Chapter 150 Chapter 34.1 - First Step

"Everything is ready now."

Sitting on my bed, I looked at the things lying on the ground.

'My daggers are supplied back.'

Since the daggers given by the academy were broken, I didn't have a weapon to use. But that was immediately covered after I applied for another one.

The Academy certainly didn't lack money, let alone weapons such as the common daggers I used.

But that wasn't all.

'The ones they gave me are a higher grade.'

They probably did it to satisfy me, considering I almost lost my life because of the lack of the daggers' durability.

Other than that, they also gave me a bunch of potions and Valer to shut me up. After all, what was the best thing for any power holder to use?

I didn't refuse either since, at the end of the day, I was not planning to make this accident official.

'The government can't be trusted.'

Countless demon contractors have infiltrated the ranks of the human kingdom already, and if I didn't shut my mouth, it wouldn't be long before I was silenced in any case.


Looking at the scenery from my window, I readied myself.

The night had draped the academy in a blanket of darkness, and the only illumination in my room came from the soft glow of the moon. It was late, and the world outside my window was quiet, save for the occasional rustle of leaves in the night breeze.

With the daggers securely fastened in their sheaths, I rose from my bed, the cool floor meeting the soles of my boots. The air outside held a certain stillness, a perfect cloak for my nocturnal pursuits.

Tonight, I had a different kind of hunt in mind – one that would test my skills in the silent dance of shadows and one that would possibly determine the future path I would take.

'Let's test my skills.'

I had been training after coming to this academy, but I knew even from the start I was behind when it came to pure strength.

But pure strength was never meant to be my specialty.

Putting the [Unknown's Armor], I got from the Blackthorns' vault, I got ready for the following night.


The door creaked softly as I opened it, mindful not to disturb the dormitory's tranquility. My movements were deliberate, my steps silent, honed by the trait [Shadowborne].


The night welcomed me as I stepped into its embrace; the academy grounds now transformed into a realm where darkness and secrecy reigned.

My destination was evident: the place where the threads of my mana were directing me.

The moonlight painted a silvery path ahead, guiding me toward my targets.

I moved with purpose, a solitary figure navigating the shadows, blending into the night like an extension of it.

The location was evident. The threads forwarded me to one of the academy's facilities that were on the main campus. Having already memorized all of the academy's land and the map, I could already envision in which place they were gathered.

Of course, I had already expected them to gather in such a place.

After all, they were the rats of demons, the bastards that moved silently underneath the academy and worked for the enemy.

'They should be meeting at the backside of the research facilities.'

Even though Arcadia Hunter Academy was an academy that focused mainly on the students for combat, they also had a place for those noncombatants, and one of them was magic engineers.


Making my way rapidly in the area, I moved in the shadows. I wanted to make sure I had an alumni when this happened, and that was the reason why I had [Unknown's Armor] on me.

I was away from the eyes of the wards, mana-supplied formations, and the mana-detecting radars thanks to [Unknown's Armor]'s unique specialty.

And that also meant when I left my room, nobody noticed me, which would result in them assuming I had never left my room in the first place.

"Ah…..That was a good night….."

"Right….It had been a while since I had fun this much."

While I was moving alone, I heard some students talking to themselves. Two girls and two boys were walking together.

"Should we go somewhere quiet?"

It seemed they were celebrating the end of the exams, and most of the academy was like that. After all, the stress of the exams was common in the first place, and when it came to young people of the opposite gender hanging out together, what came next wasn't that hard to predict.

'Not my business.'

However, now was not the time to observe things. Pushing everything back into my head, I continued to move.


Since the magic engineering facilities were at the backside of the academy behind the café and the gathering spots, the laughter of the students could still reach my ears.

But, at this point, I reached the entrance of the magic engineering district, marked by subtle wards and enchantments designed to regulate access.

The [Unknown's Armor] rendered me virtually invisible to the magical sensors and wards that safeguarded this area, though that wouldn't be the case for the higher-ranking ones.

Everything had its limitations, and even [Unknown's Armor] wasn't absolute. If it was, it wouldn't be rotting in the vault for this long.

'Two mana-reading devices.'

As I approached, I noticed the telltale signs of security devices meant to deter unpermitted entries, checking the information related to one's academy watch inside the database.

Mana-supplied formations shimmered in the air, their intricate patterns designed to detect and respond to the slightest disturbance in the magical currents.

These were layered, intelligent barriers that required finesse to bypass.

'I guess that is how they are hiding themselves from the eyes of the academy.'

There was a special position, Volunteer Research Intern, VRI. It was a position that you could get even as a combat-related student if you were interested in how the equipment works, etc.

And, that way, you would be able to have access to this place.

'The insider is really thorough.'

Considering they were still able to pull such a stunt even when all eyes were on the academy, it made sense that they had at least prepared themselves this much.

'But, that won't be enough to stop me.'

With a calculating gaze, I surveyed the security measures in place, looking for a certain location.

My innate trait, [Perceptive Insight], granted me an acute awareness of the mana threads woven into the wards. Each enchantment revealed its purpose and vulnerabilities to my discerning eyes.

'It is here.'

In the game, there was a certain location where the small point was only covered by a low-rank security device. It was an error from the developers, as it wasn't intended to be made, but the players exploited that fact.

Spotting the same pattern in the defenses, I immediately dived in.


I could see the mana-supplying generator, which would create high-voltage electricity and nullify the possible trespasser.


And not long after, I fell to the ground, jumping over the electrified fences. After landing, I once again blended in the shadows, using my trait, and then started moving again.

However, not long after, I met with the first group. A bunch of researchers were talking to each other while drinking their coffee in the open field.

"Have you seen the recent advancements in the kinetic amplification field? The results are astonishing…"

"Yeah, I heard they managed to triple the efficiency without compromising stability. It's groundbreaking!"

The risky part was that I needed to get past this open field to reach my destination, but without stopping, I moved under the shadows created by the huge lighting above my head.

"Maybe we can somehow get an internship in Blackthorn's."

"Nah….We are in the wrong academy for that."


"Anyway, did you check the resonance destabilization matrix? We might need to recalibrate it for the upcoming experiment."

"I did, I did…."

Their voices faded into the distance as I swiftly moved past, my footsteps silent and movements synchronized with the rhythm of their conversation.

The open field became a transient stage where the researchers unknowingly played their parts, and I, the unseen spectator, continued my silent journey.

The threads of my mana guided me unerringly, weaving through the labyrinthine pathways until I reached the designated location.

'Here, huh?'

It led me to a weathered and neglected research building at the rear of the Magic Engineering District.

This forgotten structure stood in stark contrast to the state-of-the-art facilities surrounding it, appearing as though time had chosen to ignore its existence.

The exterior bore the scars of neglect, with crumbling walls and faded symbols of mana warding barely visible.

'I can see why they decided to use this place as a hideout and a meeting place.'

Others had clearly deemed this place unworthy, and the academy had seemingly cast it aside. Yet, the subtle tinge of mana in the air told a different story.


Goosebumps appeared all around my body as the familiar sensation of my heart speeding followed.

'Demonic Energy.'

A faint demonic energy was covering the whole space as if it was working like a ward to spot anyone approaching. It was so faint that, even with my high sensitivity to demonic energy, I hardly could feel it.

'They are playing it safe.'

It was evident that they would be prepared in case the patrol or any other researcher came to this place, and this was their countermeasure.

'And that countermeasure will bite you back now.'

I thought as I ignored the demonic mana waves. After all, the armor was doing its job for such a low-level one.


With a swift step, I entered the small building using shadows as a stealth, and there I could finally see my targets.

'Get ready to meet your end.'


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