Chapter 377 Chapter 87.4 - No title

With the final exam period almost starting, the students were busy studying and training. The same could be said for Sylvie as well.

Even if she had been training hard to improve herself, that didn't mean it aligned with what the academy wanted from her.

That was especially the case since she was a healer, and she focused more on close combat and magic. She didn't want to reveal her powers to the world because of her intuition warning her, but that also meant that she needed to act like a healer.

And now she was suffering from that choice.

"Body autonomy, Mana Vein's practice... And I am yet to start studying for the general courses... I am done, aren't I?" Sylvie muttered, rubbing her temples in frustration. The weight of her neglected studies was pressing down on her, threatening to crush her under its immense burden.

"You know, this is what you get for neglecting your studies," Jasmine chimed in, her voice carrying a hint of teasing but also genuine concern. She leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed. "I warned you about this, didn't I?"

Sylvie sighed, glancing up at Jasmine with a sheepish smile. "I know, I know. I just got so caught up in my training that I let everything else slip."

Jasmine shook her head, a wry smile on her lips. "Training is important, but so is keeping up with your coursework. You can't exactly heal someone with punches and kicks."

"I guess you're right," Sylvie admitted, a sense of resignation in her voice. "But it's so hard to balance everything. Sometimes, it feels like there's just not enough time in the day."

Jasmine walked over and sat down beside Sylvie, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I get it. We all have our struggles. But maybe we can find a way to make this a bit easier. How about we change the location? Sometimes, a change of scenery can help clear your mind."

Sylvie looked at Jasmine, her eyes lighting up with hope. "You think that would help?"

"Absolutely," Jasmine replied with a nod. "How about the library? It's quiet, and we can focus better there. Plus, it has all the resources we need."

'I don't think it will be quiet as usual since it must be crowded now. But, well, I really feel suffocated.'

Sylvie considered the suggestion for a moment, then nodded. "The library sounds like a good idea. Let's go."

Sylvie gathered her study materials, and the two friends made their way to the library. As they walked, they chatted about their upcoming exams and shared tips on how to tackle the various subjects.

The library was a vast, quiet space filled with shelves upon shelves of books, scrolls, and various artifacts.

'Ah….The mana flow changed a little.'

Sylvie, who had become more and more sensitive towards the mana with each time she had trained, could now see the discrepancies in the environments that she had previously been in.

'Do they use wards? I guess the academy doesn't want students to break down.'

The scent of aged paper and the soft hum of mana wards created an atmosphere conducive to focus and study.

"This place is good, right?"


Sylvie and Jasmine found a secluded corner, setting up their books and notes. 𝓯𝑟𝓮ℯ𝘸ℯ𝘣𝑛ℴ𝘷ℯ𝓵.𝘤𝑜𝑚

"Alright, let's get to work," Jasmine said, giving Sylvie an encouraging smile. "Alright, let's get to work," Jasmine said, giving Sylvie an encouraging smile. But then, as she was about to continue, her gaze shifted, catching sight of someone entering the library.

Sylvie followed Jasmine's line of sight and saw him—Astron. His presence was faint yet familiar, his face serious and cold as usual, with eyes clear and focused. He moved with silent steps, almost like a ghost, and none of the other students seemed to notice his presence.

He wore a long black coat, its elegant cut, and somber color setting him apart from the average students his age. Strangely, Sylvie felt that it suited him perfectly, complementing his demeanor.

Astron didn't spare a single glance at his surroundings, his attention unwavering as he made his way to one of the most secluded tables in the corner of the library. Sylvie's eyes followed his path; curiosity piqued when she saw that the table was already occupied by someone familiar.

The girl at the table had striking purple hair and a vibrant smile that seemed out of place in the solemn quiet of the library. Sylvie recognized her immediately—Senior Maya, one of the brightest and most cheerful seniors, as well as a reason for her trauma.

She always seemed to carry a lightness with her, a stark contrast to Astron's composed and often distant demeanor.

Maya looked up as Astron approached, her smile widening as she greeted him.

Astron nodded in response as he took a seat across from her.

The sight of them together, engaged in what seemed to be a comfortable and friendly conversation, sent a wave of mixed emotions through Sylvie.

Just like previously and now, this made it the second time that she had seen them together.

"Who is she? Do you know her?"?Jasmine asked, her voice a silent whisper.

"She is Senior Maya."

"That Senior Maya? Maya Evergreen? First-ranked sophomore student?"


"What are they doing together?" Jasmine whispered, her curiosity mirroring Sylvie's.

Sylvie shook her head, unsure how to respond. She couldn't help but feel a pang of something—was it jealousy? Or perhaps a sense of loss? The end of their training sessions had left a void, and seeing Astron with someone else only magnified that emptiness.

"They must be studying," Sylvie suggested, trying to keep her voice neutral.

"Could be," Jasmine agreed, though her tone was skeptical. "But it's still interesting to see them together like this."

