Chapter 342 79.4 - Commotion


As the voice echoed through the cafe, commanding and authoritative, an unseen force seemed to grip everyone present.

The air crackled with intense energy, and the mana that had been swirling around the combatants suddenly felt heavy and oppressive, as if it were pushing down on them, restricting their movements.

Each person in the cafe felt the weight of this invisible pressure, unable to move freely as they had before. It was as if the very atmosphere had turned against them, refusing to allow any further violence or chaos to unfold.

Amidst this stifling aura, all eyes turned toward the source of the commanding voice.

Standing at the center of the mana, her blonde hair cascading around her, was a woman whose presence demanded respect and obedience.

It was Eleanor White, the renowned hunter ranked 210 in the federation ranking and known by the title of 'Invoker.' Her reputation as an instructor at the academy preceded her, with tales of her stern demeanor and unwavering dedication to maintaining order.

Her eyes shone with a stern glare as she surveyed the scene before her, her expression conveying both annoyance and disappointment at the chaos that had erupted in her domain.

For a moment, the cafe fell into a hushed silence, the weight of Eleanor's presence casting a pall over the room. It was clear to everyone present that further disobedience or defiance would not be tolerated.

With a single glance, Eleanor made it known that she was in control and that any further disruptions would be met with swift and severe consequences.

"Is this how the students of Arcadia Hunter Academy were supposed to behave?" She asked, her tone demanding. "Hadn't I noticed the commotion and stopped in advance? What were you planning to do?"

As Eleanor slowly approached the students, her gaze piercing and commanding, she began to address them with a stern tone that brooked no argument.

"Emma Carver," she stated, her voice firm as she locked eyes with the senior student. "Yvonne Anderson. Jerry Potts."

Her words hung heavily in the air, each name carrying the weight of responsibility and accountability for their actions. Eleanor's expression remained impassive as she addressed each senior, and her disapproval was evident in the subtle curl of her lip.

"It's truly commendable," she continued, her tone dripping with sarcasm, "to see senior students setting such a fine example for their juniors."

With a pointed glance, she made it clear that their behavior was far from acceptable and that they would be held accountable for their actions.

Turning her attention to the group of juniors, Eleanor's demeanor softened slightly as she addressed them.

"Julia Middleton," she began, her voice slightly less severe as she acknowledged the freshman. "Ethan Hartley. Lilia Thornheart. Irina Emberheart."

Each name was pronounced with a measured tone, conveying both recognition and expectation. Eleanor's gaze swept over the group, her expression unreadable as she assessed their reactions.

Consecutively, as she recounted the names of the freshmen, the expressions on the faces of three seniors got uglier with each name.

'Ethan Hartley, Julia Middleton, Lilia Thornheart, Irina Emberheart?'

Emma, with her eyes widened, repeated inwardly. 'What did I do?' At that exact moment, she realized who the freshmen before her were. 'I thought they were familiar, to think they were the heirs of Pentagon.' The alliance between the five families was very well known. They each held a lot of positions in government, making them crucial members of the federation.

And this made her realize that, whoever the person sending her photo was, they weren't simple at all.

"It seems," Eleanor remarked at that moment, her voice carrying a note of disappointment, "that even our newest students are not immune to the temptations of disobedience."

With a heavy sigh, Eleanor made it clear that she expected better from all of her students, regardless of their rank or status within the academy. She also released the students from their restraints.

As Eleanor released the students from their restraints, Lilia was quick to speak up, eager to defend her friends. However, before she could say more, Eleanor raised her hand, silencing her.

"I don't care who is in the right or not," Eleanor stated firmly, her voice echoing through the room. "What matters is that you have disturbed the environment of learning for others."

Her disapproving gaze swept over the students, each one feeling the weight of her judgment. It was clear that Eleanor expected better from them and that their actions would not go unpunished.

With a final admonishing glance, Eleanor announced that the academy would deal with the matter and dismissed the students.

As each group left the cafe, Eleanor remained behind, her gaze fixed on the window. Suddenly, her eyes met with those of a dark raven perched outside.

For a moment, the two locked eyes, and then, as quickly as it had appeared, the raven vanished into the skies.


The matters in high society had never been simple from the start. Relations, alliances, and many other things have never been simple.

Many acts that could easily be solved would get complicated. At the same time, seemingly one step would be able to solve anything; that one step would turn into a thousand ones in a thousand different directions.

This was what Emma Carver was feeling right now.

'Fuck, fuck, fuck…To think that that guy was Ethan Hartley! Fuck! How did I miss that?'

She was eating her nails practically. After all, she couldn't believe she had missed the fact that Ethan Hartley was the freshman that she had stepped on and beaten down. It was a grave oversight, one that could have far-reaching consequences.

"What do we do now?"

Sitting in a wide room, the voice of a young man came from the side. It was Jerry, the guy she had brought with her.

Though he wasn't completely relevant to the previous case or was he in the photo, Emma held his weakness, forcing him to do as she wished.

'This bitch….Look what you have done.'

