I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 369: Sheep’s Migration


The sky was overcast, with fine rain drizzling down and the wind blowing forcefully, lifting the animal hides and skewing the raindrops, carrying the chill of late autumn.

On such a day, hunting outside was not suitable, a fact well understood by many primitive people.

However, the chief of the Sheep Tribe went against the norm. He shouted in the cave, and the people inside, armed with various crude weapons, responded to his call. They cheerfully followed their leader out of the cave and into the dreary rain and wind.

It seemed that they were not facing uncomfortable weather but rather exciting food.

Inside the blocked cave, the children and the weak reminisced about past glory days, eagerly awaiting the tribe's return.

When the tribe returned, they would usher in a year of abundant harvest.

At a place near the lower reaches of the Red River, which Han Cheng and his group had passed by more than once, the chief of the Sheep Tribe, along with the people of the tribe, braved the drizzling autumn rain and cold wind, waiting here, gazing at the north bank of the Red River.

The dim sky hindered their vision, preventing them from seeing farther.

Seeing the calm opposite bank, the chief and the people of the Sheep Tribe appeared somewhat anxious.

It wasn't just them; several scattered beasts were along this line.

The saber-toothed tiger yawned, lazily swinging its long teeth, ignoring its cousin, the scimitar-toothed tiger, and the striped tiger with a 'king' pattern on its head.

The leopard, usually fond of staying in trees, also descended to the ground, swaying its tail as it walked in a small area.

Several bears licked their paws lazily.

Several groups of wolves, large and small, squatted here, quietly frolicking under the leadership of the alpha wolf...

Many beasts guarded this place, living together peacefully, which felt eerie.

This scene continued, carrying a sense of calm before the storm.

Suddenly, the striped tiger on the ground stood up, the bear licking its paws raised its head, the leopard lowered its tail, and the playful wolf pack stopped their actions. All the beasts looked towards the opposite bank of the river.

Seeing these beasts' reactions, the chief of the Sheep Tribe and the people of the tribe became alert.

After waiting for a long time, what they had been waiting for was finally coming!

The chief of the Sheep Tribe looked towards the north bank of the river, where it was still calm, but he knew that something was about to come.

Sure enough, after waiting a short while, a wide white line appeared in the dim sky on the north bank, looking very conspicuous.

This white line rapidly approached here, like waves rolling in from the distant sea, gradually increasing.

Slowly, its true appearance was revealed.


Endless sheep!

They ran from the horizon like a flood spreading over the earth, unstoppable and boundless.


The rushing flock of sheep faced the wide Red River and the predators waiting on the opposite bank without hesitation, and they leaped directly into the river.

In an instant, the Red River turned into a white river.

Normally timid animals now displayed courage and moved forward boldly.

They leaped into the river one after another, jostling each other as they swam toward the waiting predators on the opposite bank.


As the sheep swam across the Red River and reached the shore, they shook off the water from their bodies, preparing to step onto land and continue running. However, a giant mouth with extraordinary teeth reached out, biting its neck and pushing it to the ground, where its long teeth easily pierced its throat.


The chief of the Sheep Tribe shouted excitedly, continuously thrusting his bone spear outward. Several tough vines had been erected where they were stationed. Some sheep leaped over these man-made obstacles, while others stumbled over them.

At this moment, the people of the Sheep Tribe became particularly excited and agile.

They cooperated, continuously stabbing and capturing the fallen sheep.

Because they divided labor and cooperation, they, who didn't seem to have the advantage, ended up with the most harvest among all the predators.

However, the captured sheep were always in the minority. More sheep crossed the river and continued running forward in a vast procession.

Even the fiercest predators dared not charge into the middle of their marching procession.

They could only lurk on both sides of their advancing queue, waiting for opportunities.

South of the river, many predators were waiting along the route, relying on this flock of sheep to survive the winter.

This spectacle continued until evening before finally ending. The satiated predators, moving lazily, left contentedly.

The busy people of the Sheep Tribe, who hadn't felt tired until now, also left with a full harvest, heading towards their home.

A feast soon unfolded in the Sheep Tribe, and everyone indulged in eating.

The chief of the Sheep Tribe alone held a roasted leg of mutton full of meat, tearing into it with gusto, feeling triumphant.

It seemed that the heavens favored their tribe alone!

He thought proudly, but suddenly, the image of a tribe with high walls, which had risen rapidly in recent years, flashed in his mind.

Compared to their tribe, they seemed more like the one favored by the heavens, having become a towering existence in just a few years.

The sudden emergence of the Green Sparrow Tribe made the chief of the Sheep Tribe feel uncomfortable as if he had eaten a mouse.

He took a fierce bite of the oily roasted leg of mutton, using it to vent his frustration...

While enjoying the feast bestowed upon them by heaven, the Sparrow Tribe, which made the chief of the Sheep Tribe feel uncomfortable, also had a "feast" of its own.

However, the taste of this "feast" was somewhat strong, enough to make one nauseous.


The murky water was broken, and a wooden stick with a hook emerged, dragging a bundle of hemp emitting a "charming" smell ashore.

The soaked hemp was placed on the bank, and someone came over to drag it to a flat area, where it was untied, and immediately, hands reached out to divide it.

Almost all the people of the Green Sparrow Tribe mobilized, and under the call of the great Divine Child, they all started peeling the hemp, which had an unusually strong smell.

Fire One sat on a stone with a tree stick nailed before her.

In her hand was a piece of hemp with one end peeled, and in the other hand was a hemp stick, which she brought to the wooden stick in front of her. With a pull of her hands, the soaked hemp peeled off the hemp stick.

Fire One, an old primitive person, devised this simple and efficient method, which Han Cheng and the others applauded.

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