more than all of Lynn’s few hundred goblins combined?

Afterward, the two of them completed the remaining procedures in the service hall.

If it were any other demon purchased elsewhere, such procedures wouldn’t be necessary. However, because the brute force demon had been residing in Demon City for some time and had a residence permit, it was necessary to go through the relevant procedures.

It was only after completing the procedures that Lynn learned the brute force demon was actually a fourth-level demon. But he wasn’t too surprised. He had long known that brute force demons were slightly stronger than other common demons. A normal brute force demon should reach the strength of the third-level upon adulthood. So, it was quite normal for this particular brute force demon to break through the racial limit and reach the fourth-level.

Although demons’ levels are ranked from first to twelfth, the fourth-level of a demon is fundamentally different from that of an ordinary race. Their combat power far surpasses that of ordinary races.

And as for his own followers, even the strongest among them, like Redeyes, hadn’t reached the second-level yet. They only had slightly stronger combat power compared to other first-level goblin wanderers.


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