Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 414 94.2 - Not every negative thing is negative

Chapter 414 94.2 - Not every negative thing is negative

<Fifteen Minutes Ago>

The moment the organization decided to attack, when the order came, all of the members immediately started the operation without any doubt.

Since none of the lower-ranked members could go against the orders of the higher-ranked executives, it was pretty similar to the military, where the hierarchy was absolute.

At least, that was how it was for the starters.

Different from the military, though, for the organization, the hierarchy was much clearer than others.

The reason for that?

The repercussions for not directly complying with the orders.

It was pain and death.

The moment one enters the organization, all they do is leave their lives to the control of high-ranking executives.

This is how the demonic energy works.

Higher-ranking demons can directly command the lower-ranking ones, the same as the humans who traded their humanity for strength via demonic core.

[Plans have changed. Carry on with the attack now!]

Thus, the moment the order came, even though it was not expected and slightly surprising, none of the members cared about it and attacked it.

The same went for Bill, who was just a recently joined member of the organization.

Bill's heart pounded with a mixture of anticipation and dark satisfaction as he received the order. He had no hesitation, no second thoughts. From the moment he had joined the organization, he had accepted the path he would take. After all, he, too, had his own past, one that fueled his resolve.

He remembered the day vividly, the day a hunter forcefully broke into his apartment when he was a child. She had assaulted his brother, and the memory of his brother had changed after that day, and the memory of his brother hanging from the ceiling with his head tied to the rope.

It was that day that he saw the ugliness of the world. Joining the organization had given him the power he craved, the means to exact his revenge.

He moved swiftly through the shadows of the amphitheater, his eyes scanning the crowd for his target. The corrupted seeds he had planted were already taking effect, and chaos was spreading.

Screams echoed around him, but he felt nothing for the people caught in the crossfire.

After all, those were the same people who had refused to listen to his brother at all. Some people even thought his brother was lucky.

The insanity was innate to humans, and that was when he understood that.

Bill spotted a group of professors and hunters forming a defensive perimeter around a cluster of students. His lips curled into a cold smile. These were the people he wanted to make suffer, the ones who were the same as that woman.

Though he didn't have the exact strength to go against the professors right now, did that matter?

'They will be here soon.'

After all, the executives were about to reveal themselves. That was the plan as it was constructed. The moment the attack started, the executives suddenly appeared with their formidable strength, and then they caught the professors off guard.

As the lower rank member, his whole job was to slightly distract the professors until the executives revealed themselves.

Bill activated his communication device as the command was issued to his squad. [Group A, converge on my position. We're taking down that professor and the students she's protecting. Move out!]

Within moments, several figures emerged from the shadows, each wearing the dark uniform of the organization. Their clothes had already changed, taking their normal form. After this point, there was no need to keep their disguises anymore.

They nodded to Bill, determination, and malevolence gleaming in their eyes.

"Let's go," Bill growled. "Hit them hard and fast. Distract them until the executives arrive."

They moved as one, charging toward the cluster of professors and students. Bill's heart raced with dark excitement as he closed the distance, his weapon drawn.

The professor, a middle-aged woman with a stern expression, saw them coming and immediately reacted. "Get behind me!" she shouted to the students, raising her hands and conjuring a shimmering barrier of mana.

Bill and his squad struck the barrier simultaneously, their combined force causing it to flicker and waver. But the professor held firm, her eyes narrowing in concentration.

"Focus your attacks!" Bill barked. "Break through that barrier!"

They unleashed a relentless barrage of strikes, their demonic energy crackling against the barrier. The professor gritted her teeth, reinforcing her shield with every ounce of her power.

But the professors of Arcadia Hunter Academy were not to be underestimated. As Bill's squad pressed their assault, another professor instantly joined the place, noticing that this side was being targeted.

One professor, a tall man with a scar across his face, launched a counterattack with a blast of fiery mana, forcing Bill and his squad to scatter.

Following that, seeing that she was being covered, the female professor instantly summoned tendrils of ice to ensnare and immobilize several of Bill's comrades while also casting the barrier on the other hand.

'Fuck. They are really strong.' Bill cursed under his breath. They were strong—stronger than he had anticipated. The professors responded swiftly and with precision, coordinating their defenses and counterattacks seamlessly.

[Don't stop.] The order came once again while his frustration was mounting. [We need to hold them off until the executives arrive!]

'We are trying to, you fucker.'

He wanted to curse, but he didn't have any time at all.


Since the blade of the professor knocked him away.

It had just happened in an instant, and then he was blasted off by the sheer force of the attack. No, it wasn't just a sheer force. It was most likely related to the Professor's mana, which was coated on the blade.

CRASH! Yet he couldn't even think about it anymore as he crashed into the wall, his body breaking down internally.


