Chapter 444 101.4 - Dakota Hellen

"Or things like this may happen."

As I was on the ground, lying there, a new attack came hurtling toward my face. Instinctively, I activated my 「Eyes of Hourglass」, and the world around me slowed down.

The familiar sensation of time decelerating enveloped me, giving me a critical advantage. In this altered state, I could observe every detail with heightened clarity.

Dakota's fist inched towards me, her form a blur of motion. I focused intently on her, my eyes tracing the flow of mana through her body.

Her mana moved in intricate patterns, concentrated in her limbs and core, enhancing her speed and strength. I could see the subtle shifts in energy, the precise control she exerted over it.

There was no way I could fully replicate it in the short time I had, but I could try to imitate it partially.

'Focus… channel the mana to my legs… increase speed…'

I directed my mana towards my legs, feeling the energy surge through my muscles. The sensation was intense, like a current of electricity coursing through me.

I visualized the flow and the pathways the mana needed to take to enhance my speed.

With a burst of speed, I pushed off the ground, using the mana to propel myself upwards. The world seemed to snap back to normal speed as I launched myself towards Dakota.


I moved with a sudden acceleration, catching Dakota off guard. Her eyes widened for a split second, a flicker of surprise breaking through her composed exterior.


My fist connected with her midsection, the force amplified by the mana coursing through my legs. The impact sent her staggering back, a look of recognition in her eyes.

I landed, my breathing heavy but steady. The exertion had taken a toll, but the adrenaline and the rush of mana kept me going.

Dakota regained her balance quickly, her eyes locking onto mine with renewed intensity. "Impressive, Trainee. You're starting to understand."

I nodded, a sense of accomplishment mixing with the ever-present determination. "Thank you, ma'am."

The reason why I was thankful was because of the small bracelets that she was wearing. Normally, most people would refrain from wearing bracelets to suppress their mana and would do it manually on their own.

That would make them feel a lot better and safer, and in the academy, most instructors did the same.

But this had one downside. Those with higher [Magical Power] attributes would have a higher ranking mana commandment. They would be able to command mana of a higher density and rank, and such condensed mana psions would be something that those with lower [Intuition] stat wouldn't be able to sense.

This difference would be evident if one's [Magical Power] stat was higher by at least one digit on parameters.

That was why higher-ranking Awakened would be this oppressive against lower-ranked ones and why [Intuition] stat was this important.

And that was why I was also able to sense the mana flowing down in Dakota's veins. It was because the bracelet was directly limiting her body and the mana she was using, making it visible to my eyes.

As she settled back to her stance, Dakota's predatory glance returned, her body shining orange.

"But you still have a long way to go. Let's continue."

SWOOSH! She had dashed forward once again, blasting herself once more.


I did the same.

We launched at each other again, our movements a blur of strikes and counters. Dakota's fists flew at me with relentless precision, each punch a test of my reflexes and endurance.


I blocked her strikes, countering with my own. Our blows met with resounding impacts, the sound echoing through the training hall. I could feel my body reaching its limits, but I pushed through the pain, refusing to back down.

As we fought, I focused on my mana control, channeling it through my body. Every movement needed to be precise, the mana amplifying my speed and strength.

'Stay focused, maintain the flow.'


A powerful kick from Dakota sent me sprawling to the ground. I quickly rolled to my feet, ready for the next attack. She moved with the grace and power of a seasoned warrior, her eyes never leaving mine.

'She's not giving me any room to breathe.'

I tightened my stance, focusing on my breathing and calming my mind. The fluidity and lightness I had cultivated with daggers were not enough here; I needed to adapt to harness the power and precision required for close combat. The integration of mana made every strike more intense and every dodge more critical.


I moved in, aiming a series of quick jabs at her midsection. She blocked them effortlessly, her movements a blur. I feinted left, then brought my right elbow up towards her chin.


Dakota deflected my elbow with a swift motion, countering with a sharp jab to my ribs. The pain was immediate, but I gritted my teeth and pushed through it. I had to remain focused.

'Adapt, observe, and counter.'

I saw an opening and took it, ducking under her next strike and launching a powerful uppercut. She dodged just in time, her reflexes honed to perfection. Her eyes met mine, a flash of respect evident in their depths.


Her fists flew at me in rapid succession. I dodged the first and parried the second, using the momentum to spin and deliver a roundhouse kick aimed at her midsection. She blocked it with her forearm, the impact reverberating through both of us.

Dakota's movements were precise and controlled, a testament to her experience and training. Each attack flowed seamlessly into the next, leaving little room for error. I could feel the strain on my body, the exertion taking its toll.

But I wasn't done yet.


