Albion glanced at Wuxin's loss look from the corner of his eyes before he shook his head and said, "Relax, I already left them money before we took their food."

"It's no longer our problem if the money gets stolen by someone else," he added with a shrug. 

After all, the money was placed in the cash cabinet. 

Meanwhile, Fenriri and Fenrira continued munching down the meat they brought, skewers are skewers, as if they were possessed by the hunger gods.

"I thought it would only be Wuxin and Sally with exaggerated love for meat skewers, but you two have topped that."

"Master, these things called meat skewers are amazingly deliciousness," Fenriri praised. 

The pair of wolf-girl sisters could not stop their arms from moving. Within a short moment, they finished an entire bag of six dozen meat skewers to themselves. 

"Mm, mm! Who knew human food could be so amazing!" Fenrira offered her own piece of praises, rarely and surprisingly. 

The two wolf-girls wagged their tails in sheer bliss.

"What can I say? Humans are perfectionists," Albion commented casually with a slight smile before continuing, "When resources are not a need for concern, they pursue the peak of their craft to perfection."

"Anyway, what does your wolf-people usually eat? What kind of world did your wolf-people come from, and how many of you arrived?" Albion casually inquired. 

However, in truth, he already has the intention to gather their entire kind under his banner. 

The wolf-people were not like the virtual-type interdimensional creatures that require an enormous amount of experience to evolve. 

They were true intelligent beings. 

Their value would be so much higher than virtual-type interdimensional creatures who mimick the wolf-people.

Otaku Terrorists will go crazy over their existence.

Nevertheless, being asked so many questions at once, Fenrira was apprehensive and hesitant to answer. 

However, the younger sister, Fenriri, showed no scruples about it and said, "Our Iceborn Wolf Tribe comes from a world of ice and snow with blizzards all year round. So the food we eat is usually frozen and raw." 

"No wonder…" Albion's lips twitched before he said, "If you think meat skewers are amazing, just wait until you treat the top-quality steaks. It will definitely leave you with an unforgettable experience."

The wolf-girls have been missing out. 

He liked his meat to be on the rarer side of things, but not rare enough to want to hear it mooing. 

Just listening to the wolf-girl's experience, it was not much different from going up to a live cow and biting its rump.

"Ooh, I can't wait to try, Master!" 

"Me too!"

Albion's words had got them interested and excited.

"Alright, stay here obediently for a moment and don't go anywhere. I have a few things to settle before we leave."

That being said, Albion stood up and activated [Eyes of Ashura] to observe the chaotic battle within the vicinity of Eastern Allure Auction House and the nearby buildings.

After locking onto the members of the Bloodmoon Gang fighting with hunters from the other families, Albion paused for a moment before his eyes lit up with an idea. 


The rooftop suddenly cracked under slight pressure from Albion's feet before a few pebble-sized rocks rose and flew into his hand. 

Shortly after, he selected a piece from the pile with his hand before he suddenly hurled it into the distance!


The pebble immediately flew like a railgun! It struck the rooftop of a lower building near one of the thugs' feet before it continued its trajectory and disappeared into the ground below!

<+1 proficiency in throwing>

"A miss, huh?" Albion slowly muttered. 

He glanced at the pile of pebbles in his hand before he nodded with a grin, "Welp, there's still plenty of rocks for me to practice with." 

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh—!

The several pebbles hurled through the air at lightning speed! 

He struck various places below and caused untold damages in quick succession, but none had seemingly hit its intended target!

<+1 proficiency in throwing>

<+1 proficiency in throwing>

<+1 proficiency in throwing>

His proficiency in throwing increased, nonetheless, regardless of whether he hit or missed his intended targets.

'Goldfinger, how much proficiency do I need to acquire the throwing skill?' Albion quietly inquired. 


<Basic-level Throwing: 4/100 proficiency points>

<Intermediate-level Throwing: 4/1,000 proficiency points>

<Expert-level Throwing: 4/10,000 proficiency points>

<Master-level Throwing: 4/100,000 proficiency points>

Looking at the big numbers for later levels for a simple skill as throwing, Albion's brows furrowed slightly. 

There was no way he would hurl pebbles 100-thousand times just to acquire the Master-level Throwing skill.

After pondering for a moment, Albion applied some basic throwing techniques before hurling another pebble down at the thugs. 


A thug's leg blew off like he was shot with a 50 caliber sniper rifle before the hunter took advantage of the opportunity and finished the thug off with a quick decapitation. 

The Bloodmoon Gang was quickly thrown into disarray. 

"Who the hell is throwing rocks at us?!" a thug roared.

"Rock?! Rocks, you say!? Can rocks fly with hypersonic speeds!?" Another thug refuted before warning, "Take cover! We are being sniped!" 

At the same time, the hunters on the ground level noticed holes suddenly appearing near their feet before they retreated in alarm.

"Holy shit!"

"Is it raining space debris?!"

The hunters gazed up at the sky in wonder.

'Oh, I struck someone this time,' Albion casually thought.


<+3 proficiency in throwing>

'As expected. With proper form and technique, I can gain more proficiency from each toss,' Albion nodded.

At the same time, Wuxin and Sally were curious. 

"Boss, why are you throwing rocks? Can I throw rocks too?" Wuxin asked eagerly, readying for a try as it looked like fun.

"Of course!" Albion grinned. 

With a stomp, hundreds of new pebbles were formed on the rooftop before Albion warned, "Be careful not to fall off the edge." 

"Yes, boss!" 

"How about you, Sally?" Albion shifted his gaze to Little Sally after and asked, "Are you also interested in throwing rocks?"

However, she shook her head and said, "No, boss! I'm more interested in learning how to speak to the wolf-girls…is it possible?"

Albion was surprised by her answer for a moment before he nodded with a silent, 'I mean, who wouldn't be interested in conversing with wolf-girls, right?'

"I wonder…" He muttered.

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