Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 454: Remnants of the Oni Organization

Chapter 454: Remnants of the Oni Organization

Sandrise City was too massive, and even Mechguard couldn't oversee everything taking place in the city.

This was why many important people had private bodyguards, and it was an open secret that many major organizations had their own private armies of mercenaries.

Under the majority of circumstances, they obeyed the law on the surface so that Mechguard wouldn't be able to gather any incriminating evidence on them. However, it was impossible to tally just how many crimes they had committed in secret.

Thunderbird's trio had all served in the regular army, and they were elite soldiers that had been handpicked by Commander of the northern congress, so they were somewhat aware of this situation. Hence, they knew what these people could get away with before incurring forceful retaliation from Mechguard.

However, the currently unfolding situation clearly went far beyond what they could possibly hope to get away with. Not only were they blatantly using heavy artillery to attack Mechgaurd units, the total number of armed forces and adapters deployed had to have been sufficient to fill two entire squadrons!

There was no way that they could get away with causing such a scene in the wealthiest area in all of Sandrise City.

Alternatively, could it be that all of the area's residents were wilfully turning a blind eye to this?

"Just how many powerful individuals want to see Mr. Adam dead?!"

Thunderbird couldn't help but feel as if they had bitten off far more than they could chew.

"I'd say all of the powerful and wealthy figures in the entire city want him dead, yet they don't want to dirty their own hands, and that's why they've chosen a scapegoat to get rid of Adam for them."

Flame and Patriot were both elite soldiers in real life, and their prosthetic limbs were no less advanced than Adam's.

They inserted their AI probes into the bodies of the destroyed Mechguard units to connect to the? movement and weaponry systems that were still intact, and they set up a defensive line around the pavilion to retaliate against the enemy.

Furthermore, the three of them were also powerful adapters with exceptional telegnosis, so they were always able to immediately react whenever they were targeted by the snipers in the distance. As the battle raged on, all of the walls and trees in the estate were completely destroyed, raising so much dust and shrapnel that it was very difficult to see anything.

The assault from the enemy had been forcibly countered, and it seemed that they wouldn't' be able to storm into the estate anytime soon.

"We have to conserve our ammo and leave this place with Mr. Adam and his companions by force if the situation takes a turn for the worse. At this point, we can't rely on any Mechguard reinforcements."

Even though arrangements had been made ahead of time, and Cowboy was constantly surveying the southern congress so that they could send out reinforcements as soon as the southern congress did anything to disrupt Mechguard operations, it would still take some time for reinforcements to arrive, and they were most definitely going to be intercepted by the enemy along the way.

"Mr. Adam can only count on himself now. I hope he can end the battle soon."

If worse comes to worst, I'll just have to destroy Masao Yamamoto's body and put an end to his life in the real world!

Even Thunderbird himself was rather startled as this thought sprang into his mind. Before he knew it, he had been swept up in Adam's cause and was considering taking dangerous paths that he would've never considered before.

Protecting someone and killing someone were two entirely different matters, and he was beginning to wonder whether killing Masao Yamamoto would be the right thing to do.


In the psychic world, Diana was able to quickly take out several dozen low-tier enemy psychic combatants, but a barrier was then conjured up in the sky to keep her black balls of light at bay.

In response, she immediately switched to her draconic fire, blasting a plume of scorching flames out of her mouth straight into the barrier. The plume of fire tore a huge hole into the barrier with ease before landing on the ground below, transforming that area into a pit of lava and incinerating several enemies into ashes.

At the same time, the person who had conjured up the barrier was revealed.

It was a woman wearing vibrant and colorful clothes while carrying an oil paper umbrella. She was very seductive in appearance, but her six-meter-tall frame and the black water gushing over the ground everywhere she went indicated that she was far more sinister than her alluring appearance suggested.

That's Oni no Ameonna, one of the eight Onis of the Oni Organization. I wouldn't be surprised if the other Oni, Oni no Bozu, is also here.

Adam was able to identify Oni no Ameonna through the information that he collected on the Oni Organization in the past, and that army of flying demonic creatures had most likely been conjured up by one of Oni no Bozu's abilities.].

It seemed that all of the remnants of the Oni Organization had been deployed, and they were trying to put an end to Adam's life under Masao Yamamoto's leadership.

This suited Adam just fine as it would allow him to kill two birds with one stone. If Oni no Ameonna's powers were only on par with those of the other six Onis, then Adam would've been able to kill her with ease with a single blow from Camera, or drag her into the Lamenting Wall and torment her to death.

However, judging from the resilience of the barrier that she had just conjured up, Adam could tell that her power had definitely been artificially enhanced. With that in mind, Adam couldn't help but wonder if Masao Yamamoto had some type of ability that could enhance the powers of his allies.

Meanwhile, Diana blasted another pillar of draconic fire at Oni no Ameonna, who suddenly looked up at her with a smile. Diana was immediately struck by a sense of disorientation, and she involuntarily ceased in her attack while simultaneously being struck by the urge to descend out of the sky.

However, she then immediately caught herself before swinging around in mid-air, whipping her tail viciously toward Oni no Ameonna.

In response, Oni no Ameonna raised her umbrella to conjure up another invisible barrier, which was destroyed by Diana's attack, but also nullified much of its power.

Meanwhile, she gently drifted back to over 100 meters away, landing behind a monstrous figure that was over 15 meters tall.

Oni no Bozue was a giant one-eyed monk in the psychic world, and with the knock on the wooden temple block in his hand, Diana abruptly shuddered and was almost forcibly taken out of her draconic form. She hurriedly flew back in retreat while calling out to Adam, "Keep a look out for him! His abilities can counteract my power."

"You're not the only one, he can counteract everyone's psychic attacks."

He had seen a similar ability unleashed by those three monks in the final phase of the Shadow City battle royale, except those people had to chant mantras, while Oni no Bozu only had to tap on his wooden temple block to achieve the same effect, indicating that he was even more troublesome to deal with.

"Cover me from behind, I'll take them on myself."

Having already slain six of the eight Onis, it felt only right that he killed the remaining two as well so all of them could be reunited on the other side.

It was just a pity that Oni-faced Dragon wasn't here. Otherwise, he would be able to eradicate the entire Oni Organization in one fell swoop.

Countless Clown clones dispersed in all directions at his behest, hiding behind the destroyed structures in the estate to snipe at the enemy psychic combatants.

Meanwhile, Adam rushed directly forward, and his pounding footsteps caused the ground to tremble beneath his feet. The tremors spread far and wide, and the fake mountain began to quiver violently before being smashed open by a single punch from Adam. Hundreds of tons of massive rocks were sent flying in all directions, and all of the nearby hitmen of the Oni Organization were forced to scramble for cover.

All of a sudden, a wave of sewage appeared out of thin air, inundating the entire surrounding area in a radius of several hundred meters.

The sewage was even more corrosive than the most potent of poison, and all of the hitmen that were caught in the corrosive wave were either killed on the spot or escaped with severe injuries, only to be then shot down by the Clown clones.

Meanwhile, Adam continued to wade through the sewage while simultaneously invoking Mummy, which released its bandages to form a giant net behind Oni no Ameonna, sealing off all possible paths of escape.

Oni no Bozu knocked on his wooden temple block several times in succession, and Adam shuddered as if he were about to collapse.

Oni no Bozu ecstatic, and a triumphant grin appeared on his face as he sprang up into the air, swinging his fist viciously at Adam's head.

Right as his fist was about to land, Adam suddenly shrank down to only around 10 meters tall before countering with a lightning-fast punch that was aimed directly at Oni no Bozu's belly.

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