“They were just now calling back and forth, what were they doing? They even gave themselves titles, was all of that made up on the spot? Or was it like, trying to sound powerful by whatever means? But it sounds a bit awkward,” Lynn said.

The fly demon glanced at Lynn. Awkward? Would you dare say that in front of them?

Uh, in Dyo’s presence, you might actually dare to say that.

Thinking back to the young girl Lynn had brought out earlier, with her resemblance to Dyo, the fly demon knew that Lynn had struck gold; he was now the patron of a newly risen Abyss Lord.

It was strange, though. Despite their resemblance, one could tell they were mother and daughter at a glance, yet their beauty was worlds apart. It seemed that even the smallest changes in facial features could make a huge difference.

“That’s a title, not something they just randomly pick. If an Abyss Lord or Abyss Great Lord has a title that overlaps with what they want, then that title won’t work,” the fly demon explained.

“And this title is also a status symbol, usually straightforward and easy to understand. Plus, if the title isn’t leaked, how would other demons know about such a figure? For newly certified Abyss Lords, they will definitely attract a large number of demons to follow them because they lack demons under their command. The sooner they go, the sooner they can establish their reputation.”

“Secondly, besides demons, the Abyss also contains some other dark races. Declaring one’s identity and race can also attract some of these races’ powerhouses,” the fly demon continued.

“The dark elves are one of the major races in the Abyss apart from demons. For example, the Spider Goddess Queen, the Abyss Hell Empress, and the Lord of the Dark Domains are all great figures among the dark elves. They are Abyss Lords of elven descent. I’m afraid the Spider Goddess Queen will extend an olive branch to them next. If they join the faction of the Spider Goddess Queen, they’ll have a strong backing in the Abyss,” the fly demon added, sounding particularly respectful when mentioning Lolth, listing off a series of titles as if reciting a litany.

Lynn knew that mentioning certain powerful entities by name could alert them to one’s presence, especially when still in the Abyss. Still, Lynn couldn’t help but glance skeptically at the fly demon. How did this creature know so much? Some of the things it knew didn’t seem like common knowledge for regular demons.

Lynn had expected Dyo to contact him after becoming an Abyss Lord, perhaps to demand the return of the little princess. But after waiting for quite some time and receiving no message from Dyo, it seemed that their trade would continue according to the original rules. Lynn’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully as he glanced at the original central area, contemplating something.

“Let’s exchange contact information,” Lynn said to the fly demon.

The fly demon also seemed interested in befriending Lynn. It plunged its arm into its own back and retrieved a white egg about the size of a pigeon’s egg from beneath its black skin.

“If you want to contact me next time you come to the Abyss, just crush this egg. I’ll do my best to get there within a day,” the fly demon said.

“Alright. By the way, I saw you had a lot of potions on display at your stall. Have you learned how to make potions?” Lynn inquired.

“Potions? No, I haven’t,” the fly demon shook its head, then let out a cackling laugh. “Those were just some bottles and jars I found in the ring of a potion master I killed a long time ago. I don’t even know what’s inside them. They’ve been emitting some strange odors after sitting around for so long.”

Lynn’s mouth twitched. When he first saw those bottles and jars, he thought the fly demon was a diligent Abyss demon potion master. After all, they emitted a strong scent of decay. But now you’re telling me they’ve just gone bad from being left out too long?!

Taking a deep breath, Lynn gave the fly demon a thumbs-up.

After bidding farewell, Lynn rubbed the ring on his hand.

A golden fireworks-like spatial circle appeared before him.

One by one, the brute force demon and Lynn stepped into it. When it was the brute force demon’s turn, the golden fireworks teleportation circle automatically adjusted to fit its size.

As Lynn returned to the familiar Demon City, the Abyss aura dissipated, and he blinked his eyes, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

“This is the reward I promised you. You played a significant role this time. We’ll cooperate again next time we have the chance,” Lynn handed the brute force demon a reward of a hundred pieces of magic stones.

The brute force demon looked at the reward, which was more than agreed upon, and quickly refused.

“No, this is too much,” the brute force demon said in a low voice.

It divided the magic stones Lynn gave it in half and pushed them forward in front of Lynn.

Watching the brute force demon’s behavior, Lynn’s eyes revealed a hint of admiration.

From this, it could be seen that the brute force demon had a straightforward and easily fooled personality.

Yes, Lynn had set his sights on this brute force demon.

Although this brute force demon’s physique had exceeded that of normal individuals of its kind, and although it was only of brute force demon lineage, its true combat power could not be measured by that of an ordinary middle-level demon.

Even Lynn himself didn’t think he could defeat this brute force demon in his current state.

He didn’t believe his one-ring spell could defeat this brute force demon.

More importantly, it was its personality. Though combative, stubborn, and craving fresh flesh and blood, those were minor issues.

Lynn pushed the remaining magic stones forward. “Let’s consider this as us becoming friends,” Lynn said casually.


The brute force demon looked at the pile of magic stones on the ground.

In its previous life in the Abyss, it had no idea what friends were. But since coming to Demon City, it had come to understand the concept under the influence of its surroundings.

Would anyone really want to be friends with someone as foolish as me?

The brute force demon hesitated for a long time, then carefully picked up the magic stones Lynn had given it.

“Thank… thank you,” the brute force demon said solemnly.

Lynn waved his hand. “I’ve got a bit of business to take care of these next couple of days. I’ll come find you when I’m free.”

Lynn knew he couldn’t rush things. It was important to give the brute force demon space to think things over.

The more it pondered, the more conflicted it would become, and the more it would stir up its emotions. Time would give this emotion deeper meaning.

Then, when he appeared again, he could evoke these emotions even more intensely.

Besides, Lynn did have things to attend to these next few days. He needed to arrange matters concerning Dyo’s daughter and plant the seeds Dyo had given him. Although he could buy these plants from outside, it would take considerable effort. Planting them himself would save some magic stones, and having stock on hand would prevent emergencies from arising without any potions. There were other things to take care of as well, and Lynn was eager to get started.

The brute force demon tucked the magic stones into the small pouch at its side and happily trotted home along the road.

I’ve got a friend now, the brute force demon thought naively.

It still couldn’t fully grasp the concept of friendship, but it knew it was a good relationship.

In truth, it had thought it had grown tired of its life of slaughter. It just wanted to find a quiet place to rest, even if it meant sometimes going hungry, rather than engaging in meaningless frontline combat.

But this trip to the Abyss, especially after entering other planes once again, stirred something in the depths of the brute force demon’s heart, causing its thoughts to waver.

It realized it didn’t actually dislike fighting; it just loathed being disregarded and treated as nothing more than cannon fodder in pointless battles.



The brute force demon clenched its fist.

Unbeknownst to the laid-back brute force demon, a sneaky figure had set its sights on it.

More precisely, it had its eye on the pouch at its waist.


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