I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 270: Bamboo forest and bamboo shoots

Tonight, for the newly named Egret River area by Han Cheng, it was destined to be extraordinary.

Not only were two long-legged egrets roasted and eaten but also a group of people was reclaiming the previously desolate mudflats.

From being deserted and uninhabited, it now had the aura of human activity.

Under the flickering firelight, accompanied by rushing water, several fish traps that hadn't been submerged for long were pulled out, revealing a few lively fish.

Han Cheng and his group brought along the fish traps.

"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime," Han Cheng remembered this profound ancient saying very well. So, besides bringing along plenty of salted fish, he also brought several fish traps.

They would be traveling along the river all the way, so with these fish traps, they wouldn't starve to death.

However, the fish here were not as easy to catch as those in front of the Green Sparrow Tribe. Bait was necessary in the fish traps to lure them in.

The fish from the traps were taken out. Tie Tou was kind-hearted and couldn't bear to see the fish suffer. After each fish received two blows to the head, they stopped struggling.

The traps baited with fresh bait were placed back into the water. When away from home, they should eat as little of their own provisions as possible to avoid famine if they are unable to catch food.

These fish traps, which were made half a year ago, were quite different from those Han Cheng had made initially.

These fish traps were woven from rattan. They formed hollow cylindrical shapes, with one end closed and the other topped with a conical funnel woven from rattan, securely connected with rattan strips.

Such fish traps were simple and easy to make and more sturdy and durable than the ones Han Cheng originally made with ropes.

So, all the fish traps of the Green Sparrow Tribe have been updated and replaced with this type of fish trap.

As the flames danced and the aroma of food wafted out, the gradually darkening night sky became deep, filled with countless stars.

The eighteen people who came along had a relatively simple meal.

Two unlucky egrets, along with the newly caught fish and the salted fish brought along, were cooked into soup and a jar of food similar to pork jelly.

This was cooked before departure, with meat boiled as much as possible, chopped, and added to the pot with water. After boiling to a soft consistency, it was poured into jars and left to cool, solidifying into a jelly-like substance like cold jelly.

With added salt, this salted food was very resistant to storage and tasted good.

After dinner, the fire was extinguished, and at Han Cheng's command, everyone returned to the boat.

They pushed the single wooden boat into the water for a distance, then, about ten meters away from the riverbank, they secured it with the two poles they brought along.

Tonight, they would sleep on the single wooden boat.

Although they were riding a single wooden boat, the space inside it was not small—nearly two meters wide.

This was mainly because the trees where they lived were so thick.

With Han Cheng and nineteen other people spread out among these four small boats to sleep, although it was a bit crowded, they could still sleep.

Han Cheng had tested all of this before departure.

He had no intention of spending the night in a completely unfamiliar land.

Otherwise, it would be too unfair if they were eaten by something in the middle of the night.

Starting tomorrow, they would need to inspect the situation on both sides of the river more closely.

The main goal was to see if any plants were missing from the Green Sparrow Tribe and, preferably, to find some essential minerals.

Although the primary purpose of this trip was to confirm whether this was indeed a primitive human reserve, these tasks still needed to be done.

Whether they stay or leave, these things are essential to the Green Sparrow Tribe.

Covered in fur, watching the starry sky, listening to the occasional sound of river water lapping against the boat, Han Cheng's mind was filled with thoughts, and he didn't know when he fell asleep.

The next day, they woke up and pulled out the fish traps that had been in the water all night, yielding a total harvest.

Fresh fish, along with several birds shot secretly by the Third Senior Brother and two others using bows and arrows, became the breakfast for the people of the Green Sparrow Tribe.

After eating, they put the fish traps back into the water, armed themselves, and proceeded cautiously towards the riverbank farther away from the water.

Along the way, they occasionally made noise by tapping with their spears or sticks.

Disturbing the grass might not only snakes but also other things.

The grass was over half a meter high on the ground along the way, and years of flooding had left behind lots of dry grass and debris.

