Chapter 117 Chapter 28.4 - Good Natured

[Horde: Sir, the fake identity you have requested is ready.]

[Good. Send me all of the related documents.]

[Horde: They are already sent with the message. The card will also arrive soon with the cargo.]

Sitting on my bed, I was looking at the message that had just come. It was not just the text; the message also had a special picture on the attachments.

"They are quite fast."

I thought to myself.

One of the reasons why I had invested this amount of money in a criminal group called 'Horde' was, of course, their work quality.

They operated fast, and they were mostly safe unless the job that was given contained too many risks.

I opened the image and found the fake identity card bearing the name "Leonard Blackwood." The quality was undeniably impressive, replicating a genuine card down to the finest details.

Leonard Blackwood, a persona crafted to seamlessly blend in, would be my guise to enter the exclusive Blackthorn Family banquet. A gathering reserved for the elite, attendance required an impeccable facade.

"Considering the banquet will happen this weekend, it looks like they want to please me."

Now, the Blackthorn family is one of the most famous and high-ranked families in the Valerian Federation. Therefore, the banquet they are giving can only be attended by people of the same status.

And, since the banquet of the Blackthorn Family was something that not all people could easily access, I needed a fake identity.

A fake identity that would let me enter the banquet but also comes with low risks.

The picture on the identity card showcased a composed and unassuming face—Leonard Blackwood—captured in a moment of professionalism.

It was a face that belonged to a waiter, a person whose purpose was to serve discreetly while being a mere background figure in the opulent event.

He wasn't handsome, and he didn't have any distinct qualities. His hair was black, his eyes were brown, and his body was slightly on the slim side, just like me.

He had graduated from a 2-year course that was given to future waiters who would work in such banquets, and of course, he wasn't an Awakened.

After he finished his course, he was immediately recruited by a fairly well-known agency, and this was his first work in the place.

He was born in the south of the continent, close to the border, and his family had left this world not long after, and now he came the capital to work.

That was basically the background information of our virtual Leonard Blackwood.


As I continued to scrutinize the identity card, a knock sounded at my dorm room door.

'It must be the cargo mentioned.'

Though the arrival was sudden, it was expected. I swiftly opened the door to find a cargo container containing the materials needed to complete the false identity: a waiter's uniform, a tray, a couple of lenses, small face changers, and other relevant accessories, all carefully packaged to maintain the illusion.

'Everything is thoroughly prepared.'

Of course, I was not expecting such good work, considering they were only known hackers. But, they probably utilized another group in the Darkweb just to make it work.

Even then, it was something that could be easily managed.

'Then, all there is left is preparing for my act.'

Opening my laptop, I opened [MyTube] and started watching a bunch of videos about being a waiter and what the job looked like.

[Perceptive Insight] worked even in things that I wanted to learn from videos; it didn't necessarily have to be something I needed to witness virtually.

This was something that I had overlooked while training and just figured out while watching a video of the course materials.

And now, I was applying this property of my trait into action by doing this.

Open a video, perceive the core points of it, and absorb it into your mind, making it your habit.

That was my goal just now.



Inside a café that had countless ornaments on the wall and a high-class appearance, six figures were sitting talking to each other.

They looked young and fresh, and every one of them had the appearance to attract the attention of the bystanders just by existing there.

"Aren't they….."

"Yes, they are the new generation nobles."

Even though the term noble had been abolished officially, it was still slang that was used by the people.

After all, there was a distinct difference between some people just by being born. And that was the same with the two people talking to themselves.

"To think that we would see the heirs of five different families here."

"It is my first time as well."

"But, they are just as said. I wish I was born into such a family, too."

"Yeah…..They look good, they have money, they are awakened...Just what more you can want….."

As the two men sent envious gazes to the group, suddenly, a waiter approached them.

"Sirs, may I get your attention."

The waiter's voice was polite but carried a clear warning tone. The two men turned their attention to the waiter, a little startled by the sudden interruption.

"You might want to be discreet with your gazes," the waiter advised, nodding towards the group of six. "They are from prominent families. It's best not to draw too much attention."

Just as the waiter had said, a girl with blazing eyes looked at them like they were bugs. It was clear that she was annoyed.

