Chapter 310 Chapter 73.3 - Two sides

<Saturday Morning, Dungeon assigned to the Azure Crest Guild>

Ethan looked at the scene before him with a deep frown etched across his face. Five individuals stood before him, their faces concealed by masks that bore clear hostility and a mocking demeanor. The fallen members of the Azure Crest Guild lay on the ground beside him, their bodies battered and torn.

In that tense moment, Ethan's mind raced with a mix of concern and anger. The guild members who had become close associates to him were now in a dire state, and the mysterious assailants seemed to revel in their malicious victory.

'Who are these people, and why would they attack the guild?'

After promising Emily to help, Ethan went to Emily's guild. Headquarters of Azure Crest Guild was a lot more deserted than it was supposed to be, and clearly, such a thing wasn't normal.

Many of the members had already resigned since their lives were under threat and on the line. Some of them were even recruited by the agents from the surrounding guilds, leaving them in a tight spot.

Therefore, Ethan decided to join the guild in the dungeon explorations for the time being since he was sure he could do a lot better now. After all, with the increase in his rank, stats, and his advancement in his family's art, he was a lot stronger compared to how he was before.

'But, I wasn't expecting to see such a thing. Those people, how did they manage to enter the dungeon? Was there an open-slot?'

The questions churned in Ethan's mind as he assessed the situation. The dungeon that was assigned to the Azure Crest Guild had become a battleground, and the ominous aura of danger hung thick in the air.

'The members are not in a good condition. They suffered from the surprise attack just now.'

He took a side glance at the members.

'But, they are neither Faye nor Hari. Both of them are trying their best in other dungeons that need to be covered. So, I don't think these masked guys are that strong.'

He judged with a cool head. After the Phantom's Land, he had been thinking about the changes in himself and realized that recently, he was able to keep calm and control his emotions better than before.

As Ethan prepared to confront the masked intruders and defend the fallen members of the Azure Crest Guild, a voice cut through the tension. One of the masked individuals, standing a bit ahead of the others, spoke with a scornful tone.

"Kid, I don't know who you are, but you should've looked at the rumors before joining a guild. Blame your own stupidity."

The leader of the masked assailants grinned, raising a pair of daggers in a mocking display. His eyes gleamed with a twisted satisfaction, seemingly reveling in the chaos and distress they had caused.

As the masked leader grinned and raised his daggers, another one of the assailants, a sinister-looking figure, licked his lips while fixing his gaze on Emily standing beside Ethan. His voice dripped with cruelty as he spoke, reveling in classic villain dialogues.

"After we're done with these fools, I think we'll have ourselves a feast. Especially that girl."

The ominous atmosphere thickened as the masked assailants signaled to each other, their sinister intentions clear.

"Tch." Emily clicked her tongue as she saw the gazes of those guys. However, she couldn't help but shiver a little since the killing intent they were releasing was quite strong.


In an instant, the air crackled with tension as the masked assailants prepared to launch their attack. The first assailant's figure blurred for a second, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared before Ethan, slashing with his daggers.


Ethan's vambrace intercepted the deadly strike, the clash of metal echoing through the dungeon. The force behind the attack reverberated through Ethan's arm, but his swift reflexes had saved him from the initial assault. Without wasting a moment, he widened the distance, creating space to better utilize his spear.

As the masked assailant recoiled from the deflection, Ethan assessed the situation with a calm focus. The masked leader and his companions eyed him with a mix of surprise and annoyance, clearly not expecting to face such a skilled opponent.

'Who is this guy? There wasn't such a guy in their ranks?'

The leader thought as he looked at Ethan.

"What's this? A brat who can actually fight?" the leader sneered, a hint of frustration evident in his voice.

Ethan remained silent, his eyes locked on the assailants. He felt Emily's presence beside him, and he could sense her apprehension. However, the newfound calmness within him helped him maintain his focus.

Without waiting for the masked assailants to regroup, Ethan took the initiative. With a swift motion, he lunged forward, spear in hand, aiming for the assailant who had attacked him first. The masked figure managed to dodge the initial thrust, but Ethan's movements were relentless.

"Don't stand there, do something."

The leader barked orders to his companions, urging them to coordinate their attacks. The second assailant, fixated on Emily, made a move to approach her. However, Emily, despite her shivers, clenched her sword, while taking her position.

Even though this was her first time facing a human opponent in such a matter, she needed to do her best.

'I can't afford to make a mistake here. I should give my all.'

With that thought, she clashed with the newcomer, her sword facing the daggers.

Meanwhile, Ethan continued his assault on the leader of the masked assailants. The leader, though initially caught off guard, adjusted to the relentless attacks, showcasing a proficiency in dodging and parrying. The clash between spear and daggers intensified, and Ethan's determination fueled his every move.

However, the fight took an unexpected turn as the other two assailants joined the fray, adding a layer of complexity to the battle.


The leader, seizing the opportunity created by the distraction, managed to push Ethan back, breaking the rhythm he had established.


The assailants wielding elemental powers took advantage of the chaos. The wind manipulator created cyclones, attempting to disorient Ethan and hinder his movements. Simultaneously, the earth user summoned stone spikes from the ground, forcing Ethan to dance around the hazardous terrain.

'This is not good.'

Ethan adapted swiftly, using his spear to maintain distance from the elemental attacks. With precise footwork, he dodged the stone spikes and weaved through the gusts of wind.

