Chapter 383 Chapter 88.6 - Final Exams

Arcadia Hunter Academy was a huge institute. There are several different buildings inside the campus, and a lot of students are accommodated all the time.

Each year, over two thousand freshmen apply to the academy. Therefore, the academy needs to be very systematic with their explanations.

The tradition of the duels for the freshmen students is also a taxing event. But at the same time, it is something that is widely funded by the government.

After all, in a way, it is an opportunity for the future Hunter candidates to market themselves. Though not everyone is able to watch the duels, those who are allowed to do so can already cover the expenses.

In any case, since each student needs to duel at least once, the sheer amounts of duels that need to be processed is huge, considering the number of students reaching 2400.

And that is also the reason why the whole week is dedicated to these duels. After all, there will be over a thousand deals that need to be processed.

The duels were structured to encourage students to challenge themselves and demonstrate their abilities. Each student was required to participate in at least one duel. The rules encouraged challenging higher-ranked opponents while discouraging challenging lower-ranked ones. This was because challenging a lower-ranked student was seen as an act of a weak-minded individual, both by the community and the scouts.

The academy set the default grade for each student at zero. Their grade would increase based on the prowess and skill they demonstrated during their duel.

As a result, it was strategically unwise for students to challenge those ranked below them, as it would not contribute significantly to their grades.

Each student only had one right to appoint a duel, and no student could appoint more than one person.

After all, if this limitation wasn't included in the rules, then it would be nearly impossible for the academy to conduct such an important event.

To facilitate the organization of these duels, students needed to appoint the individuals they wanted to challenge by Saturday. This allowed the academy sufficient time to adjust the schedule accordingly and ensure that each duel was conducted smoothly.

Relatives and a select few outsiders were allowed to attend the duels, adding an element of pressure and motivation for the students. Their presence served as both support and scrutiny, pushing the students to perform at their best.

As the weekend approached, the academy buzzed with anticipation. Students were busy strategizing, consulting with mentors, and finalizing their choices.

Meanwhile, the administration worked tirelessly to ensure everything was in place for the grand event.

The way to ensure one's challenge was simple.

On the academy website, students search for the person they want to challenge, and then they choose from there. And once the appointment is made and approved by the academy, then a mail would be sent to both the challenger and the challenged so that they could both be prepared.

It was an easy process.

Yet, there was always a person who would have a hard time making such a decision.


Kellan Stormrider sat at his desk, the glow of his computer screen illuminating his frustrated expression.

The academy's website displayed profiles of his peers, but his attention was fixed on one in particular: Ethan Hartley. Ethan was renowned for his prowess and talent, one of the most promising students in their year.

Kellan sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. "Why me?" he muttered under his breath. "These bastards are forcing me to do unnecessary stupid things."

He had received the message from Dorian earlier that day, a request that felt more like a command. Dorian had helped him out once, and now he was calling in that favor. Kellan couldn't refuse, not without facing serious consequences.

"Just great," he grumbled. His eyes flicked back to Ethan's profile. This guy probably didn't deserve this, but Kellan's hands were tied.

Dorian had made it clear: deal with Ethan during the Final Exam duels or else his brother….

Kellan's finger hovered over the mouse, a moment of hesitation creeping in. "Damn it," he cursed softly, frustration bubbling up inside him. He didn't want to be part of this mess, but he had no choice, especially since clearly targeting the heir of Hartleys was a blatant act of stupidity, but there was nothing he could do.

With a resigned sigh, he moved the cursor over the "Challenge" button next to Ethan's name. "Here goes nothing," he muttered, pressing the button.

A confirmation screen popped up, asking him to verify his choice. It was red as if to say the decision he was making was stupid. Yet, he clicked "Yes," and a moment later, a notification appeared, confirming that his duel appointment had been approved. Both he and Ethan would receive emails shortly, notifying them of the challenge.

Kellan leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling. "What a mess," he said to himself. "All I wanted was to get through this semester without any drama."

He knew the duels were a big deal, an opportunity for students to showcase their skills and attract attention from scouts. But this felt different, tainted by ulterior motives and personal vendettas.

"Sorry, Ethan Hartley," he whispered, feeling a pang of guilt. "I hope you understand."


<Arcadia Hunter Academy, Saturday Night>

Eleanor sat in her dimly lit office, a cup of her high-concentrated, specially ordered coffee on the desk beside her. The aroma of the rare mana-infused leaf used in the brew filled the room, providing a brief moment of solace before she dove into the tasks at hand.

The end of the semester was always a whirlwind of activity, and the Final Exam duels added an extra layer of complexity. She picked up the stack of duel appointments submitted by her homeroom students, ready to review their choices and ensure everything was in order.

She began with Irina Emberheart's challenge.

Irina Emberheart (Rank 3) - Seraphina Frostborne (Rank 1)

Eleanor nodded approvingly. Seraphina was a strong opponent, and this duel would undoubtedly push Irina to her limits. The rivalry between the two families would never diminish. And she expected no less from the Emberheart prodigy.

