I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 245: Shaman: What's wrong with the Divine Child?

Eldest Senior Brother: He's feeling amorous.

"Shaman! I got it…"

Eldest Senior Brother seemed somewhat excited.

His initial ‘Shaman!' was loud, but then he realized something and lowered his voice.


Caught off guard by Eldest Senior Brother's sudden outburst, Shaman, who was lost in thought, asked hastily after realizing what Eldest Senior Brother meant.

Eldest Senior Brother chuckled lowly and shared his thoughts with Shaman.

After listening, Shaman hesitated momentarily and said, "The Divine Child is not of age…"

Eldest Senior Brother chuckled again. Who said one needed to be of age for this? He hadn't been of age back then…

Of course, he didn't dare to tell Shaman about that.

"Divine Child, it's different," Eldest Senior Brother shook his head vigorously.

"Divine Child understands everything…"

Under Eldest Senior Brother's persuasion, Shaman also became hesitant.

He agreed with Eldest Senior Brother's words. Divine Child was the most intelligent person. Other than the possibility mentioned by Eldest Senior Brother, there didn't seem to be any other explanation for Divine Child's behavior. But… something felt off.

Shaman hesitated, pondering over it silently.

"Shaman, look…"

Seeing Shaman hesitant, Eldest Senior Brother sat down near the south wall and discreetly pointed.

"Divine Child has been staring at that spot for a long time without turning his head."

Eldest Senior Brother chuckled and added.

Shaman also noticed this. He didn't speak immediately but stood quietly, tilting his head and staring.

Divine Child was still staring in their direction when he saw Xing, Xiao Mei, and Xiao Li leaving. Shaman finally agreed with Eldest Senior Brother's explanation.

"They… aren't beautiful enough…"

After confirming this, Shaman reflected on Xing, Xiao Mei, and Xiao Li's appearances, feeling somewhat dissatisfied.

They genuinely wanted to offer Divine Child the best. Xing, Xiao Mei, and Xiao Li were far less attractive than the others, which disappointed Shaman.

Scratching his head, Eldest Senior Brother felt somewhat troubled. He suddenly considered offering his big-bottomed partner to Divine Child at that moment.

After sharing this idea with Shaman, Shaman thought about it for a while and rejected it.

His reason was that Divine Child had only been staring at Xing, not at Eldest Senior Brother's big-bottomed partner…

After discussing for a while, they finally made a decision.

Xing, not Xiao Mei or Xiao Li, would be sent to accompany Divine Child to sleep.

The reason was simple: Xiao Mei and Xiao Li were less beautiful than Xing Cheng.

Although the matter was settled, Eldest Senior Brother still felt somewhat regretful. He believed that only the most beautiful woman could match Divine Child.

It wasn't just him; everyone in the tribe thought the same.

Eldest Senior Brother silently vowed that if he had the chance, he would find the most beautiful woman to be Divine Child's partner, even more beautiful Xing!

Shaman and Eldest Senior Brother were straightforward and had a primitive style. They wasted no time getting things done.

After confirming the matter, they immediately put it into action.

When Xing, playing outside with Xiao Mei, Xiao Li, and others, was called back and informed of the matter, she was taken to the tribe's cave to bathe.

There were three large tubs, one reserved for Divine Child and the other for communal use.

In the past, the people of the Green Sparrow tribe didn't bother with such formalities. They slept together when it was time to sleep.

The reason why Xing was sent to bathe was because Shaman knew that Divine Child liked cleanliness…

It must be said that Shaman, this old primitive man, truly cared a lot for Han Cheng, considering everything very thoughtfully and comprehensively.

Unaware of everything, Han Cheng continued to lean against the southern wall, pondering over his upcoming journey, oblivious to the events unfolding around him.

If he knew, he probably wouldn't dare to daydream like this.

It would be feasible to start the journey next spring.

With the appearance of bows and arrows, as well as slings, the combat effectiveness of the Green Sparrow tribe was greatly enhanced, whether in defense or offense.

Taking advantage of this winter's leisure time, everyone needed to practice more and become proficient with these two weapons.