I dashed forward, feinting a punch and pivoting to deliver a swift kick to her knee. She sidestepped, countering with a back fist that grazed my temple. The world tilted momentarily, but I shook off the dizziness and refocused.


I aimed a low kick at her shin, forcing her to shift her weight. With her balance momentarily disrupted, I saw my chance. I lunged forward, using my shoulder to push her back and create some distance.

Breathing heavily, I wiped the sweat from my brow. Dakota was a formidable opponent, but I was learning and adapting to her style. The integration of mana was becoming more natural, the flow of energy through my body enhancing my every move.

'She's not unbeatable. I just need to find the right strategy.'

Dakota nodded, acknowledging my efforts. "Good. You're learning quickly. But you'll need to do better than that."

I nodded and adjusted my stance, ready to continue the fight. Dakota's presence was imposing, but I welcomed the challenge. This was my chance to prove myself, to show that I would be more than a mere trainee here.

I would be someone that she would pay attention to and possibly take as a disciple.

Since that was my goal for this spar,

To impress someone like Dakota and make her teach me, to make use of her abilities as an overseer to the maximum.


We launched at each other again, our movements a blur of strikes and counters. Dakota's fists flew at me with relentless precision, each punch a test of my reflexes and endurance. I could feel the mana coursing through her strikes, adding a layer of complexity to the fight.


I blocked her strikes, countering with my own. Our blows met with resounding impacts, the sound echoing through the training hall. I could feel my body reaching its limits, but I pushed through the pain, refusing to back down.

The mana in my legs and arms amplified my movements, giving me the edge I needed.


A powerful kick from Dakota sent me sprawling to the ground. I quickly rolled to my feet, ready for the next attack.

Indeed, a real warrior was different. It was even harder for me to just keep track of her attacks, and she was pushing every little gap effortlessly.

'Not giving any room means this, I guess.' However, I wasn't about to give up. I focused on her movements, searching for patterns, weaknesses, and anything I could exploit. The integration of mana made her attacks faster and stronger, but it also made her movements more predictable if the mana was read properly and efficiently.


Dakota came at me again, her fists a blur. I ducked under a high punch and launched a counterattack, aiming a series of rapid strikes at her midsection. She blocked and parried, but I kept up the pressure, forcing her to stay on the defensive.


I landed a solid punch to her side, and she staggered slightly. It was a small victory, but it somehow felt a little different, as the touch on my hand was soft this time instead of being quick.

"Not bad."

"Thank you."

I pressed the advantage, my strikes coming faster and harder, each one infused with mana.


Dakota's eyes narrowed, and she adjusted her stance, her movements becoming even more precise. She met my attacks with fluid grace, her counters swift and powerful. The intensity of the fight increased, each of us pushing the other to the limit.


She landed a powerful blow to my shoulder, and I felt a sharp pain shoot down my arm.


I gritted my teeth, refusing to let it slow me down, igniting the pain on my shoulder. Instead, I focused on my legs and my external oblique muscles, rotating my body.

I countered with a spinning kick, catching her off guard.


She blocked the kick but stumbled back, her eyes flashing with respect. "Not bad, young man. Using the pain as a faint."

I nodded, breathing heavily. "Thank you, ma'am."

Somehow, it seemed my evaluation rose from a trainee to a young man, but that was not the main focus.

"But from now on," Dakota said, her voice taking on a serious tone, "I will stop holding back."

The moment she said this, the pressure emanating from her body changed, and she looked like a tiger ready to pounce. She let out a faint breath, her eyes turning brown.

In an instant, she dashed towards me on all fours, moving with rapid speed. Her first strike was a rotating kick. I barely managed to block it with my elbows, but the impact sent a jolt through my arms. Using the momentum, Dakota landed on her two hands, which was followed by an acrobatic move, throwing a reverse axe kick.

I evaded the strike at the last second, pushing myself to the side. But this maneuver messed up my footwork, putting me in an unfavorable position.

As she finished the axe kick, her foot landed on the ground with her back facing me. She suddenly took a horse stance.

"Tiger stance. Fallen leaf."

She struck the air while turning her body, and the strike created a powerful blast. I braced myself for the attack, but even before I could adapt, I felt the shockwave hit me.

The force of the blast knocked me off my feet. My head spun as I hit the ground, my body skidding across the floor. I tried to regain my bearings, but the room tilted and swayed.

Dakota stood over me, her stance relaxed but her eyes sharp. "You did well, Trainee Astron." She said. It was as if she had returned to being normal, but I knew it was different.

This chapter is by .

"How about becoming my disciple?"

And, just as expected, I got the offer.

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