Jerry hated this fact, and there was nothing he could do about it. Now, with the stupid decision that Emma had made, he was also brought into this matter.

Emma clenched her fists, frustration evident in her expression. "I don't know," she replied tersely, her mind racing with the implications of their actions.

"We need to apologize, or else we won't be able to do anything else."

As Jerry spoke up, acknowledging the seriousness of their situation, Emma's jaw tightened. She knew he was right. Apologizing to Ethan and the other three heirs of the Pentagon was their best course of action, even if it meant swallowing their pride.

Yvonne's suggestion echoed Jerry's sentiments, and Emma nodded in reluctant agreement.

'This bitch Jane…..She had been entangling herself with Ethan Hartley all the time!'

At that moment, she realized why Jane wasn't showing up. If it were to get under Ethan, it would make complete sense. With this, she would also get protection from him.

"Fine," she muttered, her tone resigned. "We'll apologize. But this better not come back to haunt us."

With a heavy sigh, Emma realized that their actions had set off a chain of events that they might not be able to fully control. All they could do now was try to mitigate the damage and hope that their apology would be enough to appease the heirs of the Pentagon.

'If not, I don't know what to do.' There was also the matter of this blackmailer who forced her to do all these acts. Of course, if she were to know this matter would escalate to such lengths or it was Ethan Hartley from the start, she wouldn't do such a thing. She would let them spread those photos since, essentially, those photos could only put her in trouble with the academy, possibly making her get a suspension at most.

It was far better than offending high-ranking families.

RING! Just at that moment when they made their decisions, suddenly, her smartwatch rang.

Emma's eyes widened as she scrolled through the messages flooding her smartwatch. A sense of dread settled in the pit of her stomach as she opened the A-Talk app and saw the flurry of notifications.

[Emma, check the forum ASAP.]

[What the hell did you do?]

[Hey, why is there a video?]

[You bitch!]

With trembling fingers, she navigated to the academy forums, her heart pounding in her chest.

As she clicked on the provocative post, her worst fears were confirmed.

Emma's heart raced as she tapped the notification, pulling up the provocative forum post on her smartwatch. The title, "Seniors Overstepping Boundaries with Freshmen – A Pattern of Abuse?" hit like a punch to the gut. Below it, two videos played in succession, exposing the confrontations that had just unfolded in the cafe.

The first video shows Jerry's forceful strike against Ethan, which is swiftly followed by clips of Emma and her group clashing with Julia and her friends. It made it seem like the Seniors were attacking only, with the starting points of the clip being cut as well as it being cut right at the moment when Eleanor made her entrance.

Below the footage, the text read, "Are seniors at Arcadia using their status to oppress the new blood? Witness the unchecked aggression in these disturbing scenes."

But it was the second video that turned Emma's fear into outright panic. This one featured Ethan, visibly distressed, surrounded and kicked by a group of senior girls flaunting their badges.

It was the video of them bullying Ethan. The video that she didn't want to be spread.

The accompanying text questioned, "Ethan Hartley among victims? Should freshmen accept being targets, or is it time to challenge the status quo?"

The post concluded with a call to action, urging those who had suffered or witnessed similar abuses to come forward, stating, "Enough is enough. It's time for a change. Let's hear your voices! Those who were suppressed by Seniors, let this post be your voice!"

Emma felt her phone vibrating incessantly with messages from fellow students and friends, reacting to the explosive content now circulating.

The realization hit her hard: the situation was no longer just about a misunderstanding or a personal grudge—it had ignited a potential uprising within the academy.



She clenched her hand so hard that a small drop of blood fell to the ground.

"You!" She growled as she knew the matter had far long escalated to the point where it wouldn't be contained.

Looking at her smartwatch, she opened the message from the unknown number.


She realized that she had been played with…..

But it was too late at this point.


"Oh, you must be Taylor. You look more beautiful in person."

"Thank you."

In the academy, in one of the cafes, a group of five girls and five boys had just met. It was a special gathering where the students would hang out, living their youth.

As the group settled into the cozy ambiance of the cafe, light laughter and the clinking of cups filled the air. Taylor, radiant as ever in the glow of the cafe lights, led the conversation with her usual charm and poise.

Around her, friends exchanged stories and plans, the casual meet-up buzzing with the vibrancy of youthful exuberance.

Unnoticed by any of the ten, a small shadow darted between the tables with feline grace. The figure, hooded and barely perceptible against the cafe's dim lighting, appeared in Taylor's chair from behind, and the space rippled for a split second.

With a deft hand, the shadow slipped a small, box into the side pocket of Taylor's stylish bag.

The artifact, intricate and seemingly innocuous, vanished into the confines of her belongings without a trace.

As quickly as it had appeared, the shadow receded, melting back into the surrounding darkness.

"You may not know it, but, recently, our Jackson Family….."

"Hahahaha…Now, you got my attention."

The group remained oblivious to the subtle intrusion, their attention captured by the laughter and lively discussions of their gathering.

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