Of course, the water route was chosen as the mode of travel. It was convenient, labor-saving, and much safer than traveling on land.

Having accompanied Eldest Senior Brother and others on a few outings, Han Cheng had witnessed the difficulties of traveling on land, especially in places where people rarely tread.

And due to the era, as far as Han Cheng knew, there were far too many places where people rarely ventured…

He pondered these matters, occasionally fantasizing about the things he might encounter during the journey and the fate of the Green Sparrow tribe when they reached a civilized world. He was deeply engrossed in these thoughts.

After dinner, as usual, Han Cheng put down his bowl, left the cave, and headed toward his room.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t notice Xing passing by him several times during dinner.

"Knock, knock, knock…"

There was a knocking on the door.

"Who's there?"

Han Cheng listened for a while in the room lit by an oil lamp. Seeing that the knocking didn't cease, he asked.

"It's me, Xing…"

Han Cheng couldn't help but feel surprised. What was she doing here at this hour?

Other than the Eldest Senior Brother and Shi Tou, people from the tribe generally didn't come here quickly, and Xing had never visited before.

"Do you need something?"

Han Cheng asked after giving it some thought.

He had already crawled into bed and didn't want to get up to open the door at this moment.

"Yes… I do."

After Han Cheng's reluctant response, Xing finally uttered the words Han Cheng least wanted to hear.

After telling Xing to wait momentarily, Han Cheng reluctantly put on some clothes.

After opening the door, he saw Xing standing there.

Whether it was an illusion or not, Xing seemed cleaner today than usual.

"What's the matter?"

After letting Xing in, Han Cheng asked, leaving the door open.

Although he was in a primitive tribe and many customs were more open compared to later eras, Han Cheng was still a person with principles. Therefore, he needed to be cautious about details.

Of course, this also had something to do with Xing being stronger and more solidly built than him.

Han Cheng's principles would have disappeared if it were a fair-skinned, beautiful woman with a charming face and figure. Not only would he have closed the door, but he would have…


Primitive people were indeed straightforward, without the coyness or thinly veiled intentions of later women. Faced with Divine Child's inquiry, Xing promptly stated her purpose for coming.

Eldest Senior Brother: He's feeling amorous.

"Shaman! I got it…"

Eldest Senior Brother seemed somewhat excited.

His initial ‘Shaman!' was loud, but then he realized something and lowered his voice.


Caught off guard by Eldest Senior Brother's sudden outburst, Shaman, who was lost in thought, asked hastily after realizing what Eldest Senior Brother meant.

Eldest Senior Brother chuckled lowly and shared his thoughts with Shaman.

After listening, Shaman hesitated momentarily and said, "The Divine Child is not of age…"

Eldest Senior Brother chuckled again. Who said one needed to be of age for this? He hadn't been of age back then…

Of course, he didn't dare to tell Shaman about that.

"Divine Child, it's different," Eldest Senior Brother shook his head vigorously.

"Divine Child understands everything…"

Under Eldest Senior Brother's persuasion, Shaman also became hesitant.

He agreed with Eldest Senior Brother's words. Divine Child was the most intelligent person. Other than the possibility mentioned by Eldest Senior Brother, there didn't seem to be any other explanation for Divine Child's behavior. But… something felt off.

Shaman hesitated, pondering over it silently.

"Shaman, look…"

Seeing Shaman hesitant, Eldest Senior Brother sat down near the south wall and discreetly pointed.

"Divine Child has been staring at that spot for a long time without turning his head."

Eldest Senior Brother chuckled and added.

Shaman also noticed this. He didn't speak immediately but stood quietly, tilting his head and staring.

Divine Child was still staring in their direction when he saw Xing, Xiao Mei, and Xiao Li leaving. Shaman finally agreed with Eldest Senior Brother's explanation.

"They… aren't beautiful enough…"

After confirming this, Shaman reflected on Xing, Xiao Mei, and Xiao Li's appearances, feeling somewhat dissatisfied.

They genuinely wanted to offer Divine Child the best. Xing, Xiao Mei, and Xiao Li were far less attractive than the others, which disappointed Shaman.

Scratching his head, Eldest Senior Brother felt somewhat troubled. He suddenly considered offering his big-bottomed partner to Divine Child at that moment.

