"Just learned it? Impossible! No one can learn something just like that!" 

"Well, I just did," Albion shrugged nonchalantly after the older wolf-girl denied his honest claim before he added, "There's no such thing as impossible, only improbable." 

"The heavens are infinitely vast and filled with endless possibilities. To deny even the remote possibility of something due to your lack of knowledge is the first sign of ignorance. You're narrowing your own world views by shutting off the possibilities."

"What are you? A philosopher? How dare you call this princess ignorant!" The older wolf-girl snorted. 

She accepted the pill, but she did not consume it. Instead, she stored it in her pocket for when it is genuinely needed.

"Suit yourself," Albion shrugged at the sight.

After a moment, he still did not get an answer before he pressed with a hint of impatience, "Well? If you follow me obediently, I will let you out. Decide quickly before I leave you here."

"You want us pair of sisters to become your slaves? Impossible! How dare you try to degrade our status to such a lowly position! This princess will not tolerate this humiliation!" The wolf-girl sneered with a condescending look. 

"Even if this princess is stuck in this predicament, she will not bow to her enemies! Just you wait! When my people march on your lands, it will be your race that gets enslaved instead!" She threatened. 

Albion could not help but yawn. 

It appeared that the wolf-girls held high status. Whether it was in a tribe or an entire kingdom, it matters not to him. It was all the same in the end. 

Wolf-girls are wolf-girls.

"Princess this, princess that. Even if you are the empress of a nation, you are still nothing before me. Your kind will not succeed—not even the remote chance of that happening, not in my presence," Albion stated calmly.

"It is not humiliating, nor it is degrading to follow me. Instead, following me represents an opportunity of a lifetime and a beacon of hope for your kind. Understand that not everyone gets the chance to become my subordinate." 

"How arrogant! Do you think I would believe a thing you say?!" The wolf-girl howled. Albion's words were simply too preposterous for her to stomach.

"Whether you believe it or not, it does matter to me. I merely presented you with a choice," Albion shrugged and said, "There's a fine line between arrogance and confidence. However, I assure you, I know which of the two I am very well." 


Albion clapped his hands together shortly after before he said, "Since you are not interested, you can stay here. Wuxin, Sally, we are leaving." 

He waved his hand and pocketed the other cage into his Ashura Ring as well, leaving just the one the older wolf-girl was trapped within.

"Do you have a name?" Albion asked the younger wolf-girl while giving her more soft pats and scratches playfully. 

"Fenriri…" The younger wolf-girl uttered softly. 

"Little sister, why did you give him your true name?!" The older wolf-girl was shocked.

Nevertheless, Fenriri's tails wagged in response to Albion's head rub. Even so, it did not stop her from becoming anxious at the possibility of being separated from her big sister. 

"Fenriri, huh? I see. Let us go now."

Albion picked up the wolf-girl and carried her over his shoulder like a sack of rice before taking several steps towards the exit. 

"Big sister!" Fenriri cried. 


The older wolf-girl shouted at the same time. 

"What?" Albion paused his steps and glanced back casually before the older wolf-girl reluctantly submitted. 

"I agree, okay? Slave or subordinate, whatever it is you want me to be, I'll do it. Just don't take my little sister away from me…" She pleaded. 

Albion grinned. 

As expected, the younger sister was the weakness of the elder sister. He just needed to add a bit of pressure, and the elder sister would succumb to it.

There was definitely taking both wolf-girls with him. 

"Should have said so from the start. You won't regret following someone like me," Albion stated while freeing the wolf-girl from her cage. 

Two sisters quickly ran into each others' arms as Albion also pocketed her cage into his storage ring.

"Boss, are we not watching the fight here anymore?" Wuxin asked. 

"We've seen enough. It's not all that exciting to watch after some time," Albion shook his head before stating, "We have something more important to do."

"What is more important to do?"


Albion stated.


Fenriri and her elder sister's empty stomach rumbled shortly after.

It was as if Albion had anticipated it as he had determined from their malnourished stated. Most likely, they had been starved to keep them in a weakened state.

"Well, there's still something I have to do before that," Albion suddenly added. 

Since the Bloodmoon Gang came to him, they should not think about leaving.

Meanwhile, the older wolf-girl took subtle glances at the two little girls following behind Albion before her eyes flickered. 

'The young man is unfathomable, but the two little girls are weak as ducklings. If I can capture them and use them as hostages, I might be able to take my little sister and get away from this person,' she mused. 

Her claws slowly extended.

Just as she was about to take action, she was immediately interrupted by Albion's sudden words as if he had eyes on the back of his head.

"I wouldn't recommend doing that if I was you."

"Y-Yes… sorry." 

The older wolf-girl lowered her head in apology with trickling cold sweats. The person had completely seen through her thoughts.

"Even if you managed to get away from me, you would have nowhere else to go when you and your sister are stuck in the middle of a human settlement. You will only be captured by someone else and become their source of entertainment and plaything."

Albion's words were slow and steady but confident and filled with logic, making it is easy for the wolf-girl to understand as he continued walking his arms linked behind his back. 

"Only by my side will you and your sister be safe," he stated.

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