I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 226: The suffering Sheep Tribe and the distressed Han Cheng

Han Cheng guessed right. The leader of the Sheep Tribe and the people of the tribe were indeed distressed.

On the journey back to the Green Sparrow Tribe with the hats and gloves, cutting the leather was already quite difficult for them.

Using stone and bone knives alternately, they struggled for a long time before finally splitting a piece of leather in half.

The split leather looked miserable. The part where it was cut, had many hairs falling out.

Then, they had to make holes along the edges of the leather and find sturdy grass to thread through…

After much effort, they finally made one glove eight days later.

Looking at the extremely ugly glove they had made, the leader of the Sheep Tribe and the others couldn't help but laugh.

This glove made by them was passed around among them non-stop.

However, when they looked at the two gloves they had exchanged from the Green Sparrow Tribe, their joy couldn't help but falter.

The difference between the two was simply too great…

Encouraging the others, the leader of the Sheep Tribe said they would be able to make gloves as good as those from the Green Sparrow Tribe, and then…

And now he was sitting among a pile of gloves, lost in thought.

Some of these gloves were already quite similar to the ones brought back from the Green Sparrow Tribe in appearance (which was also somewhat related to them feeling the Green Sparrow Tribe's gloves in the dark). Still, as soon as you touched them, you could immediately feel the vast difference between them.

The gloves exchanged from the Green Sparrow Tribe were soft and smooth, allowing for flexibility, while the ones they made were tough and prone to shedding.

Because of their hardness, they quickly aggravated the cracks or frostbite on their hands, which was even more uncomfortable than not wearing gloves at all.

The leader of the Sheep Tribe scratched his head vigorously, unable to understand why there was such a big difference between the two.

They could slowly solve problems like splitting the leather, making holes, and threading grass, but how to make the stiff leather soft was a baffling problem.

How did that tribe manage to do it?

This was already the umpteenth time he had asked himself this question.

As two people from the tribe ran over to report that another sheep had died, the leader of the Sheep Tribe, who had become accustomed to such news, waved them away to skin the emaciated sheep.

When he had just left the Green Sparrow Tribe, he thought he had learned a lot and could significantly improve the life of his tribe.

However, as he began to implement one thing after another, he realized that what he knew didn't make much difference to the current situation of his tribe. Instead, it brought about a lot of additional troubles.

At least in previous years, when the weather turned cold, they could stay in their caves without going out, but not this year…

He thought he knew everything, but when he returned, he found that things were completely different from what he had imagined…

How did that tribe manage to do it?!

The leader of the Sheep Tribe once again asked himself this question, and with his question, the panic-inducing thought that he had suppressed earlier suddenly resurfaced, making his heart pound…

To enjoy civilization, one must first endure the pain brought by civilization. What the Sheep Tribe is experiencing now is necessary for civilization.

It's just that they don't know if their path will deviate…

Eldest Senior Brother's dream of quickly putting hats on all the fences would have to be postponed again.

Shortly after the people of the Sheep Tribe left and Han Cheng and Shaman discussed the method of pirating the fence, another tribe arrived.

This tribe was the distinctive Donkey Tribe.

Compared to the Sheep Tribe, who carried large bundles of fur, the Donkey Tribe appeared much more relaxed.

They didn't bring anything else besides twelve pieces of leather, food for their journey, and an empty pottery jar.

They exchanged these twelve pieces of leather for a large pottery jar, and with this jar and the one they brought, they took away two jars of salt from the Green Sparrow Tribe.

Eldest Senior Brother was prepared to sell their hats and gloves to the people of the Donkey Tribe using the same approach he used with the Sheep Tribe, but Han Cheng stopped him.

"Divine Child, why not give them…"

Watching the Donkey Tribe depart with the salt, Eldest Senior Brother asked Han Cheng, somewhat puzzled.

He was puzzled because the Divine Child had agreed to it before, so why did he suddenly change his mind?

Among the nearby tribes, the Donkey Tribe was the poorest, which Han Cheng had concluded before.

Seeing how they only brought back twelve pieces of leather after traveling such a long and cold journey to exchange, their poverty was even more severe than Han Cheng had imagined.

For tribes like the Donkey Tribe, they could be drained just with pottery, let alone hats and gloves, to avoid overcommitting resources.

Han Cheng, who treated the people of the Green Sparrow Tribe exceptionally well, was quite stingy when it came to people not belonging to their tribe.

Even occasional generosity was calculated.

As a nobody in his past life, Han Cheng might not have survived beyond three episodes in another world, but in the primitive era, he didn't have to worry too much. In terms of cunning schemes, Han Cheng was confident he could outsmart the people of this era by a large margin.

From this perspective, throwing him into primitive society wasn't necessarily bad.

Perhaps even the heavens were a little disgusted with this guy bullying primitive people, so when it came to the charcoal he desperately wanted to produce, they gave him enough hardships.

Looking at the almost wholly burnt firewood before him and the remaining charcoal, Han Cheng felt like crying without tears.

The sense of superiority he had felt from intellectually and experientially overwhelming primitive people was utterly shattered.

Han Cheng also felt pressed down and rubbed against the ground.

After failing multiple times to burn charcoal using the clay oven built by Hei Wa, Han Cheng seriously summarized his experience and logically shifted the blame to the clay oven.

The implication was that it wasn't his method that didn't work but that the clay oven used for firing ceramics wasn't suitable for burning charcoal.

This bluntly shifted blame left Hei Wa, who was following along, dumbfounded.

After listening to the Divine Child’s detailed analysis of the uneven heating of the clay oven leading to the repeated failure to burn charcoal, Hei Wa, who had been successfully brainwashed by the Divine Child, enthusiastically adopted a new method to burn charcoal.

This method was the same as Han Cheng used to fire ceramics—piling up the firewood for charcoal and then covering it with a thick layer of mud outside.

To address the problem of uneven heating fully, Han Cheng directly opened twelve fire holes under the pile of firewood after applying the mud.

Then, after giving the order, he let the people nearby light the fire together.

After the wood in the pile, sealed with mud, was burned through from the top, showing that even the wood in the middle was burning, Han Cheng, with the demeanor of a great general, gave the order to plug up all twelve fire holes and the ventilation hole on top with everyone's help at the fastest speed.

Han Cheng carefully considered this method. In his plan, such operations should not have many mistakes.

Because he had already calculated beforehand, he appeared calm and unhurried in his actions.

As a prominent figure in the Green Sparrow Tribe, Han Cheng's actions were bound to attract attention.

The people of the Green Sparrow Tribe knew about the Divine Child repeated failures in charcoal burning, despite his all-knowing and all-powerful image. Seeing the Divine Child's confident demeanor yesterday and his return to his usual calm and composed self, they knew he would succeed this time. Furthermore, with the "hats" already in place on the fences, they all came to support the Divine Child.

They wanted to share the joy of success with the Divine Child and witness the miracle together.

And then…

And then, as they watched the unexpected scene before them, everyone looked at each other in astonishment.

Even though Han Cheng had long trained his poker face, he couldn't help but feel a little flushed under the current circumstances.

What the hell was going on here?

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