Julia Middleton (Rank 61) - Damien Arkwright (Rank 21)

'Rank 21? Interesting.'

Raising an eyebrow, Eleanor considered this choice. Julia's rank was around 60, but Eleanor knew that Julia was much stronger than her rank indicated. Her poor academic performance often masked her true potential.

'That kid is probably one of the strongest in my class in terms of pure combat capability. Though, she is still a gem that needs to be polished.'

Nodding, Eleanor moved on, confident that Julia would rise to the occasion.

Lilia Thornheart (Rank 5) - Adam Rotschwen (Rank 4)

A slight smile played on Eleanor's lips. Lilia was fearless, always ready to challenge the best. This duel would be a significant test, but Eleanor believed in Lilia's capabilities.

Lucas Middleton - Vincent Hale (Rank 54)

'Lucas had chosen wisely,' Eleanor thought. Vincent Hale was a balanced fighter, and this duel would be a good measure of Lucas's progress. It was a pretty safe choice, something that didn't contain many risks.

After all, challenging a too-strong opponent would rather make it hard for the student to display their capabilities since the opponents would, in general, not leave them many options.

Carl Braveheart - Fiona Winter (Rank 82)

A solid choice. Carl was methodical and precise, and Fiona Winter was known for her strategic prowess. This duel promised to be an interesting clash of styles.

When she reached Ethan Hartley's appointment, her eyes narrowed.

Kellan Stormrider (Rank 456) - Ethan Hartley(Rank 970) 'This…..'

Eleanor's expression darkened. Kellan, ranked 456, challenging Ethan, who was ranked 970, was suspicious. It was unusual for a higher-ranked student to challenge someone so much lower.

After all, there were many discouraging points for such a decision.

She pondered the motives behind this choice. Was it a personal vendetta, or was Kellan trying to make a name for himself by defeating someone well-known like Ethan?

'Making use of the fact that Ehtan Hartley is famous is a good idea but it can backfire strongly as well. But we will see about that.' The Hartley family's prominence meant this duel would attract significant attention, making it a potential strategy for Kellan to boost his reputation.

'It will be interesting to watch.'

Eleanor smiled. After all, she herself witnessed Ethan's growth over the year since she was the one grading his work. f𝚛e𝐞𝐰𝚎b𝚗o𝚟𝚎l.c𝗼m

And she knew what kind of a monster Ethan was and currently is.

After reading a little more, she reached Astron Natusalune's appointment.

Liam Wayne (Rank 1279) - Astron Natusalune(Rank 1729) There was another such case. This time, she was in her own Directly support the authors on WebNovel!

class. Both Liam Wayne and Astron Natusalune were her own students, and in her own case, such a situation was occurring.


But, well. It wasn't her job to intervene with every decision the students made. She could only oversee them and pinpoint their mistakes afterward since the youngsters needed to experience the consequences of their actions.

'And, I am certain. With everything I had seen, this duel will be a good indicator.'

Though she would not interfere even if she wanted to, she didn't even want to do so.

Both for Ethan and for Astron.

Since both of them were possible candidates in her eyes, she needed to test them until the end.

'Though hypocritical, it is necessary.'

This was how she comforted herself.

As she was about to move on to the next task, her computer pinged with a new email notification. Glancing at the screen, she noticed something unusual—the sender field was blank. Her eyes narrowed. It was practically impossible for a sender to be blank since the domain of the sender was directly linked to the device's mana imprint.

Curiosity piqued, she opened the email. It contained only one line:

"Look at your window frame."

A chill ran down Eleanor's spine. She immediately spread her senses, scanning for any threats. Finding none, she cautiously approached the window, her hand hovering near her sword just in case. When she reached the window, she noticed a small, inconspicuous pocket placed on the ledge.

She carefully picked it up, opening it to find a stack of photos made by mana—a technique used to capture images in the mana world. As she flipped through them, her eyes widened, and her breath caught in her throat.

The first few images showed Professor Whitaker, a respected colleague, engaged in a conversation with a woman Eleanor recognized all too well: Alisha Virgo, known as the Mad Puppeteer.


The sight of her nemesis sent a wave of anger and dread through Eleanor.

Alisha Virgo was a criminal Eleanor despised deeply, responsible for numerous atrocities and manipulations using her twisted control over mana puppets.

"You are still out there…."

Seeing her in these photos, conversing with someone from within the academy, was both shocking and infuriating.

The final photo in the stack had a brief note scrawled at the bottom:

"There will be an attack during the final exams."

Eleanor's grip tightened on the photos, her mind racing. The pressure in the room intensified as her mana flared in response to her anger and concern. She took a deep breath, forcing herself to remain calm and think clearly.

The implications of this information were dire. An attack during the final exams could endanger the lives of her students and undermine the very fabric of the academy. She had to act swiftly and discreetly.

"But it is also a good opportunity."

One traitor wouldn't alone be able to organize such an attack.

And this whole situation would be a good opportunity to find those traitors, even though things could get risky at the end.

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