In any case, with my day being left to me alone, I decided to train, but not in a way that would tire me a lot.

'It had been a while since I had focused on my bow.' While I was not slacking off with my training, it was understandable that my focus was not on my bow or my daggers for a while.

Since I have been working on a more diversity of weapons, that was to be expected.

I made my way to the training grounds, the familiar scent of fresh grass and the faint hum of mana in the air welcoming me. The grounds were mostly empty, surprisingly, a rare occurrence that would not happen a lot.

'Well, not every trainee wants to train on Sunday.' I reminded myself as I grabbed one of the practice bows from the rack.

I set up a few targets at varying distances, but nothing too complex. Today wasn't about pushing my limits—it was about sharpening them. I took a deep breath, drawing the bowstring back smoothly.

The familiar tension in the string, the steadying of my breath, all felt natural, like a second skin.

Releasing the arrow, I watched it soar, hitting the target dead center. Satisfied, I continued the routine, each shot feeling more precise and more controlled.

I moved from one target to the next, my focus unwavering, letting my body and instincts take over.

The rhythm of it was calming, a reminder that even in the midst of chaos, some things remained constant.

Indeed. My sharpshooting skills were even more polished now.

'Just like riding a bike,' I thought as the last arrow struck its mark.

'And the fact that I can now see beyond what my eyes do…..It is indeed a suitable thing for a marksman.'

The training that I had been doing with Reina was showing its effects instantly. In just a matter of seconds, I had shot all of the targets without missing any of them.

'Whether it is the fog or other things, as long as there is not a mana interference, I will be good for now.'

At the start, I was not able to understand why Reina had been doing my training all the time and why we were focusing on the Psion lines this much, but as we came to the later stages, I was able to understand it clearly.

It was the basic process of teaching me how to control the information. In a way, it was like the basics of [Martial Arts] techniques or any type of weapon arts.

If looked at from a simple perspective, in a way, it was teaching a student how to write numbers and make basic operations.

Without learning those, one would not be able to understand how to make complex operations in the same manner.

'It's not just what my eyes see,' I thought, focusing on the surroundings. My vision expanded, and I could sense the faint movements behind the walls of the training grounds. The subtle footsteps of people walking by, the shift of their weight as they moved—everything was laid out before me in a tapestry of energy and motion.

The air was filled with tiny currents of mana, each one a thread in the intricate web of reality that Reina had taught me to see.

What had once been invisible was now as clear as day. The way the man ebbed and flowed, creating patterns and disruptions, revealed so much more than I could have ever imagined.

'And light…' I mused as I focused on the way it interacted with the objects around me. Before, light was merely a source of illumination, but now I understand it as a carrier of information.

It could hide or reveal, depending on how one looked at it. With my enhanced vision, I could pierce through the illusions that light often cast, seeing what lay beyond the surface.

Even the smallest disturbances in the air, like the faintest sound waves, were now within my grasp. I could sense them, feel the vibrations as they traveled, and with concentration, I could start to decipher their meaning.

'Thought a bit overwhelming, I will get used to it eventually.'

I put the bow into the rack and then left the training grounds, making my way to the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was quieter than usual, with only a few scattered groups of trainees and instructors enjoying their meals. It struck me that this would be my last dinner here for the time being. I had slightly grown accustomed to the routines, the faces, and even the meals—though most were designed more for function than flavor.

But tonight, I decided to treat myself. I approached the counter, ready to order something different, something that wasn't just about fueling my body but also about enjoying the experience.

"One herb-crusted lamb, please," I ordered, watching as the chef prepared the dish with care, a savory herb-crusted lamb with roasted vegetables. It was a far cry from the usual utilitarian meals I chose, but it felt right for the occasion.

The aroma of the herbs and roasting meat filled the air, promising a meal that would be both satisfying and delicious.

After a few minutes, my meal was ready, and I carried the plate over to an empty table by the window.

