Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 467: .3 - What it means to be a Genius

'Indeed. It is just as they have said. The techniques of the other disciplines can be interchanged. That is why the Hunters are more versatile. It would not be that hard for them to improve all types of abilities if they learn only one of them.'

I thought while leaving Reina's training room. Right now, by this point, I felt like my mana sensitivity was increasing with each training. It was as if the more I was able to familiarize myself with mana, the better I was getting at sensing everything.

At this point, it was blatantly obvious that the more you rise up in the ranks of strength, the more everything is becoming linked to mana.

It's as if the world is contained solely of mana at that point, and that makes sense. It makes a lot of sense, actually.

Just as I was walking in the hallway, a message from the analysis team rang and caught my attention. Opening it, I read the contents carefully:


[Analysis Team] Subject: New Training Program Inclusion

Astron Natusalune,

Based on recent assessments and the integration of the Everchanging Glyph, a new program has been included in your training schedule. The primary objective of this program is to align your physical conditioning with the optimal state provided by the glyph. This training will focus on ensuring your body adapts seamlessly to various weapon styles and combat techniques.

Updated Training Schedule:

5 A.M.: Four hours of one-on-one training with Warden Dakota as her official disciple.

9 A.M.: Two-hour break.

11 A.M.: One hour of body acrobatics training.

12 P.M.: Two hours working on developing stealth abilities and mastering the art of erasing presence with Instructor Kennet.

2 P.M.: One-hour lunch break.

3 P.M.: Training with Reina

7:30 P.M.: Body training session focusing on Everchanging Glyph optimization

Check out the attachments for more detailed information. Please be prepared for the new addition to your regimen. Ensure adequate rest and nutrition to maximize your performance.

For your nutrition, please check out the attachment for further briefing.


I reviewed the new schedule, noting the addition of the evening body training session. It was clear that the analysis team was determined to ensure my body adapted perfectly to the Everchanging Glyph.

'I wonder what kind of training they would give to me.'

For the time being, in the past three days, I did not feel any type of tiredness or mental fatigue between the classes. Sure, closer to the end of the day, I was feeling a bit tired mentally, but that was because it was my first day dealing with Reina's way of teaching, which required a lot of mental power since it was important to keep the constant focus all the time.

I opened the attachments to see the detailed information about the new training program and diet plan. The training regime was outlined in precise detail and designed to optimize my body's adaptation to the ever-changing glyph.

Body Training Session:

Strength Training with Heavy Ropes: Designed to enhance core strength and endurance, this exercise would involve intense rope workouts to build overall physical resilience.

Weighted Climbing: This exercise would focus on agility and strength, requiring the user to climb various structures while carrying additional weight, simulating real-world scenarios where such skills would be essential.

Compound Exercises: Including squats, deadlifts, and overhead presses, these exercises aimed to improve overall muscular coordination and power.

Gravity Room: Training in an environment with increased gravity to enhance muscle density and overall physical conditioning.

Herbal Baths: Immersing in specially prepared herbal baths to aid in muscle recovery, reduce fatigue, and enhance overall physical conditioning.

The key details will be explained by the Training Room Artificial Intelligence.

Diet Plan:

Some key items on the list included:

Reddish Hydra Serpent Steak: Known for its high protein content and energy-boosting properties.

Ironhide Boar Roast: Rich in essential minerals and nutrients, aiding in muscle recovery and strength building.

Thunder Hawk Eggs: Packed with proteins and healthy fats to support muscle development and cognitive function.

Mighty Bear Liver: Providing essential vitamins and minerals to boost endurance and overall health.




The list went on just like that, with many different types of meats. But it seems they have also included the meal combination that I had been using.

'They must have gotten curious about what I was doing. After all, for the Analysis Team, checking such a thing must not be that hard.' I thought to myself.

'But still…..Eating six meals per day…..What am I, a pig?'

It would be my first time eating that much in my whole life, but there wasn't anything that could be done. It seems I would be starting from now on.


"Welcome, Trainee Astron Natusalune. Beginning body training session focusing on Everchanging Glyph optimization."

"Ah….. This is the artificial intelligence that the attachment mentioned."

"That is right, Trainee Astron. You can call me Training Assistant. I am an artificial intelligence created for the sake of assisting the trainees here."


"Then, do you wish to commence with the training?"

"I do."

"Commencing with the training."

Astron started his training with the robotic voice of artificial intelligence.

The first exercise was strength training with heavy ropes. The ropes were massive, their weight causing them to slap against the floor with a resounding thud. Astron gripped them tightly and began the routine, his muscles straining with each wave.

The ropes felt like they were alive, resisting his every movement. Sweat poured down his face, and his arms burned with exertion.

"Trainee Astron's body limits are pushed to %70. Increasing the intensity."

The moment the voice of the assistant echoed, suddenly, the ropes changed slightly. The resistance had increased much more. His muscles screamed for him to stop, but Astron did not.

"Trainee Astron's body limits are being pushed to the extreme. You are entering the Extreme State. Your Glyphs are glowing; please push yourself further."

The more he heard the voice of Artificial intelligence, the more he wanted to punch it. At least, it was only for a momentary impulse as he controlled himself.

Then, he pushed through the pain, focusing on the rhythm of his movements and the sound of the ropes hitting the floor.

"Good. Now transition to weighted climbing," Training Assistant instructed.

