Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 194 43.2 - There Are Things That One Can't Control

A group of executives and Hunters approached the place where the explosion occurred. It was a small restaurant at one of the back alleys.

The space wasn't that frequently visited and away from the city center, but thanks to the denunciation call, they immediately headed in this direction. 

A small crowd had gathered, their faces marked with a mixture of concern and curiosity. Some onlookers whispered among themselves, speculating about what might have caused the explosion.

"Please get away."

The executives immediately called the crowd, covering the area and passing them rapidly. Since it was a possible crime scene, they needed to be ready. Their subordinates were also already in the way, so it wouldn't take too long for them to take control.

"Margaretta. Come with me."

Immediately signaling the officer with him, he slowly made his way towards the scene.

"Roger, captain."

The girl still kept calling him captain, even though he said he didn't want to. But, since the situation was urgent, he decided to let it slide.

They approached the scene. Smoke billowed from the damaged building, twisting and dancing in the air. The acrid scent of burnt materials lingered, assaulting their senses.

The first thing that caught their attention were three lifeless bodies lying on the ground, their limbs sprawled unnaturally.

"What is this?"

The lead executive narrowed his eyes as he examined the scene. The bodies showed signs of a swift and brutal demise, all seemingly felled by a single strike. His eyes concentrated with mana lead the flow.

"Three demon followers. All of them died with only one strike each."

Margaretta interjected as she also looked at the scene.

"Three precise attacks, all of them having the power to one-shot a demon follower."

A sense of unease settled over him, and his hand instinctively moved towards the weapon at his side. The possibility of danger lurking within the restaurant couldn't be dismissed.

After all, if it was one person, then the enemy would be strong. If it was more than one person, their numbers would make them dangerous.

[This is Captain Harlan. We have a situation at a local restaurant. Three demon followers were confirmed deceased. We have yet to investigate further, but it is suspected that there are more demon followers inside. Requesting immediate support from the Demonic Human Bureau. Over.]

A brief moment passed before a response crackled through the communicator.

[Acknowledged, Captain Harlan. Your request for a Demonic Investigation Team is being processed. You may proceed.]

"Tch, bastards. Always coming late." He mumbled as the response came.

"Did they refuse?"

"No, but they didn't accept it either. It seems we are alone for a while."

"Classic Demonic Human Bureau. Those bastards are always late."

"Stay vigilant," he instructed his companion, his voice low and serious.

The duo cautiously approached the entrance, stepping over the debris scattered around. The shattered windows and scorched walls hinted at the force of the explosion that had occurred.

Once inside, they found the interior in disarray. Tables and chairs were overturned, and the remnants of what used to be a bustling restaurant now lay in ruins.

The air was thick with the aftermath of magical energies, leaving an indelible mark on the surroundings.

"The Demonic Energy is thicker."

It was evident that a fight had occurred in this place, and this time, Demonic Energy seemed to be used.

As they carefully navigated through the remnants of the restaurant, the captain's mana-enhanced eyes caught a glimpse of another casualty lying on the ground.

The body was sprawled out, and upon closer inspection, countless distinct cut marks adorned it. The nature of the wounds suggested a swift and overpowering attack, leaving no chance for the victims to defend themselves.

"Look at this," Captain Harlan muttered, his voice grave. "The precision of these cuts... This wasn't a random attack. Whoever did this is highly skilled, possibly a High-ranking Awakened individual."

Margaretta's eyes narrowed as she surveyed the scene, her training and instincts kicking in. "Do you think it's a rogue Awakened? Or something else?"

Captain Harlan remained silent for a moment, deep in thought. The complexity of the situation unfolded before them, and the eerie atmosphere heightened their sense of urgency. After all, the demon followers and a rogue Awakened clashing were different.

"Regardless of who or what did this, our priority is to secure the area until the Demonic Investigation Team arrives. We need to be prepared for anything," Captain Harlan declared, his hand firmly gripping the hilt of his weapon.

After all, if he overstepped his boundaries and learned something he shouldn't have, then it would be the end of him.

Years of continuously working in this work made him very well aware of how dangerous just hearing something is.

As they pressed forward, the tension in the air grew thicker, and the mysteries surrounding the incident deepened. 

"Let's move."

Confirming that it was dead, the two continued.

"There is a basement here."

Harlan's eyes saw the flow of mana and noticed the basement contained another source of energy. There also seemed to be a bunch of mana remnants, so it made sense that there were more people underneath.

The duo cautiously proceeded towards the entrance to the basement, their senses heightened and weapons at the ready. The shattered remnants of the door indicated a forceful entry, raising their level of alertness.

"Someone went through here, and it wasn't subtle," Captain Harlan remarked, his eyes narrowing as he observed the broken door. Margaretta silently nodded, her gaze sweeping the surroundings for any potential threats.