'It has been a while since I had eaten something tasty.'

Most of my meals for the past three weeks had consisted of ones that focused on function and ingredients rather than taste. That was not something I complained though, as it perfectly aligned with my goal.

But, to better appreciate the taste of everything, it is always important to keep your taste buds intact.

The first bite of the lamb was everything I had hoped for: tender, flavorful, and perfectly cooked. The herbs added a fragrant depth, while the roasted vegetables provided a hearty complement. It was a meal meant to be savored, and I did just that, letting each bite spread around my mouth.

As I savored the lamb, each bite a reminder of how far I had come, I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. Turning slightly, I saw Locke and his group—Jarrod, Malcolm, and Finn—approaching my table. It had been over two weeks since we last spoke, and their presence was a welcome surprise.

Locke was the first to speak, a friendly grin on his face. "Mind if we join you, Astron?"

I gestured to the empty seats around the table. "Not at all. Have a seat."

They all sat down, their expressions a mix of excitement and something else—curiosity, perhaps. It didn't take long to figure out why they had sought me out.

"We heard you're being sent on a mission," Malcolm said, leaning forward. "Leaving the facility tomorrow, right?"

I nodded, taking a sip of water. "That's right."

Jarrod, always the most straightforward of the group, cut to the chase. "So, what's the mission about? Can you tell us anything?"

It was understandable that they were curious. After all, once they finish training here, they will also be sent to the missions.

'Hmm…it is better to not reveal too much.' I chose my words carefully. "I can't go into too much detail, but it's a reconnaissance mission. There have been some unusual activities in a nearby city, and they need someone to investigate and report back."

Finn, who had been quiet so far, finally spoke up. "Sounds like a big responsibility. You must be excited."

It could not be said that I was excited. It was more of a chore at this point since I needed to show some results to satisfy the condition of having the remaining time for myself.

"Not really."

Jarrod, who had been observing me closely, narrowed his eyes. "You're lying."

I met his gaze evenly. "Do you think so?"

They all looked at me, their expressions a mix of curiosity and frustration. Finally, Locke sighed and shook his head. "You really have a good poker face, Astron. We can't read you at all."

I shrugged slightly. "It's a very important skill."

Being able to control every bit of your expression and your body….It was something that I had taught myself first upon waking up.

Malcolm leaned forward, clearly eager to change the subject. "So, when does the academy start again?"

"There are three weeks left until the next semester begins," I replied, noticing how their eyes lit up at the mention of the academy.

"You must be excited about the academy, at least," Finn said, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

This time, I couldn't help but reveal a slight……

"Indeed, I am."

They picked up on the shift in my demeanor, and it didn't go unnoticed.

My excitement for the academy was real, but it was driven by something deeper, something more intense.

'From now on…..Many of you will die there….'

It was more than just another semester this time…Since I am already expecting the story to become more and more intense and more events happening, that will mean there will be more chaos all across the place.

And the more chaos there is, the more opportunities there are that I can act on.

And the more hunt.

Malcolm, who had been watching me closely, suddenly frowned. "Uh, Astron… your expression just now looked really dangerous."

The others nodded in agreement, their initial excitement tempered by a hint of unease. They weren't used to seeing this side of me, and it showed in their wary glances.

I shrugged casually, brushing off their concern. "It's just your imagination."

But the truth was, they weren't entirely wrong. The academy was going to be a battlefield in its own right, and I was ready to face whatever came my way. The hunt was about to begin, and I was more than prepared for it.

Locke exchanged a glance with the others, then chuckled nervously. "If you say so, Astron."

They tried to laugh it off, but I could see the lingering caution in their eyes.

It was understandable; after all, these kids did not know me well.

And that was my intention.

'Instilling a slight sense of unease….These kids need to learn not to trust others' appearances.'

They are na?ve, and if they remain one, they will not live too long.

'This should be my payment to you for putting in the effort to spend time with me.'

That was it.

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