Chapter 139 32.5 - Mid-terms

The group of high-ranking individuals sat in a luxurious observation room; their attention focused on the live feed of the mid-term exam's practical test taking place in the dungeon. Their discussions were muted, reserved for their privileged circle.

"They do seem promising," one of them remarked, her eyes fixed on the various students in the dungeon. "Victor Blackthorn is truly remarkable. His control over mana is unmatched."

Looking at the individual holding the longsword, the woman spoke. He was all alone in the open field of sand.

No student stood beside him, but the monsters had shown no signs of stopping. Countless types of monsters came: [Crystal Mantis], [Black Worm], [Thunder Scorpion].

All of them were at least rank-4 monsters, and some even were classified as peak rank-5.

However, none left his presence alive. His long sword, shining with compressed plasmatic aura, butchered every living being in his presence one by one without sparing anything. "Certainly. There is a reason he is known as the century's biggest genius and the new face of the Blackthorn's now."

"It seems the recent events hadn't been able to shake him down."

"You are talking about the Blackthorn Family. They never show any weakness."

"Though, he is not the only one shining."

Another individual nodded in agreement. "Yes, and the Middleton twins, Lucas and Julia, are showing impressive teamwork and adaptability. They've always been a dynamic pair."

Even though the twins always bickered with each other whenever they were outside, or they were in the presence of many people, when it came to fighting, they showed incredible talents.

Julia wasn't a smart one to make plans, but she had a good field vision to control her group, and the innate talent she had on the battlefield made her fill the blanks easily.

Lucas was more of a brain as she led her twin while also dynamically completing her empty points.

A man leaned forward, studying the screens more closely. "Carl Braveheart is also displaying remarkable leadership skills, guiding his team effectively. He's destined for greatness."

As they continued to discuss the students, their conversations revealed the pride and interest they held in the academy's talented individuals. They were well aware that these students might shape the future of the Human Federation.

Most of the people's eyes were on the higher-ranking dungeons since most talented students fought there.

However, even then, there were some who were watching the lower-ranked ones for one simple person who had the 'name' to attract their attention.

"Ethan Hartley."

The man holding the spear.

The late-bloomer heir of the Hartley family.

He had just recently awakened and was registered as a Hunter just before coming to the academy.

According to the norm, he shouldn't have had enough time to compensate for the times he had lost compared to others.

But, the norm didn't apply to the name of Hartley.

And they were now witnessing that.

He stormed through waves of monsters with remarkable prowess, his spear moving like an extension of his own body. The astonished gasps from the onlookers in the observation room were a testament to his remarkable performance.

"How brilliant," the woman who had earlier praised Victor Blackthorn whispered as she watched Ethan's exceptional display of skill.

Ethan Hartley was a true anomaly. While others in his ranking might have struggled, he fought with the grace and power of a seasoned Hunter. His late awakening had no apparent effect on his combat abilities.

He was someone who had just recently entered the world of the Hunters and was a simple citizen beforehand.

He should have struggled against such monsters classified as rank 3 to rank-4. All of them would be the demise of newbie hunters like him.

But that wasn't the case. Rather, it was as if he was more comfortable on the battlefield; with a slight smile on his lips, he stormed into the battlefield, making his own way himself.

And even while he was fighting with monsters, he didn't overlook other injured students' situations and helped them to escape.

Another observer couldn't help but comment, "The Hartley name is indeed something else. He's advancing faster than any of us expected."

As they continued to watch, it was evident that Ethan Hartley had quickly become a standout among the lower-ranked students, proving what the name 'genius' really stood for.

But even then, when most people were watching the students who were already known to some extent, there was one woman whose attention was on a different person.

Her black eyes continued to stare at the screen almost no one was paying attention to. There, she could see a student facing a bunch of monsters with a bow.

The scene wasn't as amazing as it was when being watched by the others, but the woman could feel it.

The talent she had developed on her own to survive in the harsh world of rich families was now tingling just like it tingled with other high-ranking students.

She could feel this was a special gem, different from others.

A gem that could be beneficial to her.