'I need to break through.'

However, the fire manipulator seized the opportunity to launch fiery projectiles, forcing Ethan to defend himself against multiple fronts.

As the intensity of the fight increased, Ethan knew he had to end it quickly. He looked at his hands and noticed that he was already bleeding in some areas. Though his study body of Hartley's could resist such attacks, it was also true that he couldn't face the attacks for too long.

Spear of Hartley. Audacious Charge

With a decisive spin, he redirected the incoming wind toward the earth assailant, disrupting their coordination. In the brief confusion, he closed the distance on the masked leader.

His spear danced through the air with fluidity and speed, striking relentlessly. The leader, caught off guard by Ethan's sudden aggression, struggled to parry the onslaught.


Before he could even say anything, the spear appeared right before his shoulder.


And stabbed him from there, piercing through his body like he was some sort of model.


The wind and earth assailants regrouped, launching a coordinated assault. Cyclones and stone spikes converged on Ethan, testing his agility.

[Temporal Warding]

Ethan responded, channeling his mana into his skill, creating a protective barrier that deflected the elemental onslaught.

Despite the fierce resistance, the fire manipulator seized an opening. Flames surrounded Ethan, forcing him to retreat momentarily.

"I got you!"

However, Emily, displaying remarkable composure, stepped in to cover Ethan's retreat, clashing blades with the assailant and extinguishing the flames.


Ethan, catching his breath, seized the opportunity to exploit the disarray among the assailants.

With a swift maneuver, he stabbed the leader once again, rendering him temporarily defenseless.

"No, you won't!"

The wind and earth assailants, undeterred by Ethan's successful strike on their leader, closed in in an instant.

The wind manipulator brandished a sword while the earth user wielded a formidable axe. They coordinated their movements, preparing to launch a synchronized assault.

Ethan, still catching his breath, faced the impending onslaught. The wind assailant dashed forward, slashing with precision. The earth assailant followed suit, swinging the heavy axe in a wide arc. Ethan, despite his fatigue, raised his spear to block the sword and skillfully dodged the axe strike.

The wind and earth assailants, however, were not easily thwarted. Simultaneously, they began a chanting ritual, their voices merging into a harmonious hum that resonated through the dungeon. A mystical energy enveloped the air as an artifact activated, causing a brief disruption in Ethan's focus.

The artifact's power made Ethan stagger for a moment, allowing the assailants to close the gap swiftly. The wind user, capitalizing on the opening, delivered rapid sword strikes, testing Ethan's defenses. The earth user, with the axe raised high, aimed to capitalize on Ethan's momentary vulnerability.


Ethan, gritting his teeth, channeled his mana once again to fend off the relentless attacks.

He parried the sword strikes with his vambrace and sidestepped the axe swing with nimble footwork. Despite the overwhelming pressure, he managed to regain his composure and counter the assailants' advances.

Meanwhile, Emily found herself in a precarious situation as the dual-dagger user continued the lockdown. His swift and precise strikes left her with limited room to maneuver.

The fire elementalist seized the opportunity and launched a fiery assault, creating an additional layer of challenge for Emily.

"Emily, watch out!" Ethan called out as he continued to engage the wind and earth assailants.

With a quick glance, Emily understood the urgency of the situation. Channeling her focus, she skillfully deflected the dagger strikes, creating an opening to counter.

However, the fire manipulator persisted, forcing her to adopt a defensive stance to endure the scorching flames while doing her best to stall.

'If I can hold these two, Ethan can probably deal with the remaining three.'

This was her thought process. Though she was feeling guilty, she didn't know they would be attacked in the dungeon by five people, and they were even threatening their lives.


Just at that moment, as Ethan was fighting with the two assailants, the voice of their leader reached his ears.

"Huh?" Ethan muttered, his attention momentarily diverted by the leader's voice.

"You…." The leader began, a wicked smirk playing on his lips, "I really didn't wish to use this, but I don't have a choice now."

A sense of foreboding washed over Ethan as he saw the eerie object the leader held in his hand. The aura surrounding it was disturbing, sending shivers down his spine.

'I need to stop him!'

Realizing that he needed to move,a Ethan tried to attack the leader.

"No, you won't!"

However, in an instant, his path was blocked by the sword.


The leader chanted, "O mother, please grant me your presence once more and defeat the heretics standing in my way."

As the leader uttered those words, the disgusting lump of black flesh in his hand began to transform. The air thickened with malevolent energy as the lump twisted and contorted, taking on a grotesque appearance. A face emerged from the mass, constantly collapsing and reshaping itself in a horrifying dance.

Ethan, sensing the impending danger, tried to step back, but invisible tendrils seemed to emerge from the grotesque face, snaking their way around him. The dark energy gripped him tightly, restricting his movements.

"What is this?" Ethan growled, feeling the oppressive force constricting him.

The leader, with a malicious grin, explained, "This is the Gift of the Devoured. A forbidden art passed down through my bloodline. A communion with an otherworldly force that grants unimaginable power."

The grotesque face formed from the black flesh glared at Ethan with hollow eyes, exuding an aura of malevolence. It seemed to hunger for something beyond comprehension.

Ethan struggled against the invisible restraints, but the tendrils held him firm. He could feel the dark energy seeping into his very essence, probing his mind and body with an unsettling touch.

"And now, it is time for you to be his meal!"

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