The moment the Celestalith fired, the concentrated energy propelled three energy bullets with uncanny accuracy toward the heads of the two guards.

The shots were swift, almost imperceptible, and they hit their marks without a moment's delay.


The guards crumpled to the ground, their consciousness extinguished before they even had the chance to react.

No sound was made, and neither was there a loss of energy. My already trained eyes and body were able to react swiftly to the recoil, even if that did not count.


The leader and the non-combatant were momentarily stunned, their eyes widening at the sudden demise of their comrades.

From their lips, I could see the leader speaking, possibly informing Sylvie while taking cover behind the desk. He also coated his body with his demonic mana to defend himself in a matter of one second.


But I wasn't waiting while he was doing that. From the moment I had shot the first series of bullets, I already had a plan in my head.

Changing the form of my gun to the arrow in an instant, I channeled my hyper-energized Blue Mana into the arrow.


And released it immediately. The arrow shot forward in an instant and arrived at the restaurant.


As the hyper-energized arrow met with the target, a hearty explosion occurred as a result.

The explosion resonated through the narrow alley, creating a thick curtain of smoke that billowed into the air. The acrid scent of burnt debris mixed with the chilling air, further obscuring visibility.

Capitalizing on the chaos, I activated my trait, [Shadowborne]. My form blurred, melding seamlessly with the shadows cast by the smoke, with my presence concealed.

Now practically invisible to the naked eye, I swiftly closed the distance between myself and the leader, who was still reacting to the sudden turn of events.

As I approached, I shifted the Celestalith into its chakram form, the whirling blades gleaming in the dim light.

With practiced precision, I launched the chakram toward the leader, aiming for their weapon hand to disarm them.


The chakram hit its mark, knocking the weapon from the leader's grasp.

"Where are you bastard?"

 The guy with his body covered with demonic energy was looking all around the place; his eyes widened. He was clearly and seemingly annoyed by my presence.

'You must be feeling the ants crawling your skin.'

In the presence of death, everyone feels fear. This is how it goes.

'You will die here.'


Without giving him any chance, I immediately threw another bunch of chakrams, all of them already orbiting around me.


The chakrams streaked through the smoke-filled air, hurtling toward the disarmed leader. With nimble movements, he dodged most of the attacks, his demonic energy flickering around him in a defensive dance.

"Futile, you can't hit me!" he taunted, his voice a mixture of arrogance. But I already knew what he was thinking.

In life and death, psychological warfare is always important, and from his reactions and small mimic alone, I could easily see that he was trying to taunt me.

But, as a stealth user, losing my cool would be the last thing I would do.

And, the act of missing the chakrams alone was also intentional, after all, since I wanted to give him a false sense of security for a second.

Little did he know my trait. My control over the Celestalith extended beyond the initial throw.

"Who you are, you motherfucker. Show yourself!"  

As he confidently avoided the frontal assault while shouting, the chakrams, guided by my manipulation of Gray Mana, changed their trajectory mid-air.

With a sudden curling motion, the chakrams altered their course, coming back behind the leader. His triumphant expression turned to shock as he realized the blades were not done with their assault.


The chakrams expertly found their marks, grazing the leader's sides and leaving deep cuts.


The surprise on his face mirrored the dawning realization that, despite his efforts to evade, the relentless blades had outsmarted him.


The chakrams found their mark, cutting through the corrosive cloud with a hiss.


Mason's arms bore the brunt of the assault as the blades sliced cleanly through, severing joints connecting the arms to the main body.


The wounds weren't fatal, but they were enough to make Mason a non-lethal target.


Like a fountain, blood started surging from the wounds. However, both the color of the blood and the small texture underneath the skin weren't like humans. It was dark.

This is why I hate these cock-roach demon-follower bastards. They are no different than monsters; the only difference is that they look like humans outside.


Mason shouted, feeling the pain in his supposed arms. The terror in his eyes and his expression was something to picture, but it was quite sad that I didn't have a photographer with me.

"Who... who are you?" Mason stammered, his voice strained with pain. Blood continued to spurt from his severed arms, staining the floor beneath him.

I didn't respond immediately, allowing the question to hang in the air. Instead, I began a slow, deliberate walk toward him. After all, this pain he was feeling right now couldn't even compare to what she felt at that time.

The sins they committed need to be paid, and this pain will be one of the currencies.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see Sylvie looking at me with frightened eyes. I guess this is still a bit much for her.

'Not that it matters.'

This won't be the first time she witnesses such a thing; as a healer, she will see more gruesome scenes.

The mask and suit I wore, thanks to [Unknown's Armor], also concealed my identity, leaving both Mason and Sylvie to face an enigma—an unknown force that had dismantled his plans.

"Why?" he pleaded, desperation etched across his face filled with demonic features. "What did I do to you?"

It seemed he was trying his best to stall time so that his Demonic Energy could heal his wound. Even in the face of overwhelming death, that guy still doesn't know his place; how annoying.

'Annoying, annoying, annoying.'

Hatred in my heart is growing each second, and I think I can no longer hold it in.


"Please… Don't come," Mason begged, fear tightening his voice.

But I was past the point of listening.

With a swift movement, I closed the remaining distance between us.

The blades in my hands danced through the air, and before Mason could react, I executed a precise series of strikes.


The chakrams cut through Mason's body, targeting specific points where I knew the demonic core would be.


Blood spurted out with each strike, and Mason's agonized screams filled the air.

'It is nothing like how she felt at that time.'

"You asked me who I am."

Hearing my words, he looked at me with blood spurting from all around his body.

"I am Vengeance."

"NO! NO! DON'T!"

He realized what I was going to do, but it was already too late.

And then, between the lullaby of his screams, with one final motion, I reached into the gaping wound in his chest and extracted the demonic core.

The pulsating, malevolent energy emanated from it, a stark contrast to the wintry surroundings.

The other ones' cores were also in their bodies, but this treatment is special only to Mason. The annoying bastard who had been getting on my nerves for a long time.

After all, extracting the demonic core of a demonic human is one of the most painful things they could experience, and the pain in his eyes is my reward for holding it this long.


As I crushed the demonic core with my hands, the light in Mason's eyes dimmed, and life left his body.

I threw one last look at Sylvie, looking frightened at the side, and then blended into the shadows.


Between the sounds of the police car ringing.

With this, my goal was accomplished.

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