126 Chapter 29.9 - Banquet


Amid the chaos and battle in the banquet hall, the six youngsters fought bravely. It was not because the security of the Blackthorn's were lacking.

It was because the six disliked the idea of watching while a battle was unfolding before their eyes. Each of them had their own pride, and they refused to become a liability.

Being a member of high-ranking families came with talent, but it also brought the ego of their own.

"This is four." And it soon turned into a competition on its own.


As another clash of weapons echoed, the young man with blue hair pushed back.

"Hey, Ethan. Are you okay?" "Julia shouted over the clash of steel of her own as she looked at her friend.


Ethan parried an incoming blow and responded, "Huk! I am fine."

However, even though he replied by saying he was fine, blood was spilling from his hand holding his spear. It was clear that the blow he had just blocked put a strain on his body as if it was something that was above his league.


"It doesn't look like to me," Julia replied with her sword flashing, and instantly, the guy before him fell to the ground, blood spilling from his guts.

As she turned back to Ethan, a teasing smile played on her lips, even amidst the chaos. "Should I lend a hand?"

Even though she extended her sword, the slightly teasing smile on her lips scratched Ethan's pride. That pride wouldn't let him accept help so easily.

He shook his head, determination burning in his eyes, as he looked at the guy.

"I've got this, Julia. I don't need your help."

"Look at this guy, trying to act tough." At that second, another cheerful voice came looking at Ethan. The owner's white hair was dyed with crimson color, with his sword also having some of it.


However, before the two could tease Ethan any further, suddenly, a bunch of black tendrils attacked them from the side.

<nulli>CLANK! CLANK!


"These are too annoying."

As they deflected the tendrils, they were still pushed back.

Following that, before them stood a new group of adversaries. They were also shrouded in black, and the aura of demonic energy that radiated from them was unmistakable.



As one of them immediately jumped on Julia's face, a clear light flashed for a second.


The demonic energy was confronted by the mana on the sword as sparks flew to the surroundings.

"We need to be careful," Lucas said while confronting the guy as well. "The demonic energy around us is thickening."


As the two twins continued their fight, Ethan was also fighting his own.

<nullb>'This is dangerous.'

He thought to himself, seeing the individual before him. Even though the man wasn't excluding the aura of an overwhelming fighter, the mana disturbance and the demonic energy were making it very difficult for him to deal with the enemies.

Also, his strength was still not sufficient, and now he was clearly feeling the disparity.


As the black-cladded man before him closed the distance immediately, the sword in his hand flashed.


However, the spear was still there to confront it directly.


But even then, as the momentum of the attack was transmitted to Ethan, he couldn't help but be pushed back.


The dark-cladded induvial was relentless, and most importantly, he was ruthless.


Different from Ethan's past fights or spars, this time, he was directly fighting with someone who wished to kill him.

The enemy's sword wasn't honorable or anything. He was swinging his sword like he just wanted to kill him.

It's like he just wanted to spread despair.

Continuously, the man attacked, aiming at his vital points.

<nullb>'Should I look for help?'

Ethan thought, feeling the pain of the enemy's attacks.


Wounds continued to accumulate on his body as the swordsman before him relentlessly attacked.

<nullb>'No. I won't.'

However, he refused. Even though he knew the enemy was stronger than him, he refused to seek help.

His pride didn't allow him to do so.



Still, despite his determined demeanor, Ethan was pushed on the defensive by the relentless strikes from the black-clad swordsman.

The sword whirled and slashed with precision, and Ethan had to parry and dodge while being gradually forced back.

And for a fighter, Ethan knew the importance of the momentum. And now, it was on the enemy's side.

<nullb>'I need to do something.'

Ethan thought to himself. Even while he was in pain and was getting pushed back, he was still able to keep his head calm.


The demonic energy on the sword of the enemy surged forward, aiming to injure him.

He tried to dodge, but he was unable to do so. The attack was too fast for him to dodge and evade.


As the demonic energy-infused blade made contact with Ethan, he felt the piercing pain as it sliced through his defenses and cut across his chest.


Blood sprayed from the wound, and he staggered back, clutching the injury.

<nullb>'This is the power of the Devil.'

At that moment, the grim realization of the demonic humans' formidable strength hit him directly, and he knew that his pride might have led him into a dangerous predicament.

<nullb>'This is why brother always hated the demonic humans.'

He understood the difference in terms of strength. All those people taking the power of devil took the easy way to get stronger.

While people with humanity left were working hard to improve themselves, they sold themselves to the devil in exchange for power.

<nulli>TAP! TAP! TAP!

The steps of the demonic human approached with a chilling aura.

As Ethan staggered back, clutching his chest wound, he realized the dire situation he was in. The dark-clad enemy was unrelenting, displaying no sign of mercy or restraint.

<nullb>'I am going to die?'

He asked to himself, looking at the approaching figure.

The panic, fear, and countless other emotions threatened to overtake him, his eyes darting around the banquet hall.

His companions were engaged in fierce battles of their own; their youthful energy pitted against the demonic attackers.