Realizing their fault, the men quickly averted their gazes and muttered apologies. The waiter, satisfied with their response, returned to his duties.

Meanwhile, at the 'distinguished' group's table, Ethan and the others were engrossed in their conversation about the upcoming banquet and the secret auction.

"I can't believe the Blackthorn Family is putting up those rare materials for auction. It's like they're flaunting their wealth."

Julia said as she looked at the small document sent to her by her father. The others also had the same, so it wasn't much of a secret between the group anyway.

"I mean, this is how they operate, after all," Lucas replied. "It is not like they are lying either."

As he said, the Blackthorn family was one of the strongest families in the Valerian Federation, and this was not just because they had strong and talented hunters.

In fact, their strength came rather from the materials they were mining from dungeons.

Dungeon Mining.

They could acquire special materials that didn't exist in the world before and could only be accessed by dungeons, and they would manage their circulation.

This was one of the strengths of the Blackthorn Family, and at the recent banquet, it was said that they were going to announce their new project and its details.

"Of course, we all know that." Irina chimed in. She looked annoyed a little as she was biting the pitiful cake. "But that doesn't mean it is not annoying."

"Yeah, I agree. They are quite annoying, but I guess that is how they are." Ethan said as he sipped from his milkshake.

The banana flavor was his favorite, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

"Then, did your family instruct you to buy anything?"

The reason why this group of six had gathered here was to discuss the banquet. They were all 'allies' and belonged to the same faction, even from childhood, so they would do it every time.

Whenever their interests clashed, they would find a way from one way to another.

"From the catalog alone, no," Lilia replied, her hands tapping the keyboard of her watch. Even while speaking, she was still working.

"Anyone else?"



"As expected. Then, does anyone have any information about what they are going to sell as a surprise?"

There was a tradition inside the Blackthorn Family. Whenever they hosted a banquet, they would auction the items, and they would do it in two different ways.

The first auction would be accessible to everyone invited, and the second one would only be accessible to special guests with special invite cards.

"Surprise auctions are always tricky," Lilia continued, glancing at her notes. "They're usually unique, high-demand items that could really make a difference." Considering that she was managing a guild, she was the one who knew how valuable the items sold were.

Ethan leaned forward, his interest piqued. "Any leads on what these surprise items might be?"

There wasn't anything that was requested by his family, but he was looking for an artifact that would be beneficial for his growth since he was still in the early stages of it.

Irina tapped her watch, scrolling through some messages. "I've heard whispers about a rare enchanted gemstone. It's supposed to have unparalleled properties for enhancing magical abilities."

Since she was from a family that was known for their thirst for magic, she was ordered to buy whenever something magic-related appeared with an infinite budget.

Julia nodded. "That would explain why some of the magic-centric families are showing particular interest. The bidding for something like that could be intense."

"True," Lucas agreed, swirling his drink absently. "We need to be prepared for intense bidding wars."

Carl, who had been relatively quiet, finally spoke up. "I've got intel on a unique artifact—a weapon infused with a rare crystal. Rumor has it, it has the ability to disrupt energy-based attacks." He didn't talk much, but when he talked, it was always something important.

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "Now that's interesting. A disruptive weapon can fetch a high price, especially among fighters and hunters."

"In the first appearance, it may look like that, but I don't think the demand will be high."


"It is a Warhammer."


Just as Carl said, Warhammers were not a type of weapon that was preferred commonly because it required quite a lot of strength to use.

"Then, I assume you will be taking it for yourself."

"I will try."

"Understood. I have no intention of getting a Warhammer anyway."

Lilia, still focused on her work, added, "I'll do some more digging. The more we know, the better our strategy. I will send everyone a detailed report after everything is concluded."

The group nodded in agreement, recognizing the importance of being well informed about the upcoming auctions. They continued discussing potential strategies, possible competitors, and how to navigate the banquet to their advantage.

After talking a little more, the first one to leave was Lilia, as usual.

"You are leaving already?"

"Yeah. I have a meeting in fifteen minutes."

"As busy as ever."

"I will see you at the banquet. Don't forget to check your e-mails."

"Yes, yes….."

And the moment Lilia left, the main motive of the group met its end.

"Then, shall we do something fun…."

Only leaving a bunch of youngsters that wished to have fun.

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