Chapter 119 Chapter 29.2 - Banquet


The moment the door swung wide open, it revealed six young individuals who immediately gathered every bit of attention to themselves.

Each had a presence that commanded attention and respect since every one of them was one of the high-ranking members of the society.

A young man with his wavy blue hair and sharp hazel eyes stood tall with a smile. He had an amicable expression and looked easily approachable.

Beside him stood two young men.

One, a handsome figure with white hair and cold blue eyes. His usual smiling face was nowhere to be seen, and his gaze was piercing.

On the other side, a small giant followed, with his disciplined posture and the aura of a warrior. His buzzcut hair and posture alone showed he was a descendant of a soldier.

The three boys had similar clothing, and their suits looked like they were tailored specifically for each of them, and the brand Mythweave on the suits.

A special brand that made clothes for high-ranking young men and was famous all around the world. They were shining brightly, complimenting the incredibly handsome features of the three, making them the center of attention.

"These features....Isn't he from the Hartley Family?"

A young woman spoke, looking at the newcomers. She was a journalist who was waiting at the entrance to take photos of the celebrities.

"Yes. He is the youngest member of Hartleys, Ethan."

Her question was answered by her colleague.

"Hmm? Ethan Hartley?" However, she didn't know much about the young man whose name was mentioned. It was pretty normal since Ethan's reputation had yet to bloom in the sector of paparazzi.

"He is not that known yet since he is a rather late bloomer."

But, the word 'late bloomer' was enough to make her understand. The sources belonging to their agency had obtained the information from the Hartley family, and they knew the one heir that the patriarch was disappointed with.

"Ah…..He is the Scapegoat of Hartleys, right?"

"Ssh….Lower your voice."

"Hick! Right!"

Of course, mentioning him like that would bring disaster to their agency. What they were talking about was Hartleys, after all, a family that had a lot of influence as well.

"The Middletons are here too? That's Lucas Middleton, right? So striking."

"Is that Carl Braveheart? Just as it was said, the blood of giants runs in his veins!"

Then, just on the right side of the three young boys were another three girls.

One was an ethereal beauty with white hair and striking blue eyes. Her hair was a bob-cut, and she was curiously looking around. Her facial structures were similar to the young man beside her, just as if they shared the same blood.

"That girl with white hair... she must be Julia Middleton. Such elegance. Just like her twin, her looks shouldn't even be compared to those so-called models."

"Don't ever think she is just someone beautiful, or you will miss the most important thing."


"She is a hunter just like her father, you know. I heard she had already mastered the Fifth Style of the Middleton Family."

"That Fifth-Style? At the age of 15?"


And then, just to make it contrast, the one beside her had a blazing feature. She gave a fierce and arrogant aura as if the world belonged to herself as if she was the one commanding everyone here. The fiery mage with red hair and yellow eyes made her entrance with a flicker of magic in her presence.

"Irina Emberheart, the fire mage, they say she's vying for the title of Archmage after her mother."

"But, the rumors surrounding her is a bit….."

"We both know who they are competing with, right?"

"I know."

And lastly, the stunning beauty whose elegance exceeded even the previous empresses. Green hair floating like the wind and red eyes burning crimson.

The way she carried herself, the dress she had chosen, and her small gestures…..All captured the attention of the young man present.

Women sent envious glances while their partners were in a trance.

"The Thornheart heir, Lilia... she's captivating, isn't she? A vision."

"Yeah…..She is….Isn't she operating the guild her father gave her?"


"Wow, she is doing that while also maintaining her grades in the academy….Certainly, a genius blessed by heavens."

"If it exists."

"If it doesn't, then I don't know what to call her anymore."


Cameras clicked and flashed as the journalists tried to capture the essence of the gathering. The anticipation and excitement in the air were palpable.

These young individuals, heirs to renowned families and possessors of extraordinary abilities, were a spectacle in their own right. The atmosphere buzzed with intrigue, and guests leaned closer to each other, exchanging snippets of information.

Amidst the murmurs and commotion, a dignified personage strode through the gathering with piercing eyes and a formal manner.

Reginald, the head-butler of the Blackthorn family and the main organizer of the event, had arrived to welcome his guests.

He approached the group with a warm smile, a practiced grace in his movements. "Ah, the esteemed representatives of renowned families," he greeted, offering a respectful bow.

Ethan and others stepped forward, each giving a polite bow or a firm handshake. Their upbringing in noble families had prepared them for such formalities.

"Mr. Reginald, it's an honor to be here," Lilia expressed with her usual elegance and her business-like polite tone. Even though the person was the butler of the Blackthorn family, that didn't mean he was someone to take lightly.

In fact, he was one of the most dangerous individuals to put an eye on.

"Indeed, the honor is mine," Reginald replied, his eyes subtly assessing the young individuals before him. "It warms my heart to see the future leaders of our society gathered in one place."