Astron, with his muscles already screaming in protest, strapped on the weighted vest. The training assistant increased the gravity of the room. Each step felt like moving through molasses. He approached the climbing wall, its surface dotted with various holds and ledges, and began his ascent. His muscles screamed with every movement.

"Maintain your grip strength. Use your legs to support your weight," Training Assistant coached.

The added weight made every pull and push a battle. His breaths came in harsh, ragged gasps. His fingers ached from gripping the holds, and his legs trembled as he fought against the increased gravity. He reached the top, muscles quivering from the exertion, and then descended, ready for the next challenge.

"Trainee Astron's body limits are pushed to 80%. Increasing the intensity."

Astron moved to the squat rack, loading it with heavy weights. He positioned himself beneath the bar, lifting it with a grunt. Each squat was a test of endurance, his legs burning as he lowered and raised the weight.

He transitioned to deadlifts, the strain on his back and legs intense as he lifted the heavy barbell.

Finally, overhead presses, where his shoulders bore the brunt of the weight, pushing his strength to its limits.

"Trainee Astron's body limits are pushed to 85%. You are entering the Extreme State. Your Glyphs are glowing; please push yourself further."

The more he heard the voice of the Training Assistant, the more he wanted to punch it. At least, it was only for a momentary impulse as he controlled himself.

Next was the gravity room. Training Assistant increased the gravitational force even further, making every movement a struggle. Astron felt as though his body was being pulled towards the floor with an invisible force. He moved through a series of exercises, each one more difficult than the last.

"Keep pushing, Trainee Astron. This will enhance your muscle density and overall physical conditioning," Training Assistant encouraged.

His muscles ached, and his lungs burned as he struggled to draw in enough air. Sweat dripped from his body, pooling on the floor beneath him.

"Trainee Astron's body limits are pushed to 90%. Increasing the intensity."

The gravitational force increased again. Every step felt like a monumental task. His muscles screamed for rest, but he pushed on, determined to complete the training.

"Final phase: herbal baths. Proceed," Training Assistant commanded.

Astron dragged himself to the bath area, muscles protesting with every step. He lowered himself into the steaming water, the herbs soothing his aching body. The relief was immediate, and the warm water and herbal mixture worked to ease his pain and fatigue.

"Herbal baths will aid in muscle reconstruction and reduce fatigue. Prepare for the final challenge," the Training Assistant stated.

"Muscle reconstruction?" Astron asked as he felt something ominous once again.

"That is right. Muscle reconstruction."

The moment AI said that Astron's eyes widened.


And immense amounts of mana started being consumed from his reserves. It was as if something was drawing everything and consuming it.


It was a scream of pain as his breaths got more and more rough.

"Trainee Astron's body limits are pushed to 113%. The body is entering the "Survival State." Your Glyphs are glowing; please push yourself further."

As Astron writhed in the herbal bath, the Training Assistant constantly scanned his vitals. The water around him began to bubble and change color, various toxins and impurities being expelled from his body. His muscles tensed and relaxed in waves, and his bones seemed to vibrate under the strain.

"Analyzing… significant expulsion of toxins and impurities detected. Bone and muscle density increasing. Mana reserves are critically low," the training assistant reported.

Astron could feel every fiber of his being undergoing a painful transformation. His muscles screamed as they tore and rebuilt themselves, becoming denser and stronger. His bones felt like they were being compressed, making them sturdier with each passing second.

"Mana reserves at 15%. Administering high-rank mana potions."

A mechanical arm extended from the wall, presenting a vial of glowing blue liquid. Astron, barely conscious, reached out with a trembling hand and drank the potion. The effects were immediate. He felt a surge of energy as his mana reserves were replenished, the pain momentarily subsiding.

"Mana reserves at 60%. Continuing muscle reconstruction process," Training Assistant announced.

Astron's body continued to absorb and expel substances from the herbal bath, the water around him now a murky mix of expelled impurities. He could feel the changes more acutely now, his senses sharpening as his body adapted to the Everchanging Glyph's influence.

"Trainee Astron's body limits are pushed to 120%. The body is adapting efficiently. Bone density increased by 4%. Muscle density increased by 4%," the Training Assistant detailed.

The AI's updates became a distant hum in the background as Astron focused on enduring the process. The mana potion's effects were starting to wane, and he felt another wave of exhaustion.

"Administering second high-rank mana potion," Training Assistant said, another vial presented to Astron.

With shaking hands, he drank the second potion, feeling his mana reserves surge once more. The pain, while still intense, was becoming more manageable as his body adjusted.

"Mana reserves stabilized at 70%. Finalizing muscle reconstruction process."

The water began to cool, the intense bubbling slowing as the process neared its completion. Astron's breathing became more regular, his body no longer wracked with spasms of pain.

"Process complete. Trainee Astron, your bone and muscle density have been significantly enhanced. You have successfully adapted to the Everchanging Glyph's initial phase. Recommend rest and further monitoring."

Astron leaned back, his body feeling heavier but stronger. The ordeal had been grueling, but the results were undeniable. He felt a newfound strength coursing through his veins, his body more resilient than ever before.

"Thank you… Training Assistant," he managed to say, his voice hoarse from the exertion.

"You are welcome, Trainee Astron. Rest well and prepare for the next phase of your training," the AI responded. "You are to be subjected to this program for the next two weeks. Estimated overall Muscle Density and Bone Density improvement is %40 after the training ends."

Hearing this, Astron could not help but shake his head as his eyes turned cold.

'Next two weeks….It will be grueling.' But he would endure. Since the rewards…..They were immense.

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