Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 73 18.2 - Small but not small help

Chapter 73 Chapter 18.2 - Small but not small help

It was early morning, the sun still tucked behind the horizon, casting a gentle golden hue across the academy grounds. The cool breeze played with the strands of Maya Evergreen's hair as she strolled along, a handful of chip packets clutched in her hand. With each step, she crunched on the chips contentedly, a carefree smile lighting up her face.

"Hmm... Hmm..."

Her humming mingled with the sound of her snack, creating a strangely harmonious melody that only the morning birds and the occasional early riser could hear. Her enjoyment was evident as if she had found the secret to perfect mornings: chips and solitude.

As she walked, she glanced around, her sharp eyes taking in the tranquil scene. The campus was quiet, most students still wrapped in slumber. Maya's leisurely pace continued until a thought crossed her mind.

"As expected, waking up early is the best... Especially with chips..."

She nodded to herself, convinced of this newfound wisdom. After all, she had the world to herself at this hour, and the chips were an unexpected yet delightful companion.

With her chips in tow, Maya wandered the academy grounds, her steps carrying her toward the training area. The empty paths welcomed her, and she reveled in the peacefulness. Her munching seemed to blend in with the rustling leaves, becoming just another note in the morning symphony.

"I should train today. Yesterday, I slept for the whole day," Maya murmured, her words punctuated by the sound of her chips. Just like most of the students, Maya was a girl with a weird sleeping schedule. Sometimes, she wouldn't sleep for the whole day, and sometimes she would sleep for.

"It is Elemental Chamber today, then."

The training grounds loomed before her, and Maya's eyes brightened with determination. The Elemental Chamber awaited her, a place where her skills would be put to the test. With a final crunch, she finished the last of her chips and discarded the empty packets into a nearby bin.

As Maya stepped onto the training grounds, she noticed a few academy personnel already bustling about, setting up for the day's activities. She flashed a grin at a passing instructor, who nodded in acknowledgment. Maya's reputation as the first-ranked student in the second-year class had preceded her.

The instructor paused in her preparations, looking at Maya thoughtfully before accepting the offered chips. "Thank you," she replied appreciatively.

Maya's grin widened, pleased by the instructor's response. "You're welcome! I find that starting the day with a bit of energy from chips is quite refreshing."

The instructor chuckled, munching on a chip. "I can see the appeal. So, Maya, where are you planning to head this morning?"

Maya tilted her head, her expression playful. "I'll be heading to the Elemental Chamber. It's where I feel most at home."

The instructor smiled in understanding. "You certainly have a strong connection with that place. Always striving to master your elemental magic."

Maya's eyes sparkled with determination. "Absolutely. It's the perfect environment to challenge myself and make progress. After all, I am the world's best nature mage."

The instructor nodded in agreement. "You sure are always up for a challenge. The Elemental Chamber is all yours, given your ranking as the top student. Your dedication to improvement is commendable."

Maya's expression turned thoughtful. "Thank you. I also want to set a good example for the juniors."

The instructor's smile grew fond. "You truly are a dedicated student. Your enthusiasm and commitment are truly inspiring."

A faint blush colored Maya's cheeks at the compliment, but she maintained her cheerful demeanor. "I appreciate that. I genuinely enjoy the process of learning and growing."

As they conversed, Maya's attention was drawn to a series of clashing sounds coming from a distance. She turned her head, curiosity evident on her face.

"Do you hear that?" she wondered aloud, her gaze directed toward the source of the noise. She felt like she knew where the sound was coming from, but she couldn't put her mind to where it was.

"Ah….It is the PhantomGlide Dummy." The instructor replied, looking at the source of the sound. "A freshman student just came before you and said he wanted to challenge the PhantomGlide Dummy."

Recognition dawned on Maya's face, and she nodded in understanding. "Of course, the PhantomGlide Dummy. Someone must be engaging in rigorous training with it."

The instructor's eyes twinkled with a touch of admiration. "Indeed. It's rather impressive to witness such dedication from a freshman, especially this early in the morning."

Maya's lips curved into a pleased smile. "Early mornings often reveal the true enthusiasts of self-improvement."

As they drew closer to the source of the sounds, the instructor's gaze remained focused on the training area. "It appears the freshman is taking on quite the challenge," she observed.

Maya's curiosity deepened, and a hint of intrigue laced her words. "I wonder who that freshman might be and how they're faring against the PhantomGlide Dummy."

The instructor's expression turned thoughtful. "While I appreciate their enthusiasm, it's important for individuals to recognize battles that might not be in their favor."

Maya's brows furrowed slightly, a touch of dissent in her voice. "But isn't the academy about pushing our limits and striving for growth?"

The instructor nodded, acknowledging Maya's perspective. "Indeed, it is. However, there's a fine line between growth and setting oneself up for an insurmountable challenge. Not every battle is worth pursuing."

Maya's gaze held a glimmer of determination. "I believe that perseverance and determination can overcome even the most daunting odds."

The instructor's lips curved into a gentle smile. "While that's true, sometimes knowing when to step back is a valuable skill as well. Wisdom lies in recognizing which battles are truly worth fighting."

