Chapter 448 102.3 - Examination

Reina watched Astron leave the training area, heading to a designated room to rest before his next test.

The trainees whispered among themselves, clearly impressed by the display of skill they had just witnessed. No, it was not just a mere impression.

Their eyes were wide open. None of them had ever seen someone obliterate a squad of enemies this fast. It was clearly something that they had never seen, something that they could not make sense of.

Reina turned to Dakota, a satisfied smile playing on her lips.

"Impressive, wasn't it?" Reina asked, her tone carrying a hint of pride.

Dakota nodded slowly, still processing what she had just seen. "Indeed, it was. I knew he was skilled, but I didn't expect him to handle the test with such efficiency and precision."

Reina's eyes sparkled with a mix of amusement and satisfaction. "It's not just his strength that sets him apart. It's his ability to adapt and think on his feet. Did you see how he handled the berserker dummy? He didn't just react; he anticipated its movements."

Dakota crossed her arms, her expression thoughtful. "He used the environment and his own limitations to his advantage. The way he manipulated the threads to retrieve his dagger and then used it to disable the berserker... That was remarkable."

Reina nodded, her gaze still fixed on the door through which Astron had exited. "He has a natural talent for combat, but more importantly, he has the mindset of an observant. That's what makes him valuable."

Dakota looked at Reina, a hint of curiosity in her eyes. "You seem quite invested in his success. More so than I've seen you with other recruits."

'For what reason, I don't know, is she putting this much importance on him?'

Dakota was already aware of his class as [Weapon Master], but that wouldn't make him this important. Though his class was not that bad, it was not like there weren't any better. She just saw someone she knew inside his eyes, and that was why.

'Was it the Eye? Just because of that?' Reina's smile widened, but there was a glint of something more in her eyes—something colder. "He has potential that could be very useful to us. And he's motivated by something powerful. It's not just about strength or skill; it's about what drives a person. That kid has a drive that can be harnessed for great things."

'Indeed, that is the case.' Dakota thought.

"But, is that it?" She still pondered.

Reina, seeing her enthusiasm, smiled. "It seems you have taken fancy of him."

Hearing that, Dakota did not hide her thoughts; after all, the fact that she had tested him before would already be revealed to the organization, as she had no reason to hide it.

While she could hide Astron's [Weapon Master] occupation from other trainees, she could not do the same to the organization. And she had an inkling that they already knew as well.

"…..Indeed. I am considering taking him as my disciple."

Reina raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Considering taking him as your disciple? Even if his main weapons are daggers and bows?"

Dakota nodded her head, her expression serious. "That kid can also be a [Martial Artist]. He has a natural talent for it."

Reina's curiosity was piqued. "How do you know this?"

Dakota met her gaze steadily. "I confirmed it myself this morning."

At this, Reina displayed a knowing smile. "It's good to see you motivated once again. It has been a while since I've seen the 'Fist of the Tempest' in action."

Dakota's eyes sparkled with a mix of determination and pride. "It's been a while since I've found someone worth training. But that kid... he has something special. He reminds me of a certain someone."

Reina nodded thoughtfully. "If you see that potential in him, then perhaps you are right. The organization could benefit greatly from having him trained under your guidance."

Dakota smiled a rare expression that softened her usually stern features. "Let's see what is to come."

Just like that, five minutes had passed, and Dakota stood up. The trainees, still murmuring among themselves, quieted down as Dakota took her position at the front once more.

She addressed the group with her authoritative tone, "The next test will demonstrate Trainee Astron's proficiency with the bow. Prepare yourselves to witness his skills."

Astron stepped forward, his demeanor composed and focused. He carried a compound bow, sleek and fitted with slight enchantments to enhance its capabilities.

The bow felt familiar in his hands, a weapon he had trained with extensively. fr𝑜m freewebnø

Dakota nodded at him, a silent acknowledgment of his readiness. "Take your position, trainee."

Astron moved to the designated area, feeling the weight of everyone's gaze on him once again. He took a deep breath, steadying his nerves and focusing his mind.

"We'll start with the bow test," Dakota announced. "This will push you to your limits, but it is necessary to gauge your true capabilities."

"I understand," Astron replied, his voice steady. He notched an arrow, feeling the familiar tension of the bowstring.

"Begin," Dakota commanded.

The training dummies activated once more, moving with surprising speed and precision. They moved with agility, some wielding shields, others with weapons aimed at attack.

