I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 381: Fill another two baskets

"Divine... Divine Child, can you make some changes to the sled again?"

After hesitating momentarily, Lame looked at the old stag, Han Cheng had brought out of the deer pen and walked to the sled excitedly.

Han Cheng couldn't help but pause at Lame's words. What did Lame mean? How could he redo something that had just been built and hadn't been used yet?

"This... this isn't very easy to use."

Lame pointed to the deep tracks left on the snow-covered ground, his expression pained as if he were about to cry.

It wasn't because his 'reputation' was being damaged that he felt upset, but because he felt he hadn't been able to properly fulfill the tasks the Divine Child assigned.

Because of him, even before the sled had appeared, it was already well-known throughout the tribe. Many people were looking forward to it. Now that the sled had finally come out, it was like this...

After understanding Lame's meaning, Han Cheng smiled and patted him on the shoulder, reassuring him not to worry. Whether it was good or not, he would harness the old stag and run it a few times before making a judgment.

Han Cheng was very confident in the sled. At his request, the two wooden logs used as 'wheels' were made wide and smooth. If even this kind of thing couldn't walk on the snow-covered ground, then what could?

As for the problem Lame mentioned, Han Cheng didn't consider it a big deal.

After all, the snow hadn't been trampled on yet and was still very soft. That's why the sled sank so deep and seemed relatively laborious.

This problem was easily solved. To compact the snow, just pull the sled back and forth a few more times.

Compacted snow was no different from ice; it was slippery to walk on, and with the sled deliberately polished to be smooth, it wouldn't require much effort to pull it.

With Lame's still somewhat worried gaze, Han Cheng reluctantly harnessed the old stag and pulled the empty sled out of the tribe.

Like pushing a cart with wheels, pulling the sled was initially more laborious, but once it started, due to inertia, it became much easier.

Stepping on the snow, leading the old stag, Han Cheng made his way to the stone quarry. The freshly made sled glided over the thick snow, leaving behind two smooth marks.

Bai Xue and some young members of the Sparrow Tribe followed behind the sled, stepping on the two marks, chattering and laughing, as cheerful as a group of sparrows finding food in winter.

Lame, limping along, also followed behind. Unlike the cheerful children, he looked at the sled sliding in the snow with some concern. Pulling the sled was still somewhat difficult for the old stag compared to running freely.

The old stag was the strongest among the deer herd. If ordinary deer replaced it, wouldn't it be even more difficult?

A fire was constantly burning at the stone quarry, and a large pile of stones that had been mined over the past few days had already accumulated nearby.

The bathhouse's foundation had been dug, and there wasn't much else to do. Most of the people had come here to help with the stone mining. Moreover, everyone worked diligently since the Divine Child said the sled could transport stones quickly.

At this moment, everyone at the stone quarry stood up, looking at the Divine Child leading the old stag from afar with expressions of anticipation.

Cheng, a young member who had rushed over, told them the Divine Child and Lame had finished making the sled.

Is... is this the sled?

As they looked at this modified ladder-like contraption, the members of the Sparrow Tribe waiting at the stone quarry widened their eyes in astonishment.

Han Cheng sniffed, turned the old stag's head, and then instructed someone to start loading stones onto the contraption.


Shang placed a broken piece of stone on the contraption, preparing to add another, but Han Cheng's voice interrupted.

This... this is it?

Just one stone loaded, is that it?

Ordinary people can carry two loads with a shoulder pole, can't they?

This is the sled that took days to make?

This is the method the Divine Child said would transport stones much faster than carrying them by hand.

Watching the Divine Child pulling the old stag with the contraption loaded with just one stone, heading back to the tribe, the people waiting at the stone quarry were quiet, looking at each other in disbelief, their eyes nearly popping out of their sockets.

The efficiency of this contraption in transporting stones was too shocking!

Lame, who remained at the stone quarry, squatted on the ground, drawing circles in the snow with a stick, ignoring the complex gazes of the others directed at him.

Han Cheng didn't explain anything in response to the reactions of the others. Instead, he led the old stag back to the tribe, threw the stone from the contraption aside, and then set off again towards the stone quarry, leading the old stag.

After being compacted twice on the way back and forth, the snow on the path had become much denser, making it easier to pull the empty contraption with the old stag. It was effortless to walk along the path.

"Load two more baskets of stones."

Han Cheng chuckled because Shang hadn't moved after loading just one stone.

Last time, he had them load only one basket of stones; now, he asked for three at once. Could the old stag handle it?

Shang voiced his doubts, and the others also expressed some concern.

"Just load them, it's fine."

So, two more heavy baskets of stones were placed on the contraption.


Han Cheng shouted, and the old stag, obeying the command, started moving forward with its long legs. Initially, it was a bit strenuous, but afterward, it didn't seem heavy.

With two more baskets of stones added, there was hardly any difference from when they had loaded just one basket!

Lame lifted his head and stopped drawing circles, and the people at the stone quarry, watching the old stag pulling the contraption back to the tribe, also had a change in expression.

"Load two more baskets of stones."

On the third trip, Han Cheng, leading the old stag, instructed Shang and the others.

After the last compaction, the snow on the path had become denser and smoother, making it even easier to pull.

"Divine Child, this..."

Shang and a few others hesitated, worried that loading so many stones would be too much for the old stag. One basket was already seventy to eighty pounds, and five were too heavy.

"Just load them, it's fine."

Despite the somewhat worried expressions of the others, Han Cheng led the old stag on its way again. Surprisingly, the old stag didn't seem much different from when it had pulled just one basket.

Lame dropped the stick in his hand and stood up from the snow, and the others also became somewhat quiet.

"Load two more baskets of stones."

On the fourth trip, Han Cheng casually repeated the same instruction he had given twice before.

Shang and the others didn't say anything this time, looking somewhat dull as they loaded two more baskets onto the contraption.


The old stag moved its legs forward, initially finding it a bit strenuous, but it didn't feel heavy anymore.

As they watched the sled gradually move away, the people left at the stone quarry widened their eyes in amazement. Lame suddenly limped back to the tribe, ready to make a few more sleds!

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