After sharing this idea with Shaman, Shaman thought about it for a while and rejected it.

His reason was that Divine Child had only been staring at Xing, not at Eldest Senior Brother's big-bottomed partner…

After discussing for a while, they finally made a decision.

Xing, not Xiao Mei or Xiao Li, would be sent to accompany Divine Child to sleep.

The reason was simple: Xiao Mei and Xiao Li were less beautiful than Xing Cheng.

Although the matter was settled, Eldest Senior Brother still felt somewhat regretful. He believed that only the most beautiful woman could match Divine Child.

It wasn't just him; everyone in the tribe thought the same.

Eldest Senior Brother silently vowed that if he had the chance, he would find the most beautiful woman to be Divine Child's partner, even more beautiful Xing!

Shaman and Eldest Senior Brother were straightforward and had a primitive style. They wasted no time getting things done.

After confirming the matter, they immediately put it into action.

When Xing, playing outside with Xiao Mei, Xiao Li, and others, was called back and informed of the matter, she was taken to the tribe's cave to bathe.

There were three large tubs, one reserved for Divine Child and the other for communal use.

In the past, the people of the Green Sparrow tribe didn't bother with such formalities. They slept together when it was time to sleep.

The reason why Xing was sent to bathe was because Shaman knew that Divine Child liked cleanliness…

It must be said that Shaman, this old primitive man, truly cared a lot for Han Cheng, considering everything very thoughtfully and comprehensively.

Unaware of everything, Han Cheng continued to lean against the southern wall, pondering over his upcoming journey, oblivious to the events unfolding around him.

If he knew, he probably wouldn't dare to daydream like this.

It would be feasible to start the journey next spring.

With the appearance of bows and arrows, as well as slings, the combat effectiveness of the Green Sparrow tribe was greatly enhanced, whether in defense or offense.

Taking advantage of this winter's leisure time, everyone needed to practice more and become proficient with these two weapons.

Of course, the water route was chosen as the mode of travel. It was convenient, labor-saving, and much safer than traveling on land.

Having accompanied Eldest Senior Brother and others on a few outings, Han Cheng had witnessed the difficulties of traveling on land, especially in places where people rarely tread.

And due to the era, as far as Han Cheng knew, there were far too many places where people rarely ventured…

He pondered these matters, occasionally fantasizing about the things he might encounter during the journey and the fate of the Green Sparrow tribe when they reached a civilized world. He was deeply engrossed in these thoughts.

After dinner, as usual, Han Cheng put down his bowl, left the cave, and headed toward his room.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t notice Xing passing by him several times during dinner.

"Knock, knock, knock…"

There was a knocking on the door.

"Who's there?"

Han Cheng listened for a while in the room lit by an oil lamp. Seeing that the knocking didn't cease, he asked.

"It's me, Xing…"

Han Cheng couldn't help but feel surprised. What was she doing here at this hour?

Other than the Eldest Senior Brother and Shi Tou, people from the tribe generally didn't come here quickly, and Xing had never visited before.

"Do you need something?"

Han Cheng asked after giving it some thought.

He had already crawled into bed and didn't want to get up to open the door at this moment.

"Yes… I do."

After Han Cheng's reluctant response, Xing finally uttered the words Han Cheng least wanted to hear.

After telling Xing to wait momentarily, Han Cheng reluctantly put on some clothes.

After opening the door, he saw Xing standing there.

Whether it was an illusion or not, Xing seemed cleaner today than usual.

"What's the matter?"

After letting Xing in, Han Cheng asked, leaving the door open.

Although he was in a primitive tribe and many customs were more open compared to later eras, Han Cheng was still a person with principles. Therefore, he needed to be cautious about details.

Of course, this also had something to do with Xing being stronger and more solidly built than him.

Han Cheng's principles would have disappeared if it were a fair-skinned, beautiful woman with a charming face and figure. Not only would he have closed the door, but he would have…


Primitive people were indeed straightforward, without the coyness or thinly veiled intentions of later women. Faced with Divine Child's inquiry, Xing promptly stated her purpose for coming.

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