But it was the sight of the attackers' swords piercing through some of the guests that struck him with a potent mixture of despair and anger.

He watched helplessly as innocent people were caught in the crossfire, falling to the ground in pain.

It was as if the time had been slowing down, as he could see the figure was approaching. But strangely, the fear and panic started leaving his heart.

<nullb>'What am I doing?'

Anger took its place. Anger towards those vicious bastards, slaughtering humans like they were some sort of pigs.

Anger towards himself, pathetically lying on this ground.

<nullb>'Who am I afraid of?'

He looked at the approaching figure. The demonic energy spreading from him was something that was sending shivers down his spine.

It was obvious that the murderous intent that had accumulated over countless murders was mixed into that energy.

He could see the smirk on the face of the man. As if to mock him in his face, the man was showing how he killed countless different people with his sword.

<nullb>'I am Ethan Hartley.'

He grabbed the spear lying on the ground.


Stabbed it onto the ground and held onto it.

<nullb>'I refuse to bow down to bastards like you.'

His eyes started shining, his blue hair slowly fluttering. The aura around him slowly changed.

At that exact moment, Ethan felt something inside him changing. The way he saw the world slowly changed.

"Bring it down, you bastard."

He stood up, blood spilling from the wound on his chest.

"Heh…..Little boy….Did you grow up now?"

The man before him talked for the first time, and the creepy smile on his face widened.

"It will be fun to gouge those eyes."


That man rushed to him in a matter of seconds, his speed exceeding the one he showed before.

<nullb>'I can see it.'

However, in that crucial moment, as Ethan's anger and determination surged, something extraordinary occurred.

His perception shifted, and he found himself 'seeing' the enemy's movements in a way he had never experienced before.

The black-clad swordsman, with his demonic energy-infused sword, prepared to strike.

But Ethan, his blue hair now flowing gently around him, could 'see' the enemy's intent. It was as if the very air around the attacker revealed his next move.

It was a new thing for Ethan. Something that he was feeling for the first time.

<nullb>'So this is how they see things.'

Ethan thought, remembering his brother's words.

<nulli><nullb>"When you battle enough, at some point, your body will tell you what you need to do."

His brother's words echoed in his mind.

<nullb>'I can now understand, brother.'

With newfound clarity, Ethan moved his spear with swift precision. He parried the incoming strike, and his movements flowed effortlessly as if guided by some unseen force. The enemy's blade whirled harmlessly past him, missing its mark.


The sinister grin on the attacker's face faded, replaced by a look of disbelief.

He couldn't comprehend how Ethan, who had been on the defensive just moments ago, was now not only holding his ground but counterattacking with unexpected precision.

"Is it fun?"

Ethan asked, dodging another strike aimed at his neck with a unique footwork. It was as if he was evolving while he was battling with his enemy.


The man now looked annoyed, the creepy smile on his face no longer to be seen.

"Selling your soul to the devil, trampling over the weak. Slaughtering like they are some sort of animals."


Ethan's eyes, shining with an intensity born from anger and newfound insight, continued to read the enemy's intentions. He sidestepped incoming slashes, deflected strikes, and countered with expertly aimed thrusts of his spear.

The demonic human, his attack thwarted by Ethan's newfound perception, laughed hysterically, his voice dripping with cruelty.

"Heh, you think you've become something, little boy? You're nothing compared to the power we possess. You humans are weak, and we are your reckoning."

Ethan's eyes remained fixed on his adversary, unwavering in his resolve. Slowly, the battle started turning, as Ethan was now pushing the man back.

"You call this power? I call it cowardice," Ethan retorted, his voice filled with conviction. "You've lost touch with your humanity, and in doing so, you've lost your soul. You are nothing but a monster."

The demonic human's twisted smile returned, but it held no warmth. "Humanity is a weakness, a disease. We've transcended it and embraced our true potential. I am simply cleansing the world from a disease, that's it."

As Ethan heard the demonic human's words, the anger in his eyes soared.

"You are simply cleansing the world from a disease..."

He wanted to say a lot of things, but those countless words got stuck in his mouth. Because he realized it was meaningless for him to try to understand this guy.

"It is sad….."

"What is?"

"That you are made to believe that bullshit from your heart."

As those words left Ethan's mouth, he took his position. The mana disturbance field was already losing its effect, and the mana was returning to its normal position finally.

<nulli><nullb>'Spear of Hartley. Dragon's Seal.'


Before the dark-clad man could refute it, he suddenly felt the mana surging to the tip of the enemy's spear.

A shiny yellow aura appeared on the tip.



He concentrated his demonic energy on his body to meet the blow.


However, it wasn't enough.

With a final, precise thrust, Ethan struck true, his spear piercing through the man's chest.


The demonic human's cruel laughter was silenced as he fell to the ground, defeated and broken.

"May you find peace in your next life."

With those words spoken, Ethan raised his spear and looked at the banquet hall. It was clear that the enemies had yet to be defeated, and he had much to do still.

Hope you liked this chapter. I want to make it so that, you can also see Ethan's progress at the same time.

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