"S-so, who's that... individual?" the woman inquired, her voice trembling slightly. When she talked, the others turned their attention to her for a second, but they discarded her after another one with disdain.

Her assistant, a man standing beside her, responded, "Let me check it."

As the man was checking the youngster's name, the woman licked her lips as she saw the unique purple eyes.

'I should get him under me.'

Those eyes were filled with desire.



As the Ruinscreechers closed in, their screeches echoing, I remained calm, focused, and ready for close combat, with my hands holding my dual daggers.

It was time to showcase my proficiency with these weapons.

The monsters lunged towards me with their grotesque forms, and I began to analyze their movements. My brain worked rapidly with my trait complementing it. With my training and experience, I had developed a formula in my head for such battles.

'First open with a sidestep to counterbalance.'

My first move was to sidestep a charging Ruinscreecher, allowing its momentum to carry it past me.

'Now, time to slash.'


As it stumbled forward, I delivered a swift, precise strike with my left dagger, targeting the monster's exposed neck. It collapsed with a screech.

"1 down."

My developed instinctual senses allowed me to perceive time at a slightly slower pace, giving me an advantage in reacting to their movements.

The Ruinscreechers were relentless, but my head was clear.

'Brainless monsters.'

I feinted an attack to my right, drawing the attention of two Ruinscreechers. As they lunged at me, I swiftly parried their claws with my right dagger, then spun to face the one on my left. With a single, well-aimed strike, I dispatched it, reducing their numbers.

"2 down."

The remaining Ruinscreecher retaliated, lunging at me with a ferocious strike. I dodged to the side, but my body wasn't able to correspond to what I had in my mind, allowing the monster's claws to graze my shoulder armor.


The pain was a reminder of the danger, but it didn't deter me. The lack of stability, when it came to endurance, was once again showing its effects right here, though it wasn't something detrimental.


As if to avenge his fallen comrades, the Ruinscreecher lunged at me with a scream, a dreadful aura enveloping it.


It was using dark mana to absorb the souls of his fallen comrades, and that was why they were essentially undead type creatures.

His speed was faster than before, and in the blink of an eye, the monster almost reached me.


Enduring the pain in my right shoulder, I activated my skill as I felt my speed increase.

Tilting my body to side briefly, the monster's claw went right before my face, the tip slightly grazing my skin.

The wound got hot instantly thanks to the corrosive dark mana of the monster.

But the failed attack also gave me the opportunity to strike.



I saw an opening in its defense and drove my left dagger into its side, ending its threat with a final screech.

"3 down."

But the battle had yet to reach the end, as the last two monsters now stood before me. They were excluding a different aura as if they were stronger than the rest. And, in fact, that was the case since I could see the mark that would appear on the rank-4 Ruinscreechers on their forehead.

A special gem was shining there, and that was the container of the dark energy they would use.

After dealing with these two, I would probably have enough points to pass the mark enough to not fail. Thus, I was just going to look for my goal artifact.

'I should heal myself.'

Since we were going to explore the dungeon on our own, all students were given five potions to use, and we couldn't bring any other artifact with us.

Trying to take advantage of the momentary pause of the fight, I reached for my spatial bracelet and immediately took out the potion supplied by the academy.


As I was just about to drink it, my senses suddenly screamed at me, warning me of impending danger.



Before I could react, something whizzed through the air and into my hands, smashing the potion vial into pieces. The veil containing the healing liquid shattered, leaving me stunned and vulnerable.

SWOOSH! However, the momentary stun immediately left my body as my instincts kicked into overdrive.


Eyes of Hourglass.

Activating both of my skills at the same time, the time slowed while I felt my speed increase. And there, I could see a small projectile flying to me.

A special dagger imbued by mana, completely bypassing my senses.

Throwing my body to the side, I immediately tried to put myself into a safer position, but the dagger's speed was still so fast that it cut my right arm.


As the skill deactivated after I fell to the ground, the pain also registered in my brain.

"Grrrr….." The wound on my shoulder, on my arm and on my face was burning, but the one on my shoulder was different.

I could feel it.

"Ho? You have dodged it."

At that exact second, I heard the sound of another student as three presences made themselves known.


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