Chapter 171 Chapter 38.3 - Second Period

"Rank 970. Ethan Hartley."

The moment Eleanor revealed Ethan's rank, a stunned silence enveloped the room. Whispers that had been circulating about the surprising jumps in ranks ceased abruptly.

All eyes were on Ethan, who tried to maintain his serious expression but couldn't hide the subtle glint of pride in his hazel eyes.

"Ethan's in the top 1000? Seriously?"

"He climbed over 1000 ranks in just one semester?"

"How did he even—"

The small attention that students paid to Astron immediately disappeared. All of the attention was on Ethan.

This improvement in the ranks had never been seen before in the academy. This success was something that didn't even make any sense.

Whispers of disbelief and opposition echoed through the classroom as the reality of Ethan's jump in rankings sank in.

"This doesn't make any sense. How did he—"

"I call BS. You can't just climb a thousand ranks in one semester. They are probably making an exemption for Ethan because he is a Hartley."

Accusations and skepticism filled the air, creating a tense atmosphere. The disbelief in the room was palpable, and Ethan's quiet demeanor only fueled the suspicions.

Eleanor, sensing the unrest, raised her hand for silence. "Enough. The rankings are accurate, and accusations without evidence are baseless. Focus on your own progress and improvement instead of speculating about your peers."

As Eleanor quelled the rising dissent, a tense silence settled in the room. Most students heeded her advice, quieting their speculations and returning their attention to their own thoughts.

However, amidst the subdued atmosphere, a girl with a contemptuous gaze raised her hand. Eleanor, acknowledging her, nodded for her to speak.

The girl, her voice edged with skepticism, questioned, "Professor Eleanor, with all due respect, isn't there a protocol for such drastic rank changes? It's not about accusing anyone, but shouldn't we understand how someone jumped over a thousand ranks in one semester, especially in one mid-term? We all have been notified that we will be entering the dungeons, whose levels are adjusted according to our ranks. All of us here could get a high score if we had entered the low-level dungeon Ethan did. It's highly irregular, and we deserve an explanation."

Eleanor's eyes glinted for a moment, acknowledging the valid nature of the question. The skepticism in the girl's inquiry was not lost on her, and she understood the need for clarity.

"You bring up a valid point," Eleanor responded, her tone measured. "The Academy takes into account the adjusted difficulty of dungeon exploration based on the students' ranks. In Ethan's case, the dungeon assignment was indeed one with a lower difficulty level. However, his achievements went beyond the levels of the lower-rank dungeon on the first day."

She paused, ensuring she had the attention of the entire class. The skepticism in the room lingered, but Eleanor continued with a tone of authority.

"Given the perceived ease of the initial assignment, the Academy deemed it necessary to evaluate him under more challenging conditions. As a result, Ethan underwent an additional test where he entered the same dungeon as higher-ranking students. But because you had already taken the test, he went in alone, and you were not aware of that."

She observed the expressions in the room, gauging the impact of her words. The students, though still skeptical, now faced a more nuanced explanation. Eleanor's explanation shed light on the fact that Ethan's abilities were tested under varied circumstances, addressing the concerns about the apparent ease of his initial dungeon assignment.

"This decision was made to ensure a more accurate assessment of his capabilities," Eleanor added. "The Academy's priority is to provide a fair and thorough evaluation of each student's potential. Ethan's exceptional performance under these circumstances has led to his commendable rise in ranks."

She let the information settle before moving on to the next set of announcements.

"I see….So that was where you were at that time." Julia mumbled to herself. "You rascal, you were planning to give us a surprise, huh?"

"If he went under another test, then it makes sense."

"I knew the academy was fair anyway."

The students, though not entirely convinced, seemed more accepting of the explanation.

"Now, I am going to follow with the ranks. Are there any objections?"

Eleanor's gaze swept across the room, inviting any objections or comments before proceeding further. The silence hung briefly, broken only by the rustling of papers and the occasional creaking of chairs.

"No objections? Good."

She resumed announcing the rankings, moving through the list with methodical precision. The tension in the room gradually eased as students focused on their own names, discussing their positions in hushed tones.

"Sylvie Gracewind. Rank 971."

"Lucas Middleton. Rank 85."

"Julia Middleton. Rank 60."

"Carl Braveheart. Rank 42."

"Lilia Thornheart and Irina Emberheart share rank 3."

The revelation of shared ranks prompted a hushed buzz of curiosity. Eyes turned towards Lilia and Irina, recognizing their equal standings.?However, none of the two seemed to be satisfied with the results they had gotten in their exams.

