The banquet had resumed a lighthearted and easygoing mood as the guests with various statuses inside and outside of Damocles chatted freely after Albion left.

But with him gone and Emperor Polemos's absence, the main focus of the banquet was gone with him.

The banquet served no further purpose than for the gathering of elites to socialize without concern nor pressure between their social differences due to the masks they hid behind.

"So this is the welcoming banquet of the Dark Lord?" Ceone muttered. 

As the crowd transfixed their gazes on the pair of twins with ridiculous yet mesmerizing peacock outfits, the leading 2-star female officer paused her steps. 

"Excuse me, Esteemed Regulators. Was meeting the Dark Lord the main purpose of your visit?" the 2-star female officer inquired. 

"Correct. That is indeed our purpose here," Ceone admitted honestly with a casual nod.

However, it did not take long for her to frown at the crowd with their masks on—even after the Dark Lord had left. 

"Which one of these noble guests is the Dark Lord if you don't mind me asking?" Ceone queried.

"I'm afraid to disappoint the Esteemed Regulators, but none of them are," the 2-star female officer bowed slightly in apology and said, "The Lord had just left earlier to finish his business back on Earth."


Ceone and Cetwo were stunned. 

If the True Immortal was already gone, what other purpose do they still have in attending the banquet in these ridiculous outfits?


"Question; could it be that the True Immortal had known that we were tailing him? Thus, he is purposely avoiding us?" 

"Furthermore, the petrel's attack could have been part of the True Immortal's scheme to throw us off. Otherwise, we would not have missed him," Cetwo mentioned with doubt.

"Answer; that could indeed be the case," Ceone responded as her eyes suddenly flickered thoughtfully before she exclaimed, "Perhaps, the True Immortal peered into the heavenly secrets and found out that our charm is too dangerous, so he had to escape from us?"


Cetwo was a little speechless before she said, "You have changed, Ceone. Have you been impacted by the local culture?"

"No? Of course, not. No way. That's impossible," Ceone denied.


Cetwo hummed suspiciously. 

"Anyway," Ceone shifted the topic with a frown and said, "Since the Dark Lord is not here, we should leave." 

"Agreed, Ceone." Cetwo nodded. 

But before they could leave, they were already surrounded by the crowd after being drawn over to their late-coming and appearances, wanting to befriend and know them.

"This is troublesome… We don't have time to waste here." Ceone frowned in her heart. 

However, she knew she could not simply shrug off the guests coldly as they were all people with statuses.

Glacia continent

After Albion departed for Damocles, Fenrira and Fenrio headed to Stronghold GC-06 to confirm the corpse of Lord Bahram. 

But it did not take long for them to convince the wolf-people under Lord Bahram to surrender to them and take over the settlement. 

However, elite forces from the aristocrat families shortly arrived to rescue the captured hunters and turned the entire region into a great battlefield.

"Stop! The Iceborn Wolf Tribe does not wish to fight!"

"Be careful, Your Highness—Arghh!" 

As Fenrira shouted at the human invaders, one of the human experts snuck up behind her with a sneak attack—only to be blocked by wolf-man. 

However, the fatal blow to the wolf-man's body left him with no chance for survival. 

When Fenrira saw that, she was furious before she snapped, "Listen to your grandma here when she is talking, you hairless monkeys!"

"You are all making a mistake attacking us! My Iceborn Wolf Tribe has a master now, and he will not spare you if you continue this transgression against us!"

Fenrira's voice rippled across the battle within the stronghold. 

However, the human experts did not heed her words and continued to slaughter her tribesmen with haste as they quickly worked their way to the cages to freed the captives. 

"Don't buy into that wolf-girl's words! Hurry up! We must be swift before our commotion attracts more demihumans in the region over! Free the hostages and kill all the wolf-people in your way!" a human expert shouted. 

"What are you all waiting for? Kill! Now is the best chance to rescue people while killing the demihumans for good EXP! The starship sent by Emperor Polemos won't attract the enemy's main forces forever!" another human expert shouted.


The human expert charged. 

Within moments, they killed their way through dozens of wolf-people and reached the cages in Stronghold GC-06 before finding the keys to release the hostages.

"This way, Young Miss! You're safe with us now!" a member of the Xue family spoke after opening the cage of Team Netherfrost. 

"Wait, we should at least listen to that wolf-girl!" Xue Xinya quickly said before she mentioned urgently, "Don't you think it's strange that there's a wolf-girl capable of speaking the human language?" 

"You're right, Young Miss! That is certainly strange!" the member of the Xue family nodded before he suddenly shouted to the other rescuers, "We should capture that wolf-girl! Since she can speak our language, we can definitely extract valuable information from her!" 

"You heard the person from the Xue family. Go and capture that wolf-girl!" a human expert from a different family ordered.

"Yes, sir!" 

"Protect Her Highness!"

The wolf-people quickly discovered the target of the humans before they rushed over to protect their princess from the enemy. 


At the same time, Xue Xinya slammed the caged with her fist in fury before she shouted at the Xue family's member, "You're not listening to me! If there's any chance that the master that wolf-girl is speaking about is the one who slew the leader, then we must not become their enemy!" 

"That's exactly why we need to be swift and get out of here before it reaches that person's attention, Young Miss! Don't waste any more time and follow this subordinate!" the Xue family's subordinate urged. 

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