Han Cheng walked while observing, occasionally jotting down notes on the bark he held in his hand with a charcoal pencil.

The view here was much broader than where the Green Sparrow Tribe lived, with a flat overall terrain, and the mountains on this side were far from the riverbank.

It would be suitable for cultivation.

Thinking like this, Han Cheng couldn't help but smile. He truly inherited the excellent racial talent of the Chinese nation. Whenever he saw land, he wanted to plant something.

Climbing a not-too-high hill close to the riverbank, Han Cheng looked around, surrounded by lush vitality and a wild atmosphere.

After observing for a while, a green area about a mile away caught Han Cheng's attention.

This is…

This is bamboo?!

"Let's go, check it out."

Suppressing the joy in his heart, Han Cheng said to his senior brothers.

After a not-so-easy walk, a bamboo forest appeared more clearly in front of them.

With its jade-like slender figure and equally slender leaves, it made a ‘rustling' sound in the wind.

There were few weeds and other trees in the forest, only a pile of yellowed bamboo leaves accumulated over many years, interspersed with sporadic shoots that hadn't grown much yet.

Looking at the bamboo forest, Han Cheng couldn't help but smile.

This was a treasure trove from top to bottom! With these, the Green Sparrow Tribe would have another excellent material for making things in the future.

Just in terms of weaving, bamboo had many advantages that rattan couldn't compare to.

For example, bamboo could be woven throughout the year, while rattan had a certain time limit. Moreover, bamboo was far more malleable than rattan.

But what excited Han Cheng the most wasn't the bamboo itself, but those shoots that hadn't yet grown. These things were absolutely delicious.

During the season when rapeseed flowers bloomed, some impatient shoots had already sprouted, and there were even more shoots waiting to emerge from underground.


Excitedly, Han Cheng said to his senior brothers.

His senior brothers, who were already good eaters, were now showing signs of developing into gourmet enthusiasts under Han Cheng's influence. After learning from Han Cheng about the deliciousness of bamboo shoots, there was no need for Han Cheng to do much persuasion. They eagerly took up their spades and started digging.

Tonight, for the newly named Egret River area by Han Cheng, it was destined to be extraordinary.

Not only were two long-legged egrets roasted and eaten but also a group of people was reclaiming the previously desolate mudflats.

From being deserted and uninhabited, it now had the aura of human activity.

Under the flickering firelight, accompanied by rushing water, several fish traps that hadn't been submerged for long were pulled out, revealing a few lively fish.

Han Cheng and his group brought along the fish traps.

"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime," Han Cheng remembered this profound ancient saying very well. So, besides bringing along plenty of salted fish, he also brought several fish traps.

They would be traveling along the river all the way, so with these fish traps, they wouldn't starve to death.

However, the fish here were not as easy to catch as those in front of the Green Sparrow Tribe. Bait was necessary in the fish traps to lure them in.

The fish from the traps were taken out. Tie Tou was kind-hearted and couldn't bear to see the fish suffer. After each fish received two blows to the head, they stopped struggling.

The traps baited with fresh bait were placed back into the water. When away from home, they should eat as little of their own provisions as possible to avoid famine if they are unable to catch food.

These fish traps, which were made half a year ago, were quite different from those Han Cheng had made initially.

These fish traps were woven from rattan. They formed hollow cylindrical shapes, with one end closed and the other topped with a conical funnel woven from rattan, securely connected with rattan strips.

Such fish traps were simple and easy to make and more sturdy and durable than the ones Han Cheng originally made with ropes.

So, all the fish traps of the Green Sparrow Tribe have been updated and replaced with this type of fish trap.

As the flames danced and the aroma of food wafted out, the gradually darkening night sky became deep, filled with countless stars.

The eighteen people who came along had a relatively simple meal.

Two unlucky egrets, along with the newly caught fish and the salted fish brought along, were cooked into soup and a jar of food similar to pork jelly.

This was cooked before departure, with meat boiled as much as possible, chopped, and added to the pot with water. After boiling to a soft consistency, it was poured into jars and left to cool, solidifying into a jelly-like substance like cold jelly.

