Chapter 84 Chapter 20.2 - Dungeon

After Ethan and Emily efficiently dispatched the remaining monsters, we continued our journey through the dungeon. However, our progress was soon interrupted by a piercing scream that seemed dangerously close.


My instincts, finely honed as a ranger, should have detected any nearby threats, but this scream seemed to have materialized out of nowhere, unnerving me.

'It is pretty close, yet I didn't even sense it. What is this?' I pondered internally, perplexed by the mysterious nature of the scream.

Anya, with her greater experience, provided some clarity. "There is a goblin settlement close to this place. This voice is nothing but an illusion to intimidate monsters coming closer."

"A Goblin Shaman?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Yes, there should be. Only they are capable of using magic like this," Anya confirmed.

Understanding that this was likely a result of illusion magic, I relaxed somewhat. 'I see. If that was illusion magic, then it makes sense why I was not able to feel the pressure since there wasn't even something strong in the first place.'

In fact, there was also a goblin shaman in the settlement, but this was the first time I had heard about a goblin shaman using illusion magic to create such a thing. The game hadn't mentioned that. I knew goblin shaman's existence and the monsters inside the settlement.

"What rank Goblin Shamans are?"

"Depends. But, since there is a settlement, they should be around low-intermediate rank-3."

"I see."

With this directive, we continued our exploration, wary of what lay ahead.

While walking, I made use of my [Keen Eye] skill, attempting to locate any potential threats or gain insight into the dungeon's layout. However, the thick forest limited my abilities to some extent.


Also, the continuously pouring rain didn't do any help either. After we had walked a certain amount of time, the forest started getting filled by the rain constantly.

However, our progress was soon halted by the appearance of a mysterious barrier. Anya approached it, her hand making contact with the shimmering field.

"We have reached the barrier of the first stage." She confirmed, slightly moving her hand.

This dungeon was a staged one, different from the ones I had ventured into so far.

Stage dungeons are type dungeons where you need to progress stage by stage, and your freedom of venturing would be limited. To pass the stages, one needs to obtain the related dungeon fragment, releasing the barriers.

This one, for instance, had two stages; the first one was the goblin settlement, and the second one was the one where the boss resided. Of course, this is when you don't count the hidden stage, which I will explore on my own.

And these types of dungeons were pretty rare, too. This must have been the reason why Emily was this adamant about not leaving this dungeon's rights until she was desperate.

Anya, her attention now shifting to me, inquired about my scouting abilities. "Astron, do you have any scouting skills?"

I paused for a moment, deciding how to respond. I needed to maintain my facade of limited abilities so that Fred would lower his guard against me without being suspicious of my true potential.

"My scouting skills are somewhat limited in this environment," I admitted, choosing my words carefully. "The dense forest and the rain obscure my vision and make it challenging to use my skills effectively."

In fact, that was not necessarily wrong. [Keen Eye]'s usage was limited, and [Perceptive Insight] was not omnipotent.

Also, they probably won't need my skills since, in the game, a player could just brute force his way.

"I see," Anya replied, nodding her head. "As expected, we will need to brute force our way. From the rank of the dungeon and the density of mana, the settlement shouldn't be an issue for our group."

However, not everyone shared Anya's sentiments. Emily and Faye, who had previously expressed doubts about my capabilities, couldn't resist the urge to click their tongues in annoyance.

"Guess we shouldn't have expected much from a newbie anyway," Emily muttered, her words dripping with sarcasm. She exchanged a knowing look with Faye, who wore an equally unimpressed expression.

Faye was a girl who didn't talk much from the start, different from Hari. She didn't try to communicate too much, but it seemed the effects of Fred's skill were finally showing.

However, I didn't say anything in response as I simply moved into the formation. It was not like I was being scorned for the first time in my life anyway.


The rain continued to pour relentlessly, drenching us to the bone as we ventured further into the dense forest.

Anya seemed unfazed by the weather, her determined steps unwavering. However, the rest of the party couldn't help but express their frustration.

Emily, her brown hair now clinging to her face, protested with an irritated tone. "Ugh, this rain is so annoying. Can't it just stop for once?"

Faye chimed in, her usually composed demeanor slipping. "And these goblins... They're so disgusting. I can't stand the sight of them."

Anya nodded in agreement, though her irritation was rather more subtle, and it was directed at the circumstances than the monsters themselves. "Agreed. We should deal with them quickly and move on. This rain is making everything more challenging than it needs to be."

'As expected, even Anya is starting to get affected. Though, it is taking a lot longer time for her.'

Their complaints seemed to extend to every aspect of our journey, from the weather to the monsters we encountered. It was as if they were actively searching for things to criticize, their frustration mounting with each passing moment.

Knowing that in the game, Fred was able to cause distrust in the party after everyone passed the first stage, I knew we were safe for now until Anya gave in.

After what felt like a never-ending trek through the rain-soaked forest, we finally stumbled upon our first patrol of goblins.

'Seven Goblins, huh? I guess our captain wants her members to warm up before proceeding with the fight.'

Without hesitation, Anya assigned the task to two of our group members. "Hari, Faye, deal with these goblins. We need to clear them out fast."

Hari, a skilled warrior with dual swords at his disposal, stepped forward confidently. "Leave it to me. They won't know what hit them."

