I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 183: The Proud Fire One

The gates of the Green Sparrow Tribe opened once again. After hesitating for a while, the leaders of the Green Tribe and the Sheep Tribe finally led their people into the tribe, carrying the pottery they had taken back.

The Eldest Senior Brother stood at the tribe's entrance, warmly welcoming them. Initially, he had been quite displeased with the flip-flopping behavior of these two tribes. However, upon hearing the unexpected reason, his dissatisfaction mostly disappeared, and after a few whispered words from the godson, he even showed a smile, warmly welcoming the two tribes.

The leader of the Green Tribe widened his eyes again, looking at the twelve sheep still lying on the ground that hadn't been completely processed. He was extremely surprised.

This neighboring tribe always brought surprises.

As he thought about it, his gaze fell on the Sheep Tribe standing not far away, and he suddenly realized.

No wonder the people from the Sheep Tribe could bring back so many pottery items from here at once; it turned out they had brought valuable things!

Thinking back to exchanging a lot of not-so-good food for a large jar and two pottery vessels, he couldn't help but feel delighted. He felt that the leader of the Sheep Tribe wasn't as capable as himself.

If he had been the one making the exchange, he could have easily traded all the pottery of this neighboring tribe for so many sheep!

Thinking this way, he also considered that in the future, his tribe would only need to use basic grass spikes they didn't eat much and unused fur to exchange for precious pottery. Meanwhile, the people of the Sheep Tribe were still foolishly using precious food to make exchanges. This made him even more pleased.

Han Cheng, who was watching from a distance as a transmigrated person, didn't realize that the leader of the Green Tribe was such an internally dramatic primitive man.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss."

The elderly Fire One, carrying a hand drill, entered the courtyard. He piled up a small stack of firewood at the designated location as instructed by the Eldest Senior Brother, with an even larger pile next to it.

Fire One’s actions were not unfamiliar to the people of these tribes. They knew he would start a fire by observing Fire One's actions.

As the tribe leader had said, they intended to use the large pot that they considered not good and cook a pot of soup to prove that there was nothing wrong with the pottery.

"Next, he will bring burning charcoal from the cave to ignite the firewood."

This was the collective thought of all the outsiders paying attention to the situation here when they saw Fire One neatly arrange the small stack of firewood. However, Fire One's subsequent actions surprised all of them.

Instead of getting up to fetch charcoal from the cave, as they expected, Fire One took the perforated wooden stick used for drilling fire that he had brought out earlier and placed it in front of him, securing it with his foot.

Previously, this wooden stick had been placed upside down, with all the fire-drilling grooves facing the ground. Since these people hadn't considered the possibility of drilling wood for fire, they hadn't paid attention to the wooden stick.

It wasn't until Fire One took the wooden stick, put it in front of him, and pressed it onto the fire starter, assuming a posture for drilling wood, that the onlookers showed surprised expressions.

Was this neighboring tribe so fierce? Did even the elderly have to drill wood for fire? Wasn't this something that required young and strong individuals to do?

Some people recalled occasional attempts at fire-drilling in their tribes, feeling uncomfortable at the thought. Even if this old primitive man could drill fire, it would take a long time.

They were eager to learn how to cook delicious meat soup with pottery, and just starting a fire took such a long time…



Before their thoughts could fully materialize, they were shocked by the smoke rising from the fire starter. Some couldn't help but shout, drawing the attention of those dealing with sheep offal, who couldn't help but look in their direction.

Fire One felt delighted and somewhat proud. The things created by the Divine Child were beyond the imagination of these outsiders. He didn't rush to blow on the fire starter; instead, he pressed the hand drill against his leg before picking up the fire starter to blow the fire.

This hand drill was a precious item to him. While he could use it to demonstrate wood drilling for fire to these outsiders, he didn't want them to learn it. Seeing these people's astonished and curious gazes when they looked at the hand drill, he naturally hid it first.

A small flame flickered, igniting the small pile of firewood. When people heard the commotion and saw the flames and the elderly primitive man adding more wood to the fire, they were amazed.

They didn't understand why a fire could cause such a commotion. Was it worth being so amazed?

After familiar people from their tribe explained the truth, they became like the others, wondering what kind of tribe this was that even starting a fire was so extraordinary!


Someone both spoke and gestured to Fire One, wanting to learn this miraculous way of starting a fire.

Fire One, with an air of superiority, though he couldn't understand their words, understood their meaning. He naturally wouldn't reveal this proud skill to unrelated people. Faced with their inquiries, Fire One remained focused on adding wood to the fire.

He thought to himself, fortunately, he was the one starting the fire today. If it were Fire Two, he would lose control and show them the hand drill, maybe even personally demonstrate it a few times…

The fire was lit, and Fire One took the hand drill from under his leg at an age-inappropriate speed, hugged it to his chest, covered it with the animal hide he was wearing, and brought it back to the cave to place it in a secluded spot. Then, he continued tending to the fire.

Stones had been placed around the fire, and the large pot for cooking brought back by the Green Tribe, which had been taken away and returned, was stable on the stones after being cleaned a few times. Then, someone started pouring water into the pot, pot by pot.

After filling most of the pot with water, some people began roughly cutting the cleaned sheep offal with stone knives and throwing them into the pot. After covering it with a lid, they paid no further attention and went about their business, leaving the large pot to simmer.

The leader of the Green Tribe stood nearby, unwilling to miss any details.

Seeing this, he couldn't help scratching his head. He had done the same thing. How could the taste of what was simmered be so different?

Using sheep offal to make soup was Han Cheng's idea. Compared to sheep meat, sheep offal was much harder to store, so it had to be eaten first. And as long as you knew how to do it, the taste of sheep offal soup wouldn't be worse than sheep meat soup.

Of course, that was in the future.

In the present, lacking various seasonings and tools, he didn't have the skill to cook such a delicious sheep offal soup. However, it was not a problem to fool primitive people who had never eaten anything else.

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