With added salt, this salted food was very resistant to storage and tasted good.

After dinner, the fire was extinguished, and at Han Cheng's command, everyone returned to the boat.

They pushed the single wooden boat into the water for a distance, then, about ten meters away from the riverbank, they secured it with the two poles they brought along.

Tonight, they would sleep on the single wooden boat.

Although they were riding a single wooden boat, the space inside it was not small—nearly two meters wide.

This was mainly because the trees where they lived were so thick.

With Han Cheng and nineteen other people spread out among these four small boats to sleep, although it was a bit crowded, they could still sleep.

Han Cheng had tested all of this before departure.

He had no intention of spending the night in a completely unfamiliar land.

Otherwise, it would be too unfair if they were eaten by something in the middle of the night.

Starting tomorrow, they would need to inspect the situation on both sides of the river more closely.

The main goal was to see if any plants were missing from the Green Sparrow Tribe and, preferably, to find some essential minerals.

Although the primary purpose of this trip was to confirm whether this was indeed a primitive human reserve, these tasks still needed to be done.

Whether they stay or leave, these things are essential to the Green Sparrow Tribe.

Covered in fur, watching the starry sky, listening to the occasional sound of river water lapping against the boat, Han Cheng's mind was filled with thoughts, and he didn't know when he fell asleep.

The next day, they woke up and pulled out the fish traps that had been in the water all night, yielding a total harvest.

Fresh fish, along with several birds shot secretly by the Third Senior Brother and two others using bows and arrows, became the breakfast for the people of the Green Sparrow Tribe.

After eating, they put the fish traps back into the water, armed themselves, and proceeded cautiously towards the riverbank farther away from the water.

Along the way, they occasionally made noise by tapping with their spears or sticks.

Disturbing the grass might not only snakes but also other things.

The grass was over half a meter high on the ground along the way, and years of flooding had left behind lots of dry grass and debris.

Han Cheng walked while observing, occasionally jotting down notes on the bark he held in his hand with a charcoal pencil.

The view here was much broader than where the Green Sparrow Tribe lived, with a flat overall terrain, and the mountains on this side were far from the riverbank.

It would be suitable for cultivation.

Thinking like this, Han Cheng couldn't help but smile. He truly inherited the excellent racial talent of the Chinese nation. Whenever he saw land, he wanted to plant something.

Climbing a not-too-high hill close to the riverbank, Han Cheng looked around, surrounded by lush vitality and a wild atmosphere.

After observing for a while, a green area about a mile away caught Han Cheng's attention.

This is…

This is bamboo?!

"Let's go, check it out."

Suppressing the joy in his heart, Han Cheng said to his senior brothers.

After a not-so-easy walk, a bamboo forest appeared more clearly in front of them.

With its jade-like slender figure and equally slender leaves, it made a ‘rustling' sound in the wind.

There were few weeds and other trees in the forest, only a pile of yellowed bamboo leaves accumulated over many years, interspersed with sporadic shoots that hadn't grown much yet.

Looking at the bamboo forest, Han Cheng couldn't help but smile.

This was a treasure trove from top to bottom! With these, the Green Sparrow Tribe would have another excellent material for making things in the future.

Just in terms of weaving, bamboo had many advantages that rattan couldn't compare to.

For example, bamboo could be woven throughout the year, while rattan had a certain time limit. Moreover, bamboo was far more malleable than rattan.

But what excited Han Cheng the most wasn't the bamboo itself, but those shoots that hadn't yet grown. These things were absolutely delicious.

During the season when rapeseed flowers bloomed, some impatient shoots had already sprouted, and there were even more shoots waiting to emerge from underground.


Excitedly, Han Cheng said to his senior brothers.

His senior brothers, who were already good eaters, were now showing signs of developing into gourmet enthusiasts under Han Cheng's influence. After learning from Han Cheng about the deliciousness of bamboo shoots, there was no need for Han Cheng to do much persuasion. They eagerly took up their spades and started digging.

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