Chapter 59: Black Fangs VS The Empire (7)


What in the world is this situation?


I stared blankly at the people kneeling in front of me, shouting.

Naturally, a headache started creeping in due to the utterly incomprehensible situation. In a way, it was to be expected.

Over a hundred people, bowing their heads and asking to join my group in unison.

How many people have had such a bizarre experience?

Moreover, they had come to the wrong person to join Black Fangs. If they wanted to join, they should be talking to the Captain.

Why on earth are they doing this to me?

There had to be a limit to absurdity.

“I am not the Captain of Black Fangs.”

So, once again, I declared it.

This was already the second time today I had to give such a strange explanation.



It seemed the people didn’t believe a word I said. Judging by their persistence, they weren’t going to give up easily.

No matter how much I told them the truth, they just looked at me with eyes begging, ‘Please, just consider it once more.’

Is it just my imagination? Lately, it feels like only strange things keep happening.

Suddenly, someone makes an unexpected donation, the Empire stumbles and self-destructs, and these people….

“We know that with our skills, we’d only be a burden. But even so, we can’t just stand by in this situation. So please….”

They were begging me to let them join Black Fangs.

To me, who has never even met the lowest-ranking member of Black Fangs, let alone the Captain.

Is this the tragedy of the boy who cried wolf?

No matter how much I explained, they just wouldn’t believe me.

Maybe I was paying the price for falsely claiming to be part of Black Fangs all this time.

“…Please give me a moment to think.”

I sighed and said.

Honestly, I wanted to run to the nearest bed in the relief shelter and think of a solution leisurely.

‘Why are they doing this?’

But I couldn’t do that.

The people who had been merely kneeling now had their noses touching the ground in a full prostration.

If they breathed, sand would probably enter their noses instead of air.

Judging by their resolve, they’d likely continue doing this long after I left.

I couldn’t just leave them like this, waiting for my answer for hours.

So, I quickly racked my brain.

‘How can I convince them that I’m not part of Black Fangs….’

It won’t work.

Actually, even if it worked, it wouldn’t be a particularly good option.

They seemed ready to set themselves on fire for the revolution at any moment.

If I left them behind, they’d likely go off on their own and undertake dangerous revolutionary activities.

But right now, the Empire was on the verge of issuing a massive bounty on Black Fangs.

This was the time when the Empire would be most fervent in their search for Black Fangs.

The chances of these people getting caught and killed were extremely high.

‘I must prevent that at all costs.’

In the end, only one method came to mind.

Honestly, I wasn’t sure if this was a good plan or not, but it was better than letting them die at the hands of the Empire.

So, after much deliberation… I finally spoke.

“It will undoubtedly be a difficult path.”

I said in a serious voice. The people swallowed hard with solemn expressions.

“Are you truly prepared? You might have to risk your lives.”

Even though I openly emphasized the danger, no one showed any sign of giving up.

They each shared their reasons and strengthened their resolve.

Some said they wanted to repay a debt they owed me,

Others said they wanted to pass on a better world to their children.

Watching them, I nodded gravely and said,

“I will respect your determination.”

Of course, it was a lie.

These were people I had become somewhat acquainted with recently.

I didn’t want to recklessly send acquaintances to join a dangerous and suspicious group like Black Fangs.

“But… now is not the time. We are not ready yet.”

I felt a bit guilty lying so brazenly without changing my expression.

But lying to move them to a safe place was the better choice.

“Now is the time to gather strength. For ‘that day’ that will inevitably come.”

So, I spewed whatever nonsense came to mind.

I spoke of ‘that day’ that would come, gathering strength, and how now was not the time.

It was all just nonsense I made up on the spot.

“Those who are determined, please follow this child. She will guide you.”

I said, pointing to Lien.

Lien looked visibly flustered, but I quickly approached her and whispered in her ear.

“Take them to your father. You understand what I’m trying to do, right?”

