"Yo yo…"

Perhaps feeling annoyed that someone was calling them dumb for not being able to master a foreign language taught by someone else, the little deer made a "yo yo" sound.

"Don't call like that."

Shi Tou's voice sounded somewhat impatient and severe.

"Say it with me—'Shi Tou.'"

"Yo yo."

"Shi Tou."

"Yo yo."

Shi Tou's ridiculous actions dumbfounded Han Cheng.

This was even more excessive than what he had done himself. Initially, he taught Fu Jiang some language skills that a dog must master, but now Shi Tou treats deer as anything but deer.

Compared to teaching Fu Jiang to speak, teaching the deer to do fieldwork was the real challenge!

Suppressing his laughter, Han Cheng left without disturbing Shi Tou, who was preparing to spread Mandarin to all tribes.

After the country's founding, demons and monsters were not allowed to become spirits, but now, who knows which dynasty it was? Maybe Shi Tou could really teach one or two oddities to speak.

Han Cheng found this amusing.

It wasn't until several months later that Han Cheng learned the true intention behind Shi Tou teaching the deer to speak and repeatedly telling them the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.

By then, he had returned in a canoe from outside.

"Divine Child…"

On the third afternoon after Han Cheng's return, Shi Tou came to find him, tears streaming down his face as soon as he opened his mouth.

Han Cheng was greatly alarmed. What had happened to this child while he was away? Why did he look so miserable?

"What's wrong? Who bullied you?"

Han Cheng asked as he approached.

He cared a lot about this intelligent and studious kid.

"The little deer…"

Shi Tou said pitifully.

What? Could it be that the little deer directly drank deer milk and then got beaten up by the deer?

Han Cheng thought to himself, but he heard Shi Tou continue, "It can't speak. I've been teaching it for so long, but it still can't speak."

As Shi Tou talked about this, he became even more miserable. He had never cried before, but tears were streaming down his face.

Han Cheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry. So, this was what it was about. That would be terrifying if the little deer learned to speak because of you.

If that were the case, I would find a tall cliff to jump off and see if I could find the Exorcism Sword Manual, the Sunflower Scripture, or the Nine Yang Divine Art.

As Han Cheng was about to comfort Shi Tou, what Shi Tou said next instantly made Han Cheng's eyes widen, and he almost spat out his tea.

"The little deer can't speak, and if I wear its skin, I can't ascend to heaven…"

He wanted to ascend to heaven, side by side with the sun!

Of course, these were all stories for later.

Now, let's refocus our attention to the downstream of the river of time and continue to look at this land covered by spring.

The Deer Lord was still being lured forward by the rapeseed that always managed to eat it, while Fu Jiang led the fluffy, ball-like Five Little Blessings out of the tribe and walked in the spring fields.

With their short legs, the Five Little Blessings curiously surveyed this novel world, rolling around on the ground like a few fluffy balls.

The lighter-colored Xiao Fu stood there, tilting its head to look at a cluster of bright red flowers, looking dumbfounded.

After watching for a while, it awkwardly opened its toothed mouth and clumsily bit the flower, but suddenly, a bird flew out of the nearby bushes and flapped its wings toward the sky.

The Xiao Fu was startled and tumbled over, panicking and calling out. Then, stumbled towards its mother, running with its short legs.

About a quarter of the fields had been harrowed twice, and the soil had become loose, with few large clods.

Han Cheng stopped harrowing and began to sow the already threshed grain into the ground using a pottery basin.

Bugs Bunny, whom Han Cheng intended to train as an expert in agriculture, joined him in this task.

Bugs Bunny was a native of the Green Sparrow Tribe. His peculiar name was partly due to his fondness for eating rabbit meat and wearing clothes made of rabbit fur and partly due to Han Cheng's mischievous sense of humor.

"The gaps between the seeds should be smaller; don't sow too much at once…"

"Sow more evenly, see where it hasn't been sown, then sow a little more…"

In the moist and loose fields, Han Cheng's instructions to Bugs Bunny could be heard occasionally.

When developing under impoverished conditions, various talents needed to be cultivated, especially in fundamental agricultural planting, which was not to be underestimated.

After sowing the seeds, Deer Lord and several other deer could walk through the fields with a harrow to smooth them out.

The soil brought up by the harrow would cover the grains that had fallen into the ground.

Although it couldn't cover them all, covering most of them was still achievable.

The weather was favorable, and just after the first batch of grains was sown, a precious spring rain began to fall.

As if explicitly watering these hopeful grains, the rain stopped, and the clouds cleared the next day.

During this time, people from the Green Tribe, the Sheep Tribe, and the Bone Tribe also came one after another. They mostly came to get salt for free, and few brought things to exchange for pottery, which Han Cheng had anticipated beforehand and didn't find strange.

The leader of the Green Tribe left the Green Sparrow Tribe with two jars of free salt, leading his people away.

Looking at the land devoid of trees or grass, he was doubtful.

He didn't understand why this prosperous and generous tribe would do such a strange thing—why would they cut down trees and turn over the land?

Wasn't this tiring? How could it compare to hunting?

When he thought of hunting, he couldn't help but think of the larger deer he had just seen in this wealthy tribe. They looked so tempting.

Deer were fast and not easy to catch, and the Green Tribe hadn't eaten deer meat since a long time ago.

Roasted deer meat sprinkled with salt would surely be even more delicious.

The leader of the Green Tribe licked his lips involuntarily.

Suddenly, a brilliant idea appeared in his mind.

Deer were hard to catch, but this tribe had many of them. When the fruits were ripe, the wild grass around his tribe would also mature.

When the time came, he could bring some wild grass over and exchange it for a deer from this tribe.

After all, this tribe liked wild grass so much, and their leader was so generous or rather foolish…

With a heart full of joy, the leader of the Green Tribe withdrew his gaze from the prosperous tribe to the west and headed back towards his tribe, secretly sighing for his cleverness.

With such a clever and capable leader in his tribe, it was no wonder they lived so comfortably.

With this thought in mind, the leader of the Green Tribe felt content for a long time to come.


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