Weapons, armor, alloys, and herbs were all common items that can be found on the market.

However, Albion understood that the herbs could be synthesized into addictive drugs that can be sold at high prices in the black market with the right combination.

After Stefano Metti and his men quickly did their calculations, the goods in the storage room tallied up to $270 million in value.

Stefano Metti made his deduction and found that he was still left with an enormous debt of $1.23 billion.

He could only pray that the vault will be able to deduct the rest.

"Do you want my men to deliver these goods to your place for you, Young Master Albion?" Stefano Metti inquired politely.

"No need."

With a wave of his hands, the items flowed into Albion's interspatial storage ring as if they were manipulated by telekinesis.

It did not take long before everything was stored inside the Ashura Ring except for the processed drugs with strong addictive side effects.

These neatly arranged white-powdered packets were all burned into black ashes by Albion.


Stefano Metti was stunned.

"I don't understand, Young Master Albion. Why did you destroy the drugs? As someone from the underworld, you should know that they net quite the income on the black market…" Stefano Metti voiced his doubts.

Although he was even more curious about Young Master Albion's storage treasure, he did not dare to pry into the person's secrets.

There were things that can and cannot be asked.

"You don't need to know," Albion said indifferently after giving the person a nonchalant glance.

He was too lazy to explain.

"I understand. Pardon me for asking, Young Master Albion," Stefano Metti said with his head lowered. He could not understand the actions of the young man.

Nevertheless, it was not his place to pry.

Stefano Metti only hoped he could get the fiend to leave quickly and not needing to deal with the person further.

This person was a death god.

"Let me take you to the vault, Young Master Albion."

"Lead the way."

Shortly after, Stefano Metti began leading the way to the back of the storage room. However, Albion only took a few steps before turning back to the two little girls.

"Follow me."

"Yes, big brother!"

After hearing his command, Little Sally and Little Wuxin immediately ran over fearlessly to Albion's side with a newfound intimacy that puzzled him.

After pondering for a moment, Albion understood the reason.

He freed them from their cages, fed them food, and killed bad people in front of them. A combination of these factors naturally earned their goodwill despite their lingering fears.

Nevertheless, they were tougher than they look.

"Call me boss or Young Master Albion," he ordered.

Little Sally and Little Wuxin glanced at each other before they gave Albion an obedient yet innocent answer, "Yes, Big Brother Boss Or Young Master Albion!"

"Just boss will do." Albion's lips twitched.

He will need to find a tutor to educate the two girls. They were still young, and there was much for them to learn.

Sometime later, Albion entered the vault.

"What do you think, Young Master Albion? Anything that piques your interest?" Stefano Metti asked with a confident smile.

With a sweep of his [Eyes of Ashura], the vault's contents were all quickly seen and noted in Albion's mind.

"Not bad." Albion nodded before he said, "Wrap it all up for me."

"E-Everything?" Stefano Metti stuttered with a stunned look.

"Do I need to repeat myself?" Albion asked calmly.

The Metti Group truly kept some good stuff.

Apart from the miscellaneous goods that he did not really need, some interesting items like the Void Stones were found among the piles of rare stones and crystals

The Void Stone was a material needed for forging interspatial storages.

"Not at all, Young Master Albion!" Stefano Metti quickly shook his head and ordered his men to calculate the goods inside the vault.

The calculation took much longer storage room's goods due to their high and difficult-to-calculate values.

Little Sally and Little Wuxin continued munching food from the food bag like two little gluttons during that time.

Albion, on the other hand, silently conversed with Goldfinger.

'Is this the source of divine energy you detected?' Albion asked while studying a piece of azure crystal the size of a pill.


Goldfinger answered.

'Interesting. Divine Energy is almost non-existent on Earth. How can there be a piece of pure divine energy? Something like this can only be formed in places with a high density of divine energy like the Nine Divine Heavens,' Albion wondered.

[Goldfinger does not have the answer to the host's question.]

'I didn't think you would know either.' Albion shrugged.

Sometime later, Stefano Metti was informed by his men after the calculations were completed.

"Young Master Albion, the value of the vault's goods have been tallied up to be $845 million. A-Are you sure you want everything?" Stefano Metti asked.

There were some items in the vault that Stefano Metti was unwilling to give away. Despite that, he did not have much choice.

After Albion nodded, he stored everything into his Ashura Ring.

"With that, you still owe me $350 million. How do you plan on settling this debt?" Albion asked with a sly smile.

Stefano Metti gave a bitter smile.

The Metti Group's treasury was completely cleaned out, but they still have a $350 million debt to settle. Did they have to hand over their business as well?

After pondering for a moment, Stefano Metti had an idea.

"There's an auction tonight, Young Master Albion. Perhaps, you would like to participate? If you make any bid, I can subtract it from the debt," Stefano Metti mentioned.

Seeing that Albion appeared uninterested, Stefano Metti threw out some baits to convince him, "There will be some absolute good things in the auction tonight. Do you like wolf girls, Young Master Albion? The Abestel family caught some for tonight's event."

"Oh? Did you say there will be some wolf girls?"

Albion was immediately interested.

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