The best place to hide from the Empire’s eyes was already decided.

It was the place where we had previously sheltered the so-called prophet tribe that had fallen out of favor with the Empire.

There, they could train their strength while waiting for the Empire’s public search to end.

“…Yes! I understand completely.”

Lien, after a moment of confusion, responded in a cheerful voice.

Fortunately, she seemed to grasp my intention.

Since there were too many people to use teleportation magic like before, Lien led them quickly away.

Considering it was a hastily made plan, it wasn’t too bad, I thought, watching them leave.

‘I feel a bit sorry for dumping such a complicated task on the priest.’

Well, he did say,

“If you ever need help, just ask. Everyone will be on your side.”

Now was the perfect time to ask for help.

No need to be modest, let’s ask for as much help as we need.


The priest stared blankly at the scene unfolding before him.

He had heard that what looked like an army was approaching, and had been on high alert, wondering if the Empire had found them.

What he saw instead was his daughter, whom he hadn’t seen in a long time, and the hundreds of people she had brought with her.

“Well, what happened is…”

Lien, sweating nervously, fumbled to explain the situation. But the priest didn’t need to hear it to understand what was coming next.

In a way, it was obvious.

It would be a lie to say he wasn’t flustered by the sudden visit, but what was happening was quite clear.

“That boy sent you, right?”

At the priest’s words, Lien nodded with a surprised expression.

The priest, looking at her, stroked his chin thoughtfully and spoke.

“So… the day has finally come.”

“…You knew all along?”

Lien said, looking even more flustered.

That statement confirmed all his suspicions.

‘So, he really was the Captain of Black Fangs.’

He had already suspected as much.

When he couldn’t foresee that boy’s fate no matter how many times he divined, he thought his skills had simply rusted.

But since then, the priest had never made a mistake.

And there was that extraordinary mental fortitude he had seen.

When he first heard rumors about Black Fangs, it was only natural that he thought of that remarkable boy.

‘Considering the map, it would be stranger if he weren’t the Captain of Black Fangs.’

That unnervingly detailed map.

Forget other countries; even the Empire likely didn’t have such a meticulous record of its own territory.

And there’s only one purpose for creating such a map.

Maps are military tools.

It was easy to understand what it meant for someone who had made such a map to start gathering people on this scale.

He was preparing for a revolution.

Undoubtedly, a perilous act.


“Follow me.”

The priest led them with a solemn expression, understanding the gravity of the situation.

As he guided them, his mind raced with thoughts. He had always known that the boy had something extraordinary about him, but he hadn’t anticipated this scale of involvement.

The priest resolved to do everything in his power to support this revolution, even if it meant risking everything.

The crowd followed, a mix of anxiety and determination evident on their faces.

They were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, inspired by the leadership of someone who had always been a beacon of hope for them.

As they moved deeper into the safe haven the priest had prepared, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of foreboding.

The Empire’s response would be swift and brutal, but the priest had faith in their cause.

He believed in the boy who had orchestrated all this, and in the people who had come together for a common purpose.

They were on the cusp of something monumental, and there was no turning back now. The revolution had begun.

The priest spoke without hesitation.

When it came to resolve, the entire tribe had already made up their minds.

Since receiving that map, they had understood what the boy was planning.

Therefore, they had all convened and decided. If the boy ever sought their cooperation, what their response would be.

The conclusion from their discussions was that they would gladly lend their strength to that boy.

In a way, it was only natural.

They had been content just to live in hiding to avoid being used by the Empire, but the Empire had burned their village and taken their families and friends.

As long as they lived, the Empire would never let them go.

It was the Empire that had left no room for compromise.

‘Things are about to get busy.’

With that thought, the priest led the multitude forward.

There was much to prepare.


Thus, Black Fangs began secretly training an army for the revolution.

So secretive was the operation,

that even the one who orchestrated it all didn’t notice it happening.

It was security at its finest.

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