Maya's stance stiffened momentarily, a flash of disagreement crossing her face. "But if we always shy away from challenges, how can we ever achieve greatness?"

The instructor's gaze held a mix of understanding and wisdom. "It's not about shying away, Maya. It's about choosing battles that align with your strengths and have a realistic chance of success. Taking on battles that are overwhelmingly stacked against you might lead to unnecessary setbacks."

However, this was not something that Maya liked to talk about because it reminded her of the times of the past.

'The true warrior is the one that never steps back even in front of the battle they can't win.'

Feeling that she didn't want to talk with the instructor any longer, she waved her hands and made her way toward the Elemental Chamber.


However, with each step she had taken, the sounds of clashing echoed louder and louder.

If it was the normal time, Maya would simply step back and ignore the sounds since sounds would fill every corner of the training grounds.

But that was not the case right now since the only sound she was hearing was the sound of clashing that was coming from the PhantomGlide Dummy area.

And this made her curious. Adding the fact that the one that was going against the PhantomGlide Dummy was a freshman, she couldn't help but get more and more curious.

Who was this freshman, she wondered.


The sound of chips crunching in her mouth mixed with the sounds of the clashing, and she slowly made her way to the area.

There, amidst the flurry of movements and the sound of metal meeting metal, she saw him – the freshman who had caught his attention during her time in the club.

His name was Astron. She recalled the club meeting where his name had been called out as a new member, along with his casual, gloomy aura around him.

To be honest, he was a freshman, which intrigued him since it was the first time she was being challenged like that, and it was not a bad feeling. She was a girl with a good nature, so she was always welcomed by other students.

In any case, before her, Astron was putting up a determined fight against the PhantomGlide Dummy, his movements swift and precise.

Despite the intense challenge posed by the dummy's agility, he didn't seem deterred. Every dodge, every strike, reflected his earnest effort to best the formidable opponent.

There was a reason why PhantomGlide Dummy was always considered one of the hardest challenges for students.

It was because the dummy had the innate trait to adjust its physical aspects to a little more than his enemy no matter what. And because of this, it was impossible to overpower the dummy using physical strength alone.

And because the academy was filled with rich students who consumed a lot of resources to improve their bodies, when they couldn't use this to their advantage, they would be left with technique alone. This is why freshmen were not advised to go against it, since their technique would be mostly lacking.

Maya's lips curved into a faint smile as she watched him. His tenacity was commendable, and it reminded her of her own determination when she faced various challenges in her magical journey.


Her reputation as the top student in the second-year class wasn't just handed to her; it was the result of countless hours of hard work and determination. Only she herself did know how hard it was to put such an effort in this early in the morning.


As she observed Astron's battle, she noticed his movements evolving. It was as if he was adapting to the PhantomGlide Dummy's patterns, learning from every interaction. It was like while he was fighting with the PhantomGlide Dummy, he was not only attacking but also observing and absorbing the knowledge.

Maya's experience as a skilled nature mage gave her an acute sense of observation, allowing her to discern the subtle shifts in his tactics.

'He is like a black hole, absorbing everything.'

Unbeknownst to Astron, Maya's presence was not just a silent spectatorship. Her gaze was analytical, and with each clash, she assessed his strengths and weaknesses.

'But, his physical aspects are holding him off.'

She could easily see the battle, and she could discern that the ideas that he had formed in his mind were actually being held back by his body. Even though the speed of the Dummy was adjusted to him, he still couldn't display his techniques.


She could hear his ragged breath and the sweat forming on his forehead.

'Isn't he a bit too weak for an academy student?'

It was her second year inside the academy, and it was the first time she had seen such a weak student.

'It looks like it is because of his body that he is the last rank.'

Since she was the club president, she naturally knew about his rank.

But what was even more apparent was his lack of mana finesse. It was as if he was unaware of how to manipulate his mana effectively.

Maya's brows furrowed slightly, concern mingling with her curiosity. She had seen her fair share of students struggling with mana control, but Astron's situation seemed different.

It was as if he was grappling with a fundamental understanding of mana manipulation.

'Like he had never used mana before.'

Her mind raced, considering the possible reasons behind his predicament. Could it be a lack of proper training? Or perhaps he hadn't received the guidance he needed to develop his mana control skills?

Whatever the reason, Maya couldn't help but feel a twinge of empathy. Mana control was a vital aspect of a mage's arsenal, and struggling with it could hinder one's progress significantly. But that didn't mean this was not the case for normal Hunters.

No. This was also the case for the normal Hunters since they also needed to have good mana control. After all, most techniques, be it swords, spears, bows, or any other, needed mana.

'With this, he won't survive at all.'

As Astron's battle continued, Maya's analytical gaze remained fixed on him. She could almost sense his frustration, the determination to break through the barriers that held him back.

But frustration alone wouldn't suffice; he needed guidance, support, and perhaps even a mentor to help him navigate the intricacies of mana manipulation.

'Should I help him?'

Her lips pressed into a thoughtful line as she continued to watch. She debated whether she should step in and offer her insights, but a part of her hesitated.

After all, they were both students on their respective paths, and unsolicited advice might not always be welcomed.

But at that moment, the aura surrounding him changed.

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