Damocles, First Ring

At the venue of a hundred tables and over a thousand seatings, the local families in the upper echelons of Damocles and foreign guests from afar gathered as the place buzzed with the chattering of different voices. 

Silvery cutleries filled the tables, but not a single dish of fine cuisine nor quality beverage was found within sight. 

Nevertheless, it did not affect the mood of the social gathering.


Suddenly, the static ring of a microphone sounded from the podium, spreading across the entire venue before the noise of chatters quickly died down into silence as the guests turned towards it.

"Ladies and gentlemen, misters and misses, local lords and foreign guests. The emperor has decreed a change in schedule and added a surprise event, you can say, to spice tonight's banquet," a male emcee spoke on the podium.


Following the snap of the emcee's fingers, an array of masks were immediately laid out on the side by a group of droids.

"Please pick a mask from the batch to wear for tonight's event," the emcee directed with a gesture. 

Shortly after, the crowd quickly broke into soft chatters as they moved to select a mask, one from many designs for the event.

One of the guests closest to the podium shortly raised his hand and asked, "Where is Emperor Polemos and the Dark Lord? Weren't we waiting for their appearances before tonight's event could begin?"

"Not anymore. We will not be waiting for Emperor Polemos and the Dark Lord to make an appearance. In fact, they will be hidden among us once you all wear your masks. Then, if you are lucky, you will bump into them," the male emcee stated. 

The crowd was immediately surprised. 

Nevertheless, they got to hand it to the emperor. Such intricate planning does make the banquet more lively and interesting. 

"Treat it as a game, if you would. A social game to locate Emperor Polemos and the Dark Lord hidden behind their masks," the male emcee stated before adding, "There will naturally be prizes for locating them." 

"However, the winners at the end of the event. It takes the fun of discovery away from others if you simply sell out their locations, don't you think? Thus, I trust you all to keep silent upon finding out the emperor and the Dark Lord," the male emcee stated.

Shortly after the crowd buzzed with activities and finished grabbing their masks, the male emcee continued, "A banquet can't do without its quality food and drinks, now can it?"


Following another snap of the male emcee's fingers, a series of drones flew out from the kitchen, carrying plates and bottles in their mini arms before placing them on the tables.

Within a matter of seconds, the hundred tables were completely filled up before a rich aroma of seasoning pervaded the venue, whetting everyone's appetizing.

"With that, I formally announce the start of the welcoming banquet. I hope you all enjoy and have a pleasant experience," the male emcee ended before stepping off the podium and disappearing. 

Sometime later, the person returned with a new outfit and mask before mixing in with the crowd subtly. 



Klein Seymour and Xiao Pipi quickly called their eldest daughters at the end of the announcement. 

"Yes, father?"

"Yes, father?" 

The two answered promptly before two men continued to speak simultaneously, "Grab your little sister and make sure she doesn't run around to cause trouble." 

Once Anya Seymour and Xiao Hua overheard their father's words, they immediately made a run for it—only to be caught almost instantly by their elder sisters. 

"Ahh, why—? I haven't don't anything wrong yet! This is a violation of my human rights—! Unhand me at once, sister—!" Xiao Hua protested while flailing her arms and legs in Xiao Qing's firm hold. 

Xiao Pipi gazed at her solemnly under his tiger-shaped mask before saying critically, "This social event is not a game, you understand? I can't have you tapping on everyone's shoulders, asking whether they are Emperor Polemos and the Dark Lord or not." 

On Anya Seymour's side, Klein Seymour spoke similar words to her while she was caught under Eleanor Seymour's firm grip before she stuttered, "T-T-That's slanderous, father! I haven't done that yet—! Ahem. I mean, I wasn't going to do that at all!"

Klein Seymour glared at Anya Seymour solemnly and spat, "Oh, really?"

"Y-Yeah…" Anya Seymour responded weakly. 

Xiao Hua eventually stopped flailing her limbs before Xiao Qing asked her amusedly, "Not going to keep resisting, Xiao Hua?" 

"I can't escape. So what's the point of resisting, Big Sister?" Xiao Hua spat grudgingly. 

Xiao Qing's lips curved into a smile and placed Xiao Hua down on a seat beside the table before she said, "Good that you know. Behave yourself, and there won't be any problems."

"Everyone around us are people with high statuses, whether it is on Damocles or back on Earth. That's why we can't afford to offend any of them, you understand—? Xiao Hua? Xiao Hua!"

As Xiao Qing lectured her, Xiao Hua had suddenly snuck under the table and crawled out the other end, in between people's legs, and disappeared into the crowd. 

"Sorry, father." Xiao Qing quickly apologized to her father, "I lost her." 

"Ugh…" Xiao Pipi rubbed his temples with distress as if he was suffering a headache before he said helplessly, "Go look for your sister, Qing-er. Make sure she doesn't get hurt somewhere."

"Yes, father."

Roughly half an hour into the banquet, Emperor Polemos's private spaceship arrived at the docking bay before the ramp lowered with a thud. 

As Albion stepped out with a heavy presence, a row of subordinates in black uniforms greeted him as if they had anticipated his arrival. 

"We have been expecting your return, my Lord. The banquet had already started half an hour ago," a subordinate with 3-star medals on his right chest stepped forward to inform. 

"An outfit and mask have been prepared for you to join the banquet his Majesty has prepared," the subordinate added before asking, "Should I take that coat off for you?" 

Albion looked at the subordinate strangely before he corrected amusedly, "It's not a coat."


A soft groan came from Fenriri as her body was hanging around Albion's neck weakly in her black cloak before the subordinate stepped back with surprise.

"What the…"

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