Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 404: The Scale of Death

Chapter 404: The Scale of Death

Diana evaded the attack, then lashed out at the angel with her claws, and thus, a physical brawl ensued.

"Should we go in now?"

"Not yet."

Adam could tell that Diana had always been itching for a good battle to consolidate the improvements she had made during her special training under Sadou, and a battle of this caliber could allow her to execute everything that she had learned in practice, thereby elevating her combat prowess in a short time.

"I'm glad we don't have to do anything. Why do I feel like our presence doesn't even make any difference here?" Mole mused. "I think we really have fallen completely out of the loop!"

Diana has definitely become a lot more powerful than before...

As Adam observed the ongoing battle, he could sense a clear improvement in Diana's powers.

In the past, Diana was like the embodiment of fury. All she had were battle instincts, and her bodily control and her usage of telegnosis had both been terrible.

She was like an enraged bull with zero technical proficiency.

However, in her current form, even though Diana's body remained as massive as ever, she was no longer looking clumsy at all, and there was far more control and accuracy in both her attacks and her evasion.

Furthermore, it seemed that during the period of time that Adam was in prison, Diana had prioritized her visualization training.

Her visualization subject was Níeh?ggr, which, according to legends, was one of the perpetrators that had destroyed the world tree, and symbolized disaster and destruction.

Visualization was a practice that derived power from belief, and the more synergy one had with their visualization subject, the quicker they would be able to progress.

On the opposite end of the scale was Wax Figure. He had already made a name for himself as a master adapter 30 years ago, but in the present day, he wasn't considered to be particularly powerful among the second-rate adapters of the world.

In the same generation, both Sadou and May were slightly superior to him, and that was because he was unable to find a suitable visualization subject among mythical and legendary characters.

If he were to create a fake god, then that would be too hollow and baseless, lacking in cultural foundation and logical support, so it would've been very difficult to use such an entity as a visualization partner.

However, Diana was different. Her physical form and mental state were both extremely similar to Níeh?ggr's, so she was able to make rapid progress in her visualization training.

At this point, she had already attained a domain of destruction, and as she unfurled her black domain, everything within it began to collapse and disintegrate.

"I feel like we have to get back a little."

Diana's domain encompassed a a far larger area than Adam's, and upon being fully unleashed, it encompassed half of the entire retirement home.

All of the elderly people with blissful expressions on their faces were destroyed alongside the buildings.

The angel of death was completely infuriated by this.

Noah firmly believed that everything that he had done was right, so in his imagination, the old people who had undergone his judgment were happy, yet Diana had just destroyed so many of the "happy" residents of his psychic world.

Looking at the blissful old people around it meeting their demise, the benevolent aura radiating from its body disappeared, and it was replaced by an aura of death.

It kept Diana's domain of destruction at bay with its holy light, then raised the scale in its hand and pointed it at Diana.

The "pain" and "happiness" ends of the scale had turned to "life" and "death".

The scale was quickly tilting toward death, and at the same time, Diana's life force was rapidly receding.

How is it this powerful?

Adam was greatly alarmed as he looked on from afar.

He had witnessed Diana's technomantic resistance before. As a dragon, Diana possessed tremendous technomantic resistance to begin with, and that had only improved thanks to her visualization training.

According to legends, Níeh?ggr was capable of resisting even the magic of the gods. In fact, magical resistance was considered to have been one of its fortes.

Since commencing her visualization training, Diana had displayed superior technomantic resistance to May and Wax Figure during that battle against Hebi no Miko, withstanding Yamata no Orochi's forbidden techniques for quite some time.

This version of Diana was more powerful than the one from back then, but her body was withering away at a rapid rate, and even her scales were becoming dry and flat.

This could only have meant one thing: the angel of death possessed superior single-target technomantic power to Hebi no Miko.

Diana let loose a roar of indignation as she felt her body rapidly wither away.

She was extremely powerful, yet her recent battles had all ended in defeat. She could accept being beaten by Hebi no Miko, but the notion of being inferior to this anomaly filled her with such intense rage that she began to prepare an almighty destructive technique at the cost of a vast amount of her psychic power.

Countless technomantic arrays appeared within her domain of destruction, giving rise to countless balls of black light.

Diana had unleashed a similar technique in the past, but now that the technique was enhanced by her domain, these balls of black light had become extremely powerful.

Even the air and rays of light in the wake of these balls of black light were instantly devoured or torn apart.

Each ball of light that glided through the air left a trail of inky darkness behind it, and this level of destructive power was impacting the entire psychic world, while the dark rifts in the air lingered and refused to mend.

The balls of black light crashed into the angel of death, and they were finally able to inflict substantial damage upon the anomaly.

The protective holy light around the angel's body began to crack, as did its suit of holy armor. The balls of black light crashed into its body, destroying large chunks of golden flesh and blood.

It looks like we might have a chance, after all!

Adam knew that at this point in the battle, it was time for him to get involved.

Diana had already completed her wish and proven her power, so she wouldn't resent Adam for jumping in at a time like this.

Furthermore, the angel of death had just sustained some injuries, and Adam wanted to strike it down once and for all.

Following his last battle against the angel of death, he had determined that it had to have been at least a level nine anomaly, perhaps even a level 10 anomaly.

Both its physical and technomantic defenses were extremely potent, and the only anomalies at Adam's disposal capable of harming it were Horse Face and Camera.

His other anomalies would've struggled immensely to break through the angel's defenses. Even in its current state, they wouldn't have been able to do much to it.

Adam didn't dare to use Camera as it was simply far too fragile, and even a casual flick of a finger from the angel of death could kill Camera on the spot. It had taken Adam a great deal of time and effort to nurture Camera to this level, and it would've been a massive waste if it were to perish here.

However, he was definitely open to the idea of getting Horse Face to attack the angel of death from afar.

With that in mind, Adam arrived at the foot of the domain of destruction, then invoked Horse Face, shielding it behind his massive stone body.

As soon as Horse Face appeared, it immediately began painting on the ground at Adam's behest. Shortly thereafter, the Lamenting Wall took shape, and it began to emit a burst of tremendous suction force.

However, this burst of suction force wasn't powerful enough to move the angel of death, so Adam could only call to Diana for help.

"Diana, throw that thing in here!"

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