As they stepped into the dimly lit basement, the smell of blood and something else entered their noses.

The blood somehow felt thicker(?) and more disgusting (?) than usual. It was certainly a weird feeling, and Margaretta couldn't identify it.

However, that wasn't the case for the experienced Harlan.

"Demonic Core explosion."

He was well aware of what kind of smell this was. He once saw a demon follower being tortured. He was inside the torture chamber, actually, and he knew this kind of smell came from that disgusting core.


Margaretta asked, but he just signaled there.


The moment Margaretta turned her attention to the side, the scene she saw made her puke.


It was so disgusting that she couldn't hold it in. The nauseating sight before her was a lump of flesh that had been subjected to unspeakable brutality.

The arms of the figure were severed, the face beaten and rotten, and most horrifically, there was a gruesome hole in the chest where the demonic core had once been housed.

Captain Harlan remained composed, his face hardened by the grim reality.

"Demonic Core extraction. Someone wanted this poor guy to suffer," he stated coldly, his experienced eyes analyzing the scene. "And they made sure it happened."

Of course, in his eyes, the demonic humans were also traitors, but he never approved such acts. It was vile and disgusting.


As Captain Harlan continued to analyze the gruesome scene before him, a faint sound caught his attention—an almost imperceptible exhale. His trained instincts immediately put him on high alert, and he turned sharply to identify the source of the sound.

"Hold on," he whispered to Margaretta, signaling her to be cautious. His eyes scanned the dimly lit basement, searching for any signs of movement. The source of the sound eluded his senses, a subtle presence hiding in the shadows.

A moment later, he discovered the origin of the noise. A figure, previously obscured by darkness, came into view.

Tied with handcuffs, the girl lay on the ground, her body showing signs of mistreatment. Small bruises adorned her face, and her once-yellow hair was now dirtied.

He immediately realized that this girl was a captive. After all, the handcuffs on her wrists were something he was quite familiar with. It was the handcuffs they used to seal the mana of the Awakened people.

"What the hell..." he muttered under his breath, his senses sharpening as he approached the captive girl. Her green eyes held no light as she looked at the scene emptily, as if she had lost her will to live.

"Miss. Can you hear me?"

"Miss. Can you hear me?" Captain Harlan asked softly, his voice attempting to cut through the heavy silence of the basement.

The captive girl's vacant green eyes met his gaze, but she remained unresponsive as if the horrors she had witnessed had drained the life from her spirit.

Harlan continued his attempts to communicate, asking about her name and what had transpired in the basement.

The traumatized girl remained silent, the weight of her ordeal evident in her distant stare.

It was clear that whatever had transpired in this sinister place had left scars not only on her body but also on her mind.

'This won't go anywhere.'

He realized that asking questions here wouldn't solve anything. The girl first needed to calm down; possibly, a bunch of pills would help.

"Margaretta, let's leave."

Frowning with concern, Captain Harlan gestured to Margaretta, signaling her to prepare for their exit.

The priority now was to bring the captive girl to safety and away from this nightmarish scene. As they carefully untied her from the handcuffs, Harlan reassured her, "You're safe now. We're here to help you."

With a gentle touch, they guided the girl out of the basement, leaving behind the grim remnants of demonic energy and the horrifying acts that had transpired in that dark and hidden corner of the city.

As they emerged from the dimly lit basement, the harsh contrast of the city's ambient light hit them.



And the moment the lights hit, the girl immediately fell to the ground, fainting.


At the last second, Harlan caught the girl, not letting her head hit the ground.

Waiting nearby was an ambulance, its red and white lights casting an eerie glow in the night.

"Quick, take her to the hospital."

"Understood, leave this to us."

The paramedics, aware of the situation, quickly approached to assist the traumatized girl. And after that, they took her to the ambulance.


As the ambulance doors closed, the vehicle sped away into the night, en route to provide the girl with the medical attention and care she desperately needed.

After that, Captain Harlan swiftly reported the situation to his superiors, detailing the gruesome discoveries in the hidden corner of the city.

The eerie combination of demonic energy, mutilated bodies, and the captive girl painted a disturbing picture of the unfolding events. The response from headquarters was prompt, as they acknowledged the severity of the situation.

Shortly after the report, another communication came through Harlan's device. It was a direct order from his superiors.

[Captain Harlan, you are to ensure the safety and well-being of the captive girl until further notice. Partner her with Margaretta and follow any additional instructions given by the Demonic Human Bureau. This is a priority mission. Over.]

Acknowledging the order, Harlan understood the gravity of the responsibility placed upon him. The captive girl was now a crucial piece of the puzzle, and her safety was of paramount importance.

Turning to Margaretta, he conveyed the instructions, "You're tasked with looking after the girl. Follow the protocols provided by the Bureau. We need to find out what she knows about the incident."


With those words finished, Margaretta reached for the car and drove to the hospital room.

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