Chapter 48 Chapter 12.2 - Clubs

As I entered the classroom early in the morning, for the first time in the Academy, I saw students being excited and happy.

Normally their eyes would be dead, and most of them would enter the classroom with coffees in their hands, but today seemed to be an exception.

The usual hushed tones were replaced by animated conversations, and the air was charged with contagious enthusiasm. It seemed the prospect of joining clubs had ignited a spark of curiosity and anticipation among my fellow cadets.

"Did you see the Elemental Mages Society on the list? I'm totally joining that!"

"Elemental magic is cool and all, but I'm thinking of going for the Alchemical Engineering Club. Imagine creating potions and elixirs! To be honest, I think I can nail the money from there."

A group of students huddled near the holographic display that showcased the clubs, their fingers pointing at different icons as they discussed their interests.

"I heard the Swordmaster's Guild is super intense. I wonder if I can handle it."

"Are you kidding? I'm all about the Beast Tamer Guild. Forming bonds with mystical creatures? Count me in!"

The classroom was abuzz with anticipation, the students bonding over shared aspirations and exchanging thoughts on the various club options. Amid the conversations, the holographic clock on the wall marked the approaching time for the morning assembly.

But, first and foremost, the main cast was there sitting on the front seats, talking with each other.

"Which one are you going to join?" Lucas asked, his gaze wandering around Ethan and Carl.

"I will join Martial Arts and Student Council," Carl replied with a serious tone.

"What? Student Council?" Lucas' eyes were wide open, and that made sense. Joining the Student Council was something pretty hard since the seniors were pretty picky about their members.

"Yes. They offered me a position inside the disciplinary committee."

"For some reason, I can easily imagine you inside there," Lucas answered. "Bleagh…Boring."

Turning his gaze to Ethan, he asked. "Ethan, which one are you going to join?"




"From Elysiuma to Ethan. Are you here?" As Lucas finally raised his voice, Ethan responded with a groan.

"Ah… Sorry, I was thinking about something. What did you say?" however, he seemed lost, slightly.

'He is probably wondering why I behaved like that.'

I thought since Ethan was looking at me from time to time with a look of wonder, trying to understand me.

However, seeing this behavior, Lucas immediately put a grin on his face. "Ho…. It seems our Ethan couldn't sleep well last night. Is it because of a girl?" As he teased Ethan, he poked his arms. "If you want advice, this Grandfather here shall give you one."

"Hey…What are you saying? This is not a Wuxia Novel."

"It is not like that…. Just got something in my head." Taking Lucas' words seriously, Ethan shook his head.

"Tch…Anyway, I asked which clubs were you going to join?" Lucas repeated his question as he signaled the holograms.

I put my ear into their conversation since I wanted to confirm which clubs Ethan would be joining. Since there was no player here, I needed to know.

"Hmm… I was planning to join Spear Legacy Club and Adventure Exploration Club." Ethan answered, confirming my speculations.

"Adventure Exploration? I am joining that too." At that moment, Julia dived into the topic with her usual loud voice and cheerful expression.

And following that, it was Victor and Irina.

With their words, I basically confirmed that they were going to join the same clubs in the game.

'This is good.' I thought. 'The fewer variables are there, the more efficient my hunt is going to be.'

Just like that, I was about to turn my attention to the book I was reading, but suddenly I felt a slight gaze on me.

'Hmm?' As my senses were picky, I turned my head to the side where the gaze came from, and there I could see the two girls looking at me.

Though, don't misunderstand. Rather than looking at me favorably, if gazes could kill, I would be murdered.

'Friends of Sylvie. Bunch of little kids.'

Scoffing at them in my head, I returned my head.


At that moment, the door opened, revealing the same serious woman.

Eleanor White entered the classroom. Her presence commanded attention, and the students instinctively straightened their postures.

"Good morning, cadets," her voice resonated, her gaze sweeping across the room. The anticipation in the air seemed to amplify in her presence.

"I see that the prospect of joining clubs has generated quite the buzz among you," she continued, her tone measured. "Today, I will provide you with more information about the clubs available within our academy and the process for joining them."

A holographic display activated at the front of the room, projecting a list of clubs along with brief descriptions and icons representing each one.

"From the Swordmaster's Guild to the Alchemical Engineering Club, the options are varied to cater to your individual interests and strengths. Whether you're drawn to combat, magic, exploration, or the arts, there's a club that aligns with your passions."

Eleanor's gaze settled on the students, her stern expression softening slightly. "Participating in a club is not just about skill development. It's an opportunity to foster camaraderie, exchange knowledge, and grow as individuals. The friendships you form here may accompany you throughout your hunter journey. Therefore, as the instructors of the academy and the management, we highly recommend you join at least one of the clubs."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in before continuing. "For those interested in joining a club, there will be a Club Fair held today. Each club will showcase its activities, and you'll have the chance to interact with current members and learn more about their goals."

A holographic schedule appeared beside the list of clubs, indicating the timings and locations of the fair.