Sylvie forced herself to look away, focusing back on her notes. She couldn't afford to let herself get distracted, not with the exams looming so close.

But the image of Astron and Maya, so comfortable in each other's presence, lingered in her mind, adding another layer of complexity to her already tumultuous emotions.

"Let's get started," Sylvie said, more to herself than to Jasmine, and she delved into her studies with renewed determination.

She had to push through had to focus on what she could control—her own progress and preparation.

She needed to get better grades, better than ever before.

She felt competitive.

As for the reason for that fuel?

She didn't know, or maybe she didn't want to admit.

And Jasmine, who was watching her friend, could only display a helpless smile.


The contents of the curriculum are vastly different for the Sophomore year students and the freshmen. That is especially the case for the first semester since the first semester is mostly about the courses that gave freedom to the cadets.

For sophomore-year students, their exams are a lot harder, with countless different theorems included in them.

For Arcadia Hunter Academy, the curriculum was so wide that even some magic schools would fail in comparison. And the students were even expected to know this much in countless different subjects.

But for Maya Evergreen, who was the first-ranked student in both practical score and theoretical scores, that was not the case.

Since she was talented and hardworking at the same time, she revised the topics daily, practiced, and didn't waste much time on the things that didn't benefit her.

She didn't attend parties or stupid things like that, she didn't like playing video games, and she wasn't a particular reader either.

She also tried to read books and novels, but she somehow found most of them rather shallow. Since almost all the books contained smut, she disliked reading such things. Though that perception of hers was recently changing, she was still finding it hard.

Thus, she only had one thing that she could call a hobby.

Being with Junior and feeling his presence. She was sure that many people would say that hobbies were not such a thing, but for her, that wasn't the case.

After all, weren't hobbies things that would bring joy to the doer?

Then, this did fit the criteria, didn't it?

Maya watched Astron as he immersed himself in his studies, his focus unwavering. His serious demeanor and the way he dedicated himself to his work fascinated her.

It wasn't just his abilities that impressed her but also his relentless drive and commitment. She admired these qualities deeply, finding them to be rare and precious.

She found herself studying him, noting the intensity in his eyes as he pored over his books and notes. There was something mesmerizing about the way he worked, a quiet determination that resonated with her own drive to excel.

The library, with its hushed ambiance and the soft hum of mana wards, provided the perfect backdrop for their study session.

Maya also remembered the time when she was studying for the courses in her freshmen year.

The book before him was the [Introduction to Mana Theory, Seventh Edition]. Probably the hardest course of the semester coupled with [Dungeon Theory 1].

And he was now solving the problems prepared in the book.

'I guess I was like that? Though now, these subjects feel like a child's play.' As she observed him, Maya's thoughts drifted to their past interactions. She recalled the times she had helped him learn to control his mana and the way he had diligently practiced under her guidance.

Those moments had forged a bond between them, a connection that she held dear. Now, seeing him excel on his own, she felt a surge of pride.

'He's come so far,' she thought, a smile tugging at her lips. 'I knew he would.'

Astron, seemingly oblivious to her gaze, continued his studies with unwavering concentration. Maya admired his dedication, but she also knew that he was not someone who paid importance to his grades.

'I mean, if he was someone like that, he wouldn't be last-

ranked, wouldn't he?'

That meant something different was at play, and he had a reason. Knowing him, he wouldn't randomly have a change of heart, so he was either trying to impress someone which would never be the case with his character, or….

'In a competition? A bet?'

She leaned forward slightly, breaking the comfortable silence between them.

"Junior," she called softly, her voice gentle yet firm. "Who is the person you are competing with?"

"….." Astron raised his gaze and looked at Maya for a second. "You are sharp, Senior."

"That is why I am your senior, Junior."

"That seems to be true."

"So, who is this person?"

"It is confidential."


Hearing this, Maya pouted.

'This cheeky Junior dares!'

But then, something inside woke. It was a warning, an intuition.

'Is that a girl?'

Astron looked at Maya, his expression unreadable, but there was a glint of curiosity in his eyes.

Maya couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy.

The idea of Astron competing with another girl unsettled her. She tried to mask her feelings, but her eyes narrowed as she pressed further.

"It's a girl, isn't it?" she asked her tone light but with an edge of suspicion.

Astron didn't respond verbally, but the slight change in his expression confirmed her suspicion. Maya felt a mix of emotions swirling within her—annoyance, curiosity, and a strange possessiveness she couldn't quite shake.

"Come here for a second, Junior," she said, her tone suddenly playful.

Astron raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "What is this about?"

"Just come over. I want to show you something," she insisted, her smile hiding her true intentions.

With a hint of reluctance, Astron rose from his seat and walked over to where Maya sat. He leaned forward slightly, trying to gauge what she was up to.


Yet, even he didn't expect Maya to be this bold.

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