Go back?

Han Cheng looked towards the east and nodded slightly.

It was indeed time to go back.

However, just going back like this felt somewhat unwilling. People, sometimes they're contradictory like that.

"Let's go on for another day, stop tomorrow afternoon, and start heading back the day after tomorrow…"

In fact, Eldest Senior Brother and the others wanted to go back now, but since Han Cheng said so, they naturally wouldn't have any objections.

The team's atmosphere was much more relaxed than before. Although they couldn't go back directly now, at least they knew the day they would return to the tribe, giving them something to look forward to.

On the way back from Wangdong Mountain to the riverbank, Han Cheng suddenly squatted down, looking at a plant before him.

Seeing this, Eldest Senior Brother and the others stopped, too, looking at Han Cheng and the plants in front of him with joy on their faces.

They didn't know what this was, but judging from the Divine Child's reaction, they knew it was probably something good.

If they could confirm that these grasses were that kind of thing, it would indeed be a good thing for the Passion Tribe, even calling it a treasure wouldn't be an exaggeration.

The name of this thing is Chaihu.

Han Cheng wasn't sure about Chaihu's specific effects, but one thing he remembered very clearly was that it reduces fever!

In later generations, Chaihu had always been an important medicinal material in Chinese medicine, commonly used to reduce fever. Han Cheng had taken this medicine several times before, so he had a deep impression of It.

Such a medicinal herb naturally had significant importance for the current Green Sparrow Tribe.

The only uncomfortable thing was that he had only seen dried Chaihu before, and Chaihu with tiny yellow flowers.

Now it was late spring, and the difference between the grass in front of him and the Chaihu that grew over a meter high with yellow flowers was too big.

But the leaves looked similar in shape, both resembling bamboo leaves.

He shouldn't have come out at this time. Waiting until the Dragon Boat Festival or autumn to come out, many plants would have grown into shape, making it much easier to identify.

Han Cheng seemed a bit helpless.

After waiting for a while, everyone saw Han Cheng just looking at this patch of grass in thought without saying anything, and they couldn't help but ask.

Han Cheng told them about these things.

Upon hearing Han Cheng say this might be a medicinal herb, everyone's eyes immediately lit up.

For diseases, their previous method was straightforward, which was to endure.

They would continue to live; if they couldn't endure, it was a dead end.

To say it was enduring was actually almost the same as waiting for death.

Only after Han Cheng came here did this situation change to some extent.

People realized that apart from endurance, there were other ways to treat diseases.

At this moment, when they heard that the grasses in front of them could be used to treat diseases, there was no reason not to be happy.

But after Han Cheng couldn't confirm whether this was Chaihu, the enthusiasm in everyone's hearts was dampened a lot.

Scratching their heads, they tried to devise a way to verify this medicine mentioned by the Divine Child.

"Divine Child, let me…"

Liang stepped forward, patting his chest to indicate he could taste it.

Han Cheng thought for a moment and shook his head, refusing. To verify whether this thing was Chaihu, simply tasting it wouldn't work.

The best way was to prescribe the right medicine.

Thinking about Liang swimming naked in the still cold water, catching a cold and fever, and then using this suspected Chaihu to make medicine for him to drink, and then seeing Liang looking like he's on death's door, Han Cheng's face couldn't help but twitch.

Using Liang's life to verify the authenticity of this medicine, he would never do such a thing.

He still hoped that a qualified semi-skilled doctor would appear in the tribe.

Seeing the Divine Child shake his head in refusal, Liang became anxious. Ever since Han Cheng brought him into this and made his grand vow, he had become increasingly obsessed, always wanting to find useful medicinal herbs for the tribe.

Privately, he had tasted many plants but hadn't found a single medicinal herb. Instead, he found three types of wild vegetables that the tribe could eat…

Now, upon learning from Han Cheng that this thing in front of him might be beneficial for treating diseases, how could he resist?

He didn't care much about the Divine Child's warning that it might be poisonous. He had already tasted so many things and was still alive and well, wasn't he?

After repeatedly requesting Han Cheng's approval without success, Liang secretly picked some elsewhere and stuffed it into his mouth.

It was tender, with plenty of juice, not very bitter, and tasted better than most things he had tasted before.

But whether this was a medicinal herb and whether it could treat diseases, he really couldn't tell…

With his mouth full of green grass juice, Liang looked like he was about to cry.

After thinking for a while, Han Cheng suddenly smiled and slapped his forehead twice.

He realized he was getting too caught up in trivial details. Since it was difficult to identify it now, let's wait. When these things grow up, we'll come back and see if they are Chaihu.

With this in mind, he stood up and prepared to leave. He asked Eldest Senior Brother to use the bone shovel he carried to dig some out and took them onto the boat.

To ensure that these suspected Chaihu plants could be planted successfully, he brought a lot of "Mother Earth" when digging.

Some "pig skin jelly" and empty ceramic jars were on the boat, which was suitable for planting these few things.

The four canoes set sail again, leaving here and heading downstream.

Here, tranquility returned, leaving only a crude flag with a Green Sparrow bird, occasionally swaying.

In the Bone Tribe, people lit fires and sat around in a relatively open area, eating food.

With fire at night, wild beasts generally wouldn't dare to come close.

The leader of the Bone Tribe stuffed food into his mouth, but his mood was not very good.

On the one hand, they didn't see the group of deer that the person from their tribe mentioned today, and on the other hand, the food they carried was also considerably reduced.

The pain in his hands made him slightly regain his senses. This was caused by friction when he was drilling wood for fire.

The pain in his hands reminded him of the appearance of the person from that tribe drilling wood for fire. An old man could drill fire, and it seemed easier than himself…

With such thoughts, many things about that tribe suddenly came to his mind.

Abundant food, numerous pottery that required their tribe to exchange for many things, delicious salt…

Thinking like this, along with envy and admiration, a sense of anger suddenly rose in his heart—why could they have so many things? Why did his tribe have to exchange so many things…

The orange flames flickered, reflecting the face of the Bone Tribe leader, who appeared somewhat indignant…

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