Faye, her irritation momentarily forgotten in the face of battle, hefted her claymore with a determined expression. "I'll make sure they regret crossing our path."

The two of them advanced towards the goblin patrol, their weapons at the ready. It was clear that they were itching for a fight, eager to take out their frustrations on these monsters. Anya and Emily watched closely, their eyes fixed on the impending battle.

'They are losing their control pretty soon; I guess this Fred guy shouldn't be underestimated.'

Though, as I threw a sneaky glance at Fred, a small smile was on his face, clearly enjoying the fact that his plans were working.

I stayed back since I was not ordered. This was still an opportunity for me to observe the party dynamics and gather information about our surroundings. Ethan also seemed slightly weird, but I knew he was a guy with a slightly different emotional base than others. Rather than feeling angered, he will feel the need to prove himself and will fight eagerly.


Hari and Faye closed the distance between them and the goblin patrol swiftly, their weapons gleaming ominously in the rain. The goblins, initially unaware of our presence, were taken by surprise.


Hari, the agile swordsman, lunged forward with remarkable speed. His dual swords moved in a blur, striking with precision.


One goblin fell, clutching its throat as blood spurted between its fingers.


Another goblin attempted to retaliate, but before it could make a move, Faye was upon it. With her claymore, she delivered a powerful horizontal swing that cleaved the goblin in two.

The rain quickly turned the ground beneath them into a muddy mess, splattering them with each strike.


The remaining goblins, realizing they were under attack, rallied to defend themselves. They brandished crude weapons – rusted blades, wooden clubs, and even a makeshift slingshot.

But it was too late for them. Anya had made a wise choice in selecting Hari and Faye for this task. Their coordination was impeccable.

'Certainly, they are a very good team working together. Their moves are not lacking too much either, though Hari is certainly a lot better thanks to her education.'

While Hari engaged the goblins in close combat, Faye kept her distance, using the claymore's reach to her advantage.


Hari ducked under a clumsy swing from a goblin and countered with a swift upward thrust. Another goblin charged at him from the side, but Faye anticipated its movement. With a single, precise swing, she severed its arm at the shoulder.

Within moments, the fight was over. The goblin patrol lay defeated on the muddy forest floor, their crude weapons scattered around them.

Anya nodded in satisfaction. "Good work, both of you. Let's keep moving. The goblin settlement can't be far now."

As they finished, the two returned; however, at that moment, Ethan approached me.

"Hey, Astron. Don't you think something is strange?" And he asked.

'It seems he is finally catching things up.'

"What do you mean?" I asked, feigning ignorance. I could see Fred's gaze on us, but Ethan didn't seem to feel it.

"I feel like my senses are becoming null….I don't know…It is kind of weird."

In the game, the same line was there, and it was a foreshadowing of Fred's betrayal. Certainly, the protagonist was the protagonist.

"I feel the same, but it is probably because it is the first time we are inside a dungeon. I heard things like this could happen quite a lot." I shrugged and shut him off. "Anyway, don't chicken and focus on what is in front of you."


Not long after dealing with the goblin patrol, another one and another one appeared. However, dealing with them was not hard, as it took only a matter of seconds to kill those monsters.

And just like that, we finally reached the outskirts of the goblin settlement.

It was a ramshackle collection of huts and crude fortifications nestled amidst the dense trees. The rain had let up slightly, but the ground was still slick and muddy.

Anya signaled for us to proceed cautiously. "Remember, we're here to clear this settlement efficiently. We can't afford to waste much time. Don't forget the formation; it shouldn't be that hard for us to deal with these two."

Normally, while attacking such a settlement, a plan would be made. After all, even though we can deal with the monsters overwhelmingly, there is a whole other stage that needs to be cleared.

However, clearly, Anya's judgment was also clouded.

Slowly, we advanced, careful not to alert the goblins to our presence. I watched as Anya, Faye, Hari, and even Emily moved with a practiced ease, their experience in dungeons evident in their every step.

Anya turned her gaze towards me. "Astron, from here, you should be able to see how many monsters are there." We were in a relatively clear area now, and my vision was not obstructed.

Everyone knew that those with Archery occupations often had keen eyesight, and even though my occupation was Weapon Master, it still worked for me.

I began my observations, scanning the settlement with my [Keen Eye]. "There are forty normal goblins, eight goblin warriors, and one goblin shaman in the settlement. The goblin shaman and six of the goblin warriors are inside a hut in the middle of the settlement. Two goblin warriors are guarding the entrance."

Anya nodded at my report. "How many scouts and patrols?"

"This settlement isn't advanced. They haven't built any scout towers, and I don't see any traps from here, either. Either their traps are well-hidden, or they haven't set any."

"Good. In that case, we should be able to eliminate them. The rain has also started to subside, so fire-related skills should be more effective. Hari, how are your skills?"

In response, Hari raised her hand and created a small fire with a swoosh. "Certainly, it's a lot better now. The water psions in the air seem to be reduced."

"Psions or whatever? Tell me, how much of your power you can use?"

"Around %80."

"Then, we are good."

With those words, Anya looked at our faces.

"Get ready. We will start after a second."

Just like that, the first challenge of the dungeon started.

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