Chapter 380: Illusion

Even though Guang Fei was well and truly in the driver's seat, he wasn't in a hurry to kill Adam.

Thanks to his past experience in fighting similar opponents, he knew that it would take some time before Adam met his demise.

"Let me take a look at your memories..."

While continuing to attack Adam, a shadow split off from Guang Fei's body before flying to another psychic module.

As soon as that shadow split off from Guang Fei's body, Adam could feel the restrictive power around him grow a little weaker, but he still didn't resist.

He was waiting for an opportunity, waiting for Guang Fei's clone to get further away.

He still had many more cards to play, two of which could be considered to be trump cards.

"Oh? I'm seeing some interesting stuff. You've experienced quite a lot on the outside, haven't you?"

Through its exploration of Adam's psychic modules, Guang Fei's clone quickly learned about his ties with the northern congress.

"It seems like you're implementing a very sound plan."

As Guang Fei continued to examine Adam's memories, he fell into deep thought, and a moment later, he suggested, "How about we work together?"

"What do you mean?" Adam asked.

"My original mission is to kill you, and the mission was assigned to me by the chief warden. He promised me that he'll release me if I can kill you. Of course, he plans to do so through illegal means, asking me to pose as a corpse to be transported out of the prison. However, to tell you the truth, I don't really trust him."

Guang Fei was being very candid with Adam here.

Even though he was a top-tier adapter, he was nothing but a bird trapped in a cage here in Darvaza Prison without a neuron transmitter at his disposal. For all his powers in the psychic world, even a single bullet could kill him in the real world.

"If you don't trust him, then there's no way you'd trust me."

"Not necessarily. Compared with those high and mighty bastards who only see me as a pawn, I can be more useful to you. I don't believe in promises. Instead, I believe in greed. Everyone's actions are governed by their greed. In the eyes of that fat pig, my usefulness is limited, and he doesn't know how to use me to my full potential.

“Hence, the best option for him is to go back on his promise and have me killed after I kill you. However, you're different. You seem to be going through a lot of trouble on the outside, and you need a powerful ally."

"Surely that's not the only reason you want to work with me."

"You're right. The other reason is that the situation outside doesn't seem to be going very well."

Before the two of them had entered the psychic world, the Desert Gang had already found itself locked in a battle against the other three factions.

Even though the Desert Gang had superior numbers and equipment, it was extremely unlikely that it would survive a collective attack from all three opposing factions. If Guang Fei were to kill Adam, there was a great likelihood that he would die before the conclusion of the power outage.

After all, with all of the surveillance cameras ceasing to function, no one on the outside could know what was happening in the prison, and the wardens would most likely wait until the next day before cleaning up the aftermath of the riot.

At that point, it would be far too late for Guang Fei.

"Of course, don't get it twisted, I'm still the one calling the shots here." Guang Fei exerted greater force through his shadows as he spoke. "Your life is in my hands. Even if the Desert Gang loses, your friends won't know who it was that killed you. Even if they find out, there's no guarantee that they'll be able to track me down.

“I am a master of concealment. In this dark environment that's full of bodies, I'm willing to even crawl into the abdominal cavity of a body if it means I can survive. I suggest you have a long, hard think about my proposal. Working with me is the best option for you."

"Perhaps you're right," Adam said as he raised his head.

"Good. I enjoy working with smart people. Now then, let's discuss the details of our collaboration... Hmm?"

Right in the same instant that Guang Fei let his guard down, a strange anomaly suddenly appeared within his body.

The anomaly had appeared directly inside him without any warning, as if it had been a part of his body all along.

As soon as the anomaly emerged, it immediately latched onto Guang Fei with all of the hooks all over its entire body. In his shadow form, Guang Fei normally wouldn't have been easily bound by something like this, but as soon as he attempted to struggle against the anomaly, he felt his entire body and even his soul being shackled in an instant.

After evolving to become a level six anomaly, Distortion's powers had become even more formidable, and it was unleashing its Physical Shackles and Spiritual Shackles at the same time. Even an adapter of Guang Fei's lofty caliber wasn't able to struggle free from such a lethal combination in a short time.

While he was bound by Distortion, another anomaly appeared, namely Horse Face.

Horse Face's emotional attacks were bound to be extremely effective, even against an insubstantial opponent like Guang Fei.

As soon as Horse Face appeared, Adam wasted no time, immediately instructing it to unleash its most powerful attack, Lamenting Wall.

Horse Face began to rapidly sweep his brush over the ground, and it didn't take long before an extremely immersive doomsday-like scene had appeared over the entire ground of the prison.

The entire sky was filled with the dazzling radiance of a nuclear explosion, while on the ground below was a city in ruins and countless people looking up with despair on their faces.

This doomsday-like scene was something that had actually transpired in the real world, and it had been encapsulated in one of the most renowned pieces of artwork in the entire world.

The expressions of the people in the artwork were all extremely life-like and diverse, displaying emotions like pain, horror, and urgency, but there were also some who seemed to be excited by the situation and were taking advantage of the chaos for their own benefit...

Back when Adam had been on the receiving end of this attack, it had almost led to his downfall.

Even as a level five anomaly, Horse Face's emotional attacks had already been extremely formidable, and now that it was a level six anomaly, its Lamenting Wall had become several times more powerful than before.

After the Lamenting Wall came into existence, everyone fell into the artwork. It was also at this moment that Guang Fei struggled free from Distortion and attempted to retaliate, but before he could do so, he saw the despairing faces of the countless people around him turn to him in unison.

Their expressions instantly left a profound impression on his mind, and immediately thereafter, the despairing people began to screech with all their might.

This screech was like the only sound that a human was capable of making in their final moments before their bodies were completely obliterated in a nuclear explosion.

Their collective voices carried powerful emotional fluctuations that swept directly toward Guang Fei, and even though he was far more powerful than the level six anomaly that Horse Face was, he was still unable to ward off the emotional attack, falling into complete and utter despair.

Guang Fei was struggling with all his might against the weight of his despair, but as soon as he lifted his arm, Camera instantly appeared before him, snapping its shutter down multiple times in rapid succession to arrest the passage of time around him.

After that came a ferocious barrage of attacks.

Thanks to its tremendous offensive prowess, Camera was able to easily tear Guang Fei's shadowy body into shreds with its scythe-like arms.

At the same time, Adam invoked all of his most powerful anomalies to attack the shreds of Guang Fei's body all at once.

Hellhound's Explosive Fireballs, Nun's Fountain of Contamination, Mummy's vicious knife strikes, Distortion's distortive abilities...

All of those attacks were directed at Guang Fei in unison, instantly inundating him from all directions.

"Your offensive and concealment capabilities are all top-notch, but your defensive prowess is far more lackluster in comparison. Perhaps you thought I was too far below you to pose a threat to you, or perhaps you've been locked up for too long and lost your edge. In any case, you let your guard down, and now, you're paying the ultimate price."

After the final shred of Guang Fei's body was destroyed, Adam was no longer able to sense his aura.

Hence, he was able to confirm that Guang Fei was dead, and he promptly departed from the psychic world.

As soon as he did so, a familiar voice rang out beside him.

"Looks like I made the right choice! You're even more powerful than I imagined."

Adam turned around, and was greeted by the sight of Guang Fei's wizened face.

Furthermore, instead of being in an empty cell, they were situated on the edge of the battlefield between the four factions, which meant that from the very first moment that he caught sight of Guang Fei...

"You managed to hypnotize me?"

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