Blood splattered around as he felt like his body was in shambles.

Bill looked around and saw that their side was getting pushed back. Countless members of their organization were dying on the ground one by one at the hands of the stronger professors. Though the initial chaos was still unfolding, and the corrupted civilians were attacking others, they were getting subjugated even by the students. The professors and the academy personnel who had instantly gotten organized were dealing with the demonic humans systematically.

His eyes searched for the executives, looking for their traces if he could find any of them. He waited for them to make their appearance, trusting them though the uneasiness in his heart grew.

But to his dismay, they did not appear. The executives did not show up, and he witnessed more and more deaths. The realization struck him like a blow to the gut.

They were discarded. They were left alone.

'Right? What did you expect, you dumb fucker?' Bill's heart sank as he saw the truth. The organization had sacrificed them, using them as mere pawns in their grand scheme.

'Did you think they would care about you, huh? Are you that stupid? When have you become that naive, huh?'

His mind raced with the bitter reality that he had been used and abandoned.

'When did this world once do something for you, stupid motherfucker?'

Anger, frustration, and a deep sense of betrayal welled up within him. He cursed himself for believing that these people would care about him. He cursed himself for believing that in this world, something was going on his way.

He struggled to his feet, his body aching from the impact. The sight of his comrades being slaughtered fueled his rage, but he knew that staying would mean certain death.

"They left us," he muttered bitterly, his voice barely a whisper. "They used us and left us to die."

However, there was one reason why Bill was able to stay alive to this point and was accepted by the organization as one of the members.

Something that he had always taken count of.

His quick judgment.


At that moment, he heard a voice coming from his side. Up to this point, he had never once cared about what was happening around him. But then, as he heard the voice, he spread his senses.

Only to see something that could change everything.

"These two. They are still here."

Two bodies lay on the ground. One of them was still unconscious, while the other one was slowly gaining consciousness. 'This.'

And in an instant, something came into his mind.


A way for him to survive.

Or at least a way for him to pay this world back for all the things he had received.

Bill's eyes narrowed as he focused on the two students. One has short red hair, and the other has long silver hair. Without wasting a second, he rushed towards them. He first went for the red-haired girl since she was about to wake up.

The moment he reached her, it was already a bit late as she had woken up.


She attacked him with a quick-fire spell, but her attack was sloppy since she was not in full control.

Bill evaded the strike and then reached her, striking her on the head and making her unconscious once more. Grabbing her, he instantly dashed to the silver-haired girl. He struck her head to ensure she was unconscious and not pretending.

SWIRL! As he prepared himself to move away, suddenly, he felt an enormous amount of mana coming from one side. Turning his head, he saw a wave of fire coming his way, threatening to envelop and burn everything down.

Turning his head to the side, he saw a woman with her eyes ablaze. A woman that he didn't know before, but he noticed an insignia on her chest. Seeing the insignia, he realized her identity. She was someone from the Emberheart family, and he smirked.

"If you come any closer, this girl will die," he threatened, gripping the unconscious red-haired girl tightly.

"Leave the miss alone. Or you will face the consequences."

The woman replied; however, Bill knew if he were to show any weakness here, he wouldn't leave this place alive.

"What consequences? Are you going to kill me? I am already dead, and I don't care."

"I am warning you one last time."

"I say the same."

He was trying to play it cool, but he didn't know such a strong woman would be here to face him this time.

'Fucking shit. It is never easy.'

He once again cursed himself and his luck.

But before he could say anything more, suddenly, the woman raised her hand as the fire swirled around her fingers.

"Don't come? Don't you care what will happen to your young miss? Do you want her to die?"

She didn't stop. Thus, he could only channel his demonic energy into his hands.

"One last warning."

He said, pointing towards her head.

However, the woman did not stop at all, as if she didn't care, and attacked him with the utmost strength. Seeing that, Bill cursed and instantly activated something he had secretly stolen from the armory of the organization.


A special artifact that made the wearer return to a special place marked by it via spatial manipulation.

It was the reason why he dared to grab these girls. After all, if he were to escape using this artifact, he would be easily found out by the organization, and his death would be certain. But, with these girls in his hand, he would even get a promotion that differed from his previous situation.

WOOSH! Just as the wave of fire was about to engulf him, the artifact activated.

The space around Bill and the two unconscious girls warped and twisted, pulling them away from the immediate danger. In the blink of an eye, they were gone, leaving behind a scorched mark on the ground where they had been standing.

WROOM! However, on the other side. The moment Bill entered the spatial portal, something happened. It was interfered with by something external.


As if a net was wrapped across the academy. At that moment, he realized why this mission was abandoned.

'The Academy was already aware.'

And in an instant, he had appeared once again in the real world. But different from what was expected, he was in a forest.

In the academy forest on top of that.

He was trapped.

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