I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 160: Getting Fire

A bundle of fire tinder was placed underneath the tree stick, lying flat on the ground with a small hole drilled into it. Han Cheng inserted the wooden rod into the modified hand pressure drill. With one foot stepping on the stick to prevent it from moving, he started pressing the hand drill up and down, using the same technique as when drilling objects.

The wooden drill rod quickly rotated as Han Cheng pressed up and down. In just a few moments, a wisp of blue smoke rose from the hole in the wood, followed by warm, black wood shavings falling from the grooves on either side of the wooden hole onto the soft tinder below.

Han Cheng felt a hint of excitement and continued pressing the hand drill. As the drill continued to rotate, more dark wood shavings fell. In a short time, white smoke began to rise from the tinder beneath the wooden stick.

Han Cheng then took the hand pressure drill away and blew on the tinder with a puff of air. Soon, a small flame appeared.

Reflecting on it, this time, it took only two or three minutes to drill wood and start a fire, which was much faster than the tribe's original method of drilling wood and the firestone method he had used before!

Considering this was his first time using the hand pressure drill for fire-making, the effect was remarkably significant. With more practice over time, the speed would undoubtedly increase.

Han Cheng thought about this and turned to see Lame, who was daydreaming while watching the tinder burn. Han Cheng had an idea and asked Lame to try it.

Excited about the prospect of using a hand pressure drill to create fire, Lame quickly came over, took the hand pressure drill, and, due to excessive excitement, his hands were trembling.

As Lame drilled the hole, black wood shavings flowed out, and white smoke rose from the tinder. Soon, flames danced on the tinder, appearing bright in Lame's eyes.

Lame, being the one who most often used the hand pressure drill in the tribe, was amazed that simply replacing the wooden stick could create fire. When summoned by the Divine Child to try it, Lame had shaky hands due to overwhelming excitement.

The wooden drill rotated, black wood shavings flowed, white smoke emerged, and flames flickered. When Lame saw this, his eyes brightened even more.

In the tribe, Lame used the hand pressure drill most frequently. Now, having him try, he took significantly less time than Han Cheng.

Han Cheng's joy on his face intensified. The problem that had troubled him for so long was unexpectedly resolved using this method!

It wasn't the originally thought-of flint and steel or fire starter; it was the third way!

This made him feel like everything was falling into place. There will be an echo when you hold something dear to your heart!

Seeing the Divine Child happy, Lame also became even more joyful. Holding the uniquely crafted hand pressure drill, he stood on the side smiling foolishly. Lame, who had forgotten his mistake earlier, somehow found his way back and started wagging his tail. Unaware of the past, the Happy Puppy seemed to be jumping around randomly.

Holding the newly crafted fire-making tool, Han Cheng walked back into the cave. He called over Fire One, who was taking care of the fire pit, and asked him to come and witness the wood-drilling fire.

Fire One had recovered. This might be related to the significant improvement in the living standards of the Green Sparrow Tribe since Han Cheng's arrival, which enhanced her resistance. Otherwise, she might not have survived this time.

The blisters on his body had not disappeared but had burst due to continuous sweating. While squatting there looking after the flames, he couldn't stop scratching.

"You come."

Han Cheng extinguished the tinder and then pointed at the hand pressure drill, indicating Fire One to try.

Fire One and Fire Two were getting older, and unlike the shaman who engaged in mental labor, their ability to adapt to new things was not very strong. They could now understand a fair amount of Mandarin, but their speaking ability was limited.

Fire One felt excited and apprehensive about this novel way of starting a fire. After hesitating momentarily, he followed Han Cheng's instructions, taking the hand drill and imitating Han Cheng.

However, while hand drilling seemed smooth in Han Cheng's and Lame's hands, it became cumbersome for Fire One. The drill would go off-center, slip out of the wooden pit, or get stuck after just a couple of turns…

Fire One appeared awkward and wanted to return the tool to the shaman.

On the other hand, Han Cheng waved his hand with a smile, squatting down to teach Fire One patiently. He demonstrated from time to time and even provided hands-on guidance.

Having dealt with elderly people before, Han Cheng understood their feelings well. Moreover, Fire One and Two had been silently contributing to the Green Sparrow Tribe, making him even more patient.

"Fire! Fire!"

Under Han Cheng's tireless guidance, Fire One ignited the tinder with the new tool and excitedly shouted.

Starting a fire by drilling wood was a physically demanding task. Due to his age, Fire One had long stopped doing such chores. Occasionally, when the fire in the pit extinguished unexpectedly, others from the tribe would drill wood for fire.

Now, using the tools made by the shaman, he could drill wood for fire, and he didn't feel tired at all. If he weren't happy, that would be strange.

Excitedly calling out, Fire One reluctantly watched the flame on the tinder extinguish.

After the flame on the tinder ultimately died out, he fetched another bundle of tinder, then used the hand drill to drill wood for fire again, as if he were a child with a new toy filled with joy.

After producing fire two more times, the elated Fire One woke Fire Two, who was currently sleeping after last night's watch.

Fire Two was shaken awake by Fire One, still half-asleep and not understanding what Fire One meant. He felt that Fire One seemed excited as if there was something good to share. So, he groggily followed along, watching Fire One do something strange.

When he saw flames appear with Fire One's actions, the originally drowsy Fire Two suddenly became wide awake.

He pointed to the flames, then to the hand drill, expressing disbelief as he looked at Fire One, murmuring incoherently. He urgently wanted to know what was going on, why Fire One could produce fire like this.

Fire One, who had been previously troubled, now smiled. He was delighted with Fire Two's reaction.

As an experienced person, he began explaining everything to Fire Two.

Fire Two turned around but didn't find the Divine Child's figure. Instead, he bowed towards the inner cave.

Then, he expressed her desire to try it himself and learn this method of fire-starting.

Fire One was naturally delighted. Watching Fire Two's clumsy attempts, he couldn't help feeling a sense of superiority. He then earnestly taught Fire Two what he had just learned from the Divine Child.

The everlasting flame in the tribe's cave had been extinguished. The tribe, accustomed to it, always felt something was missing, and many people inexplicably felt a bit uneasy.

After this continuous situation lasted for several days, it gradually disappeared…

Initially, most people in the tribe were not very supportive of extinguishing that pile of fire, as it had been burning continuously since their birth.

It wasn't until Fire One and Fire Two, who had dedicated several days to practicing drilling wood for fire, appeared on the scene. After quickly drilling fire with the new tools, the doubts in their minds gradually dissipated…

By now, the people of the Green Sparrow tribe have slowly become accustomed to the absence of the fire pit. Fire One or Fire Two can quickly drill fire whenever it's time to cook, never delaying the cooking process. People's lives remain unaffected, and they naturally accept this new reality.

The prickly heat on Fire One and Fire Two, liberated from this situation, gradually dissipated.

The two accustomed to caring for the fire pit initially felt quite uncomfortable, with a sense of idleness, like something was missing.

However, this feeling quickly disappeared because their shaman gave each of them a spindle…

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