"During the fair, you'll be able to express your interest and sign up for the clubs you're most passionate about. Keep in mind that club capacities may be limited, so choose wisely."

Eleanor's gaze sharpened, her voice taking on a more authoritative tone. "I expect each of you to approach this opportunity with the same dedication and commitment you display in your studies and training. Your choices regarding clubs are integral to your development as future hunters."

With her message delivered, Eleanor stepped back, her gaze sweeping over the students once more.

"Your academy experience is shaped by the paths you choose to walk, cadets. Now, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to approach me after this assembly. Today's Classes are canceled because of the Club Activities, but rest assured I will compensate this class in the future."

With those words, Eleanor exited the room, and as per her exit, murmurs of anticipation spread through the students. The classroom, once buzzing with excitement, now held a charged sense of purpose as the cadets contemplated the diverse array of clubs and the myriad paths that lay ahead.

Looking at the students like that, I decided to waste no time here.

Even though the clubs had their own factions inside the academy, the ones I was joining belonged to neither of them. Thus, there was no further consideration needed.

Just like that, I left the classroom with my hands and three forms of application. I also wanted to join first since I didn't want to look like I was stalking others. Since I don't want to attract too much attention now.

Even by saying a bunch of words to Sylvie, I got quite a lot of attention on me, so being careful didn't hurt.


As I walked through the bustling halls, I could feel the happy atmosphere. The Academy's atmosphere was charged with enthusiasm, and students hurriedly made their way to the club booths that were being set up around the campus.

Arriving at the first destination on my list, the Adventurer Exploration Club booth, I found a group of energetic students surrounding it. A senior with a friendly smile greeted me, his eyes twinkling with warmth.

From the way he clothed himself and the way he put some ornaments over himself, it was evident that he was someone that liked to show off.

In fact, he was a playboy and the reason why he joined this club and was for the sake of looking for women all around the world.

'What a weird guy.' I thought.

"Hey there! Interested in joining our club?" he asked, his tone inviting. His smile was wide as if he wanted to gather people.

"Yes." I simply nodded.

"Great! We're all about discovering the unknown, venturing into uncharted territories, and under " As he was about to start speaking like some sort of activist, I stopped his words as I gave him my submission paper.

For the whole time, I had been listening to people talking, and it started making me sick.

"Ah…Astron Natusalune…" Looking at my paper, he read my name. "Welcome to our club. It seems you don't like talking too much, so I will keep it short. I am this club's president James Indie. Nice to meet you." Saying that he gave me his hand, which I simply shook. Even though I disliked having contact with others, in the end, I also didn't want to seem too rude.

"Now, after the clubs finalize, a message will come to you via your academy watch, and it will inform you about our orientation. If you have any questions, you can contact me; here is my student ID."

Just like that, with the first application submitted, I moved on to the Archery Club booth.

Here, the atmosphere was a bit different. The students gathered around the booth seemed to be deeply engrossed in their conversations, their gazes shifting to me briefly before returning to their discussions.

In the game, I hadn't taken the route of a marksman, but from the small conversations, I remember them being prideful quite a lot.

I approached the booth and handed over my application form to the senior in charge. However, the reception I received was far from welcoming. The senior's eyes quickly scanned over my form, and a hint of disdain flashed across his face.

"Last-ranked student, huh? Are you sure you want to be here?" he remarked, his tone dripping with condescension.

'Just as expected,' I thought. It was the same response I was expecting.

"Yes," I replied calmly. Despite his tone with an overbearing attitude, I was here since the instructor that approved my decision called me here.

"Heh….It is crazy nowadays that you kids don't know your place…." A silent murmur entered my ears as the man before me clicked his tongue.


And with fast speed, he threw a punch at me, aimed at my face.

Though, I dodged it simply by tilting my head to the side.

'If I were a second late at reading his movements, I would be injured.'

"Ho? You can dodge it?" He spoke, his gaze containing a slight intrigue. "Well, well, newbie. It's your choice, I suppose. But let me give you a reality check: in this club, we are aiming to be the best archers in the world. So, tell me. Why should I see someone like you would have any right to join our club."

As his words echoed, the people around us naturally had their attention turned on us.

"You don't need to see anything," I answered, looking at the name of the instructor shown on the badge.

"Ha? What did you say?"

"Instructor Ethan was the one who called me here. I am not here to prove myself to you, neither do I need to."

"Pfft…..Are you saying Instructor Ethan was the one that recommended you here?"

"Yes. You can ask him if you want."

"Ahhahaaahahahha…..Man, that was funny. That instructor Ethan? The one that we all know?" As he turned his attention to the people around, everyone had a mocking smile as well. "There is no way that strict man would recommend anyone."


"Ahaha…Look at him, trying to play his last cards like that."

As the sounds of scorning came, I paid no mind to them as I looked at the senior before me.

"You can simply ask him later. I am going to leave my application here." With that, I left, heading to the last-place club that I wanted to join.


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