Astron wasted no time. He drew his bowstring back, his eyes locking onto the first target.


The arrow flew through the air, striking a dummy squarely in the chest. The enchanted arrowhead exploded upon impact, causing the dummy to stagger back and deactivate.


Another dummy charged at him, this one faster and more agile. Astron quickly notched another arrow, aiming for the dummy's legs. The arrow hit its mark, causing the dummy to stumble. Without hesitation, he fired a third arrow into its head, deactivating it.

The trainees watched in awe as Astron seamlessly transitioned from one target to the next, his movements fluid and precise. He was not just reacting to the dummies; he was anticipating their movements, adapting to their patterns.

One of the dummies activated a shield, advancing towards Astron with a methodical, defensive stance. One of the most known enemies of the archers was that towering piece of metal.


'Now, let's see.' Astron assessed the situation, then quickly drew a special arrow from his quiver. Yet this arrow was imbued with something.

Around the tip, a slight energy was shining.

Many people would not notice, but those with experienced eyes did. Especially Reina and Dakota.

Dakota could not easily discern what was happening there as it was not her specialty, but Reina could.

'Using the air around to make the arrow rotate constantly and cause friction the moment it hits. You are not planning to deal with it in just one arrow.' It was a good technique that was developed by the Elven Archers. However, implementing it was not as easy as it looked.


The arrow flew straight and true, penetrating the shield. Just as Reina had predicted, upon impact, the arrow's angular momentum focused on the tip, creating intense friction. The energy around the tip caused it to heat up, burning through the shield and creating a hole.

Astron didn't waste a moment. As the arrow drilled through the shield, he notched another arrow, this one aimed directly at the hole created by the first.


The second arrow flew through the hole and struck the dummy behind the shield, deactivating it instantly.

As he continued, the difficulty increased. More dummies appeared, some wielding ranged weapons, others employing stealth tactics. One dummy, cloaked in shadow, fired a volley of arrows at Astron.

He reacted swiftly, using his bow to deflect some of the arrows and dodging the rest. He then drew a rapid-fire set of arrows, unleashing a barrage that took down multiple dummies in quick succession.

A particularly formidable dummy emerged, this one imbued with magic. It conjured a barrier of wind around itself, making it difficult to hit.

At least, that was how it was supposed to be, as the moment he saw the wind barrier, he had already thoroughly analyzed it.

And the moment he analyzed it, it was over.


The arrow flew through the air, cutting through the wind barrier and striking the dummy in the center. The barrier dissipated, and the dummy was deactivated.


To this one, even Reina was surprised as she did not expect such a thing to happen at all.

"Stop," Dakota's voice rang out, signaling the end of the test.

Astron lowered his bow, breathing steadily. This time, the reactions were not as intense as the first one, as while his ability with the bow was not that bad, it was not that overwhelming.

However, at the same time, this also stemmed from the fact that many were not able to comprehend what he did to the shielded dummies.

Most assumed that he just overpowered them, but that was not the case.

Dakota stepped forward again, her voice carrying a tone of authority. "The next phase of the examination will test your skills in observation, investigation, infiltration, stealth, quick thinking, and judgment in crucial scenarios."

Dakota motioned to a section of the training area that was set up with advanced Virtual Reality (VR) equipment. The setup resembled an urban environment with buildings, alleyways, and hiding spots, but the technology made it incredibly realistic.

Dakota stepped forward again, her voice carrying a tone of authority. "The next phase of the examination will test your skills in observation, investigation, infiltration, stealth, quick thinking, and judgment in crucial scenarios."

Dakota motioned to a section of the training area that was set up with advanced Virtual Reality (VR) equipment. The setup resembled an urban environment with buildings, alleyways, and hiding spots, but the technology made it incredibly realistic.

"You will navigate through this environment, identify key targets, gather intelligence, and avoid detection," Dakota explained. "You will have to use your skills in observation and quick thinking to succeed."

"You will be given missions that would need to be accomplished, and each of them will test one type of skill."


Astron nodded his head and accepted the device, feeling its weight in his hand.

He took a deep breath, focusing his mind on the task ahead. As Dakota signaled the start of the test, the VR environment around him activated. The realistic urban landscape materialized, complete with sounds, smells, and the feeling of the wind against his skin. It was as if he had been transported to a real city.

And just like that, the second part of his test began, as he appeared right in the city itself.

"Now, for your first mission….."

With the mission shown.

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