Chapter 20: Black Pagoda!

*swoosh* Zhao Tian appeared in a mysterious and obscure space. Hm? As he looked around his surroundings "Am I in a cave or something?" he mused seeing the rough and jagged rocky walls with dim light.

Huh? At this time he felt a presence *flicK* In a split second, he instinctively leaped backward, narrowly evading an incoming attack. He looked at the spot where he had been standing moments ago, only to see it disintegrating before his eyes. *frissh* "Poison?"

*thud* He raised his head and looked at the 15m large spider-like beast with its entire body encased in a protective layer of dark, impenetrable scales. The beast's eight piercing eyes bore into his body. "Astral beast?" he frowned.

A piece of information suddenly flowed inside Zhao Tian's mind about the 'Black Pagoda' artifact and its uses. As this newfound understanding settled within him, a smirk appeared on his face "So that's how it is..."

"This is like a dungeon to train myself fighting against this astral beast..." *flick* The Arachnoid beast unleashes a deadly spray of venomous poison. *swoosh* Zhao Tian moved to the side dodging it "And if I win, I can get rewards."

He looked at the eight-legged beast in amusement as this was the first he had encountered an astral beast. "So they also have the same cultivation as humans..." he spoke squinting his eyes.

"Level 1 Spirit Astral stage." He muttered looking through the cultivation of the Arachnoid beast. *woosh* *threik* The Arachnoid quickly moved using its eight legs over the walls approaching Zhao Tian.

It raised its legs to attack Zhao Tian, however, his agility and quick reflexes allowed him to effortlessly avoid each of its aggressive attacks. *feen* But suddenly the beast's massive jaws parted, revealing a vibrant purple hue emanating from within.

*feen* In a split second, a powerful ray of energy was unleashed from its gaping maw, causing a deafening explosion that reverberated throughout the surroundings.*boom*

Zhao Tian swiftly moved his head dodging the attack and smiled "So you can also do that?" "GRRRRR!!!" The spider, visibly infuriated, emitted a deep growl while fixing its gaze on Zhao Tian.

Zhao Tian narrowed his eyes as a blue aura enveloped his body *swoosh* he disappeared leaving blue trials. Suddenly, he reappeared, effortlessly leaping into the air and appearing right in front of the Arachnoid's damn face. In a swift and instinctive motion, Arachnoid quickly reacted opening its mouth, and shot the purple beam at Zhao Tian. *friisshhh* Zhao Tian tightly clenched his fist and effortlessly punched his way through the vibrant and electrifying purple stream.

*feeeen* His fist and the beam collided *boom* Undeterred, the Arachnoid intensified its energy, pouring all its strength into the beam. *thrissh* Zhao Tian refused to back down pushing his fist breaking through the beam and punching right at its face.

*BOOM* "GGGRAAAAARGHHHHH!!" the Arachnoid emitted a blood-curdling scream, its agonizing pain reverberating throughout the cave. The force of the punch sent the creature hurtling towards the wall, causing the entire wave to tremble momentarily.

Zhao Tian looked at his fist wisps of hot smoke rising from it "It was quite powerful than I expected."

*SCREECH* "GRRRRR!" Zhao Tian looked at the Arachnoid again getting up with purple blood oozing out of its head with its skull broken. Zhao Tain smiled looking at its angry eyes "Well, I didn't punch you that hard..."

*swoosh* With light movements, he again appeared before the Arachnoid and *thud* *thud* chopped off its two legs. "Hm.. let's see can you regenerate or some shit?" He asked taking a step back. Since this was the first astral beast he had seen, he wanted to know more about them.

*SCRREEECHHH* *SCRREEECHHH* But all he could hear was the piercing screeches of the Arachnoid beast filling the air, echoing loudly as it writhed in agony. "Seems like you can't."

*woosh* With a swift motion, he effortlessly leaped above the Arachnoid's head. As he descended, his foot forcefully collided with the creature's skull, resulting in a thunderous impact that reverberated throughout the room. *BOOM*

The Arachnoid, unable to withstand the force, was blasted downwards and crashed violently into the floor. The sheer power behind his stomp caused the creature's skull to shatter, fragments scattering in all directions. *splash* A vibrant burst of purple blood erupted from the Arachnoid's mangled head.

Zhao Tian saw the Arachnoid beast turning into dust. "No beast stone? Maybe because it's a training dungeon?"

*clank* *thud* He turned his gaze and saw six more arachnoid beasts rushing towards him. A smirk crept over his lips. *swoosh* *baam* *boom*

A little later, Zhao Tian saw the last Arachnoid turning into dust. *swish* At this time, a scroll materialized before him, gracefully hovering in the air., which was the reward for defeating the astral beasts. He took it in his hands and opened it "A movement technique?"

*woosh* He was transported to another place and he saw a large door in front of him. He saved the cultivation technique in his space ring. Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, he turned his gaze towards the door

"This is the door to the next level? How many levels are there?" He mumbled under his breath looking at the magnificent door.

"This floor must be stronger than the previous, hmm... I will come later, first I will go and see Shenyi."


*woosh* Seeing Zhao Tian appearing outside of the Pagoda, Xia Shenyi hastily walked near him. "Tian, what happened inside..." Seeing that he was not injured a sigh left her lips.

Zhao Tian gave a nod "I will explain."

Sitting on the chair opposite him, Xia Shenyi smiled "This is good. With this, you can gain combat experience and good use of your skills."

Zhao Tian nodded his head and the scroll appeared in his hand "I got this movement technique... but it is low grade."

Xia Shenyi looked at the grade and shook her head wryly "A high-tier Earth grade is not low... but for you, it may be low."

Zhao Tian smiled "Yeah, so Shenyi can you find any other high-grade techniques in the warehouse?" Xia Shenyi nodded with a smile "En. I will search..."

"Ah, by the way, Tian, you will be reaching the Heaven Astral Stage soon and there is a little surprise in it." Hearing this, Zhao Tian raised an eyebrow "Surprise?"

Xia Shenyi gave a nod "You will see when you reach that stage."


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