Lilia seemed unbothered, while Irina seemed angry as her hands were clenched.

"Victor Blackthorn and Seraphina Frostborne share rank 1."

The final announcement echoed through the room, cementing Victor's continued dominance at the pinnacle. The shared top rank of Seraphina Frostborne and Victor Blackthorn sparked conversations among the students about the age-old rivalry between the Frostborne and Emberheart families. Whispers spread like wildfire, speculating on the implications of this shift in dominance.

"This time, the Frostbornes won."

"Can't deny their power, huh?"

"Guess the Emberhearts have some catching up to do." However, as students continued to exchange words, they were met with an unexpected interruption.


Irina Emberheart, her fiery gaze ablaze with indignation, snapped back at the presumptuous remarks while intentionally or unintentionally leaking her intent.

The students felt the suffocating aura of the second-best student in the academy, and they understood the mistake they made.

Eleanor, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, clapped her hands, drawing attention back to the front of the class.


The sharp sound echoed through the room, and she began addressing the students with her usual stern demeanor.

"Good. Now, let's focus on what's ahead. There have been some adjustments to the curriculum for the second period, so pay close attention."

The hologram of the human domain materialized before Eleanor, and she began explaining the adjustments made to the curriculum for the second period. As the three-dimensional representation of the human domain hovered in front of her, she highlighted various areas on the map.

"Attention, cadets. Over the break, the activities of monsters have shown a significant increase in several regions. The number of incidents has risen, necessitating changes in our curriculum to better prepare you for the challenges that lie ahead."

Eleanor pointed to different sections of the map, indicating areas with heightened monster activity.

"Normally, you would familiarize yourself with the academy more; however, according to the instructions from the Government, we need to take the necessary steps. From this point on, we will be focusing on tactical and strategic combat training, which will increase your skills in the real world."

Eleanor pointed towards the representation of the mana on the hologram, drawing the student's attention to the changes in the manasphere.

"As you can see, the fluctuations in the manasphere are becoming more pronounced. Understanding and harnessing mana is crucial for your survival. The upcoming semester will not only focus on honing your combat skills but also on mastering the intricacies of mana manipulation."

She paused, allowing the significance of her words to sink in.

"While you'll be refining your combat techniques, we'll introduce a specially designed curriculum. You will explore countless small skills that will contribute to your overall growth. Adaptability is key in these changing times, and you must be prepared for the unexpected challenges that lie ahead."

Eleanor's stern expression intensified, her eyes scanning the room with unwavering seriousness.

"Let me make this abundantly clear. The resources are being invested in this academy, and they expect results. The coming challenges demand excellence from each of you. Falling behind is not an option. If any student fails to meet the standards set by the academy, they will be cut off directly. There will be no room for mediocrity in the face of the challenges that await you."

The moment those words hit the students, every one of them absorbed the information given to them. No sound escaped their mouths as they looked into their instructor.

"This year's curriculum will be a lot more draining and harder than before, but it will eventually make you the strongest version of yourself. Make sure to keep on improving."

As the weight of her expectations settled over the students, Eleanor shifted to the next point.

"Now, for your first assignment of the second period, you will undergo a test to assess your mana sense. The details of the test are classified, and you will form teams of three students each. The team assignments will be announced tomorrow. Make sure you are prepared."

As Eleanor's final words echoed in the room, the bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson. The students, released from the stern atmosphere, began to talk among themselves. The mood was a mix of apprehension and weariness.

"I can't believe how much harder it's going to get."

"Yeah, and we thought the first semester was tough."

"Mana sense test, huh? Wonder what that's going to be like." Teams of three students each added another layer of uncertainty to their discussions, but in the end, it was evident that things were no longer going to be the same as they had expected, making it a lot different than before.

"I heard the teams are crucial. If you get stuck with someone not pulling their weight, you're done for."

"I hope I get someone reliable on my team."

"Ugh, more tests and challenges. I'm already exhausted."

In the midst of the conversations, some students shared nervous glances while others tried to muster enthusiasm for the trials that lay ahead.

"What do you think?" Julia turned her attention to others as she digested the information.

"I was expecting such a thing to happen," Lilia answered without even bothering. "Father also mentioned things were going to change."

"Indeed, I heard the same from my father as well," Carl said as he stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to visit the headmaster."

"Okay, let's go together."

Just like that, from the start, the first day of the second period was hectic for the students.

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