He then gestured towards the grand banquet hall. "Please allow me to escort you to the hall, where the festivities will soon begin."

As the group followed him into the hall, whispers continued to follow their wake, speculating on the interactions and connections between these young luminaries and the illustrious Blackthorn family.

After all, the six of them entering the banquet just like they had always done before meant one thing.

The alliance between the five families.

The Pentagon.

The five families, each having their own strength, complete themselves like a star.

The group entered the grand banquet hall, its opulence leaving them momentarily speechless. The room was a symphony of elegance adorned with shimmering chandeliers, intricately carved woodwork, and luxurious tapestries that narrated the Blackthorn family's legacy.

Soon after, various attendees, dressed in their finest attire, began to approach them. Some were curious onlookers eager to catch a glimpse of the future leaders, while others were keen on striking up conversations.

A middle-aged man adorned in a tailored suit with an air of affluence approached Lucas.

"Ah, Mr. Middleton, I've been following your family's sword techniques for years. Your skills are unparalleled."

Lucas answered with a professional smile that was different from the usual one. "Thank you, sir. It's an honor."

Just like this one, others were immediately surrounded by countless people.

Julia was engaged by a fellow swordswoman, eager to discuss technique and styles. Their conversation quickly delved into the intricacies of their art, while Irina found herself amidst a group of mages who all wished to be part of Magic Tower in her country, passionately discussing the potential of their magical abilities.

Lilia, with her grace and beauty, attracted a number of admirers, both male and female, who sought to strike up conversations or gain her favor. She handled their attention with poise and charm, a skill honed through years of social interactions.

Through the evening, the group navigated through an array of conversations, exchanging pleasantries and thoughts while the buzz around them continued to grow. It was clear that their presence had ignited a spark of anticipation and excitement among the guests.


"Ah! Really….I would really be happy to become the face of your new brand."

"What about me?"

"Of course, Shelly. You will be included as well."

"I will look forward to it."

"Then, we will meet later."


"Have a good banquet, Miss Lilia."

"Tch...They finally left." Lilia mumbled to herself as she looked at the departing figures of the three young girls. They all had beautiful clothes covering themselves, and all of them had good postures like models. It was evident that they were rich people.

She couldn't just ignore them since the Thornheart family had a close business relationship with each of their families, and they were essential figures for the future she envisioned for her guild.

Though, she disliked the way they spoke and talked. Most of the talk was about gossip and how some random guy broke up with some random girl.

It had been a long time since she started ignoring all those types of 'information' since it wasn't even worth her little time.

'Bunch of plastics.'

As she thought that, she slowly turned her attention to her group. She was dragged away to have a conversation, but now she had finally finished all the people she wanted to talk to so she could have a real talk with her friends.

There, she saw the other five in the same position as her, and she immediately joined them.

"Oh, Lilia. You are here too." Julia immediately welcomed her as she took a sip from her drink. She looked unconcerned like she had always been.

"The talk is finally over?"


Following her words, Lucas let out a mock, exasperated sigh, ruffling his hair. "Phew, can we just talk about how utterly exhausting this whole 'being heirs' thing is?"

Julia grinned, rolling her eyes. "Tell me about it. I felt like a trophy for most of the evening."

Lucas continued, mimicking a formal tone, "Ah, yes, you're the future of the family, delightful to meet you. I lost count of how many times I heard that."

Irina leaned against the wall, arms crossed. "And the constant small talk? I'm more interested in magic theory than the weather."

Julia, with a mascot act, added, "Don't forget the endless comparisons to our legendary ancestors. 'Your grandfather did this,' 'Your great aunt was that.' It's a broken record."

Of course, even though it was annoying, Lilia knew the importance of being the main topic of gossip.

"Well, at least they think highly of us. Being the subject of gossip isn't all bad." And she added.

Lucas laughed, the weariness of the evening momentarily forgotten. "True. The paparazzi might have a field day tomorrow."

Just as the group continued their light talk, suddenly, Lilia noticed something.

A person to be exact.


She had a habit of continuously looking around while talking with people. It was an act that she developed to be on guard all the time.

A simple waiter was serving the drinks to the people attending the banquet.

Normally, such things would never take her attention, but being an archer, her gaze was detailed.

Black hair and brown eyes were completely ordinary. His demeanor was ordinary, and his facial features were also ordinary.

'Something is off about this guy.'

Everything about him was normal aside from one thing. His face would twitch unnaturally from time to time.

As if it was artificial or something that was tempered.

Something criminals used.

Of course, it was just a hunch.

So, she was about to activate her skill just to check, but at that second, suddenly, the lights of the banquet went down as the classical music ringing out turned off.

"Ladies and gentlemen. May I get your attention, please?"

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