Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 110 27.1 - Dungeon of Eldertine Spires

Chapter 110 Chapter 27.1 - Dungeon of Eldertine Spires

Eldertine Spires.

This was one of the biggest mountain ranges in the south of the Valerian Federation. A place filled with high and pure mana density and countless different life forms that had yet to be registered in the database.

A place that was perfect for those who wished for entertainment and mystery. This place attracted countless people who had such tendencies.

But, of course, its rich and pure mana density also made this place famous enough for people who sought to improve themselves and get stronger. Hunters, Mercenaries, trainees inspired to become martial masters, mages who sought to join the mage tower...Countless people with such titles came as well.

Also, with the high and pure mana compressed on the mountains, there were also natural treasures formed in this place.

Therefore, this place was also frequently explored by treasure hunters who wished to change and improve their lives by the encounter of luck.

Of course, the nature of the world had already changed from the day of Nexus Convergence when the mana came to the world. So, those natural treasures had countless different forms.

Some of them were in the form of evolved herbs, some of them were in the form of Alchemical materials, and some of them were mana-compressed ores for blacksmithing.

Among these were a special type of occupation known as Rune Searchers.

A Rune Searcher was someone who traveled to places with special mana density to find runes.

What are the runes, one might ask.

Runes are special types of mana products that can be assimilated directly within the body or soul to give the receiver special effects.

It can be in the form of strengthening skills, it can be in the form of strengthening body imprints, it can be in the form of increasing one's visible stats, it can be in the form of increasing one's innate abilities, it can be in the form of strengthening traits, or it can be on the form of increasing one's hidden stats.

Runes were such special natural products that were rare enough to be sold by the mark of at least one million Valer.

Therefore, it was easy to say that finding even one rune would turn a normal person's life upside down and would make them live without needing to work until they died.

This was the sole reason why there were people who devoted their lives to finding such an amazing thing.

Nathan Lake was also one of those who wished to become rich by just finding a one rune.

His special trait enabled him to see the special mana properties of things around him. Even though his trait wasn't that strong and high ranked, it was something that came in handy in his job.

He traversed the rugged terrain of the Eldertine Spires, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any unusual mana disturbances that could signal the presence of runes.

The air was thick with the scent of adventure and the promise of potential wealth.

However, suddenly, amidst the trees, he noticed a figure in the distance, a young man with a hood obscuring most of his face. The cut of his clothes, the quality of his boots, and his overall demeanor suggested he was a fellow Rune Searcher.

After all, he knew the rune searchers often climbed mountains and places filled with extraordinary mana, so they needed strong clothes for special situations.

'He must be a newbie.'

However, the young man's clothes looked new and unused; thus, Nathan immediately assumed he was a newbie.

'I guess I found a fine piece.'

He smiled inwardly. In this place filled with no surveillance whatsoever, people were never as innocent as they seemed.

Especially those who didn't have a stable income like Rune Searchers.

"Hey there!" Nathan called out as he approached. "Are you a Rune Searcher too? Out here looking for runes like me?"

The young man turned towards him, revealing a glimpse of a slightly handsome profile beneath the hood. He looked somewhat frail; his face looked pale with whiteness. He looked even younger than he thought.

However, glowing purple eyes felt like they were boring through his existence like they could see everything.

Feeling those eyes on himself, Nathan felt weird and slightly uncomfortable. However, he immediately shook his initial uncomfortable feeling.

'This might be because it has been a while.'

The hooded figure looked frail and young; it was the perfect target for Nathan's usual scare tactics. His hand discreetly moved towards the dagger at his side—a perfectly practiced gesture that didn't show what he was doing.

"Finding runes can be quite the lucrative venture," Nathan continued, feigning enthusiasm. "But you see, this place is not for the faint-hearted. Dangerous creatures and treacherous terrain await the uninitiated."

His words were meant to scare the person before him to make them uncomfortable and panicked. It was a practiced act he had done countless times before.

Yet, the young man remained stoic, his purple eyes seemingly piercing through Nathan's facade. It unsettled Nathan, making him second-guess his approach.

The unease grew, but the allure of asserting dominance pushed him forward. From his clothes and his equipment alone, he knew this guy had quite a good money on him.

Inching closer, Nathan prepared to execute his usual scheme, aiming to threaten and intimidate the newcomer. He would assert his supposed superiority and perhaps even convince the young man to leave the territory.

However, as his fingers brushed against the hilt of his dagger, doubt gnawed at him.

The trait that enabled him to see the special mana attributes of other things to a certain extent was activated, and now he could see the reason why.

'What the hell is this?'

The young man's aura felt strangely powerful, a far cry from what Nathan had anticipated. The color of black and the constantly changing color from white to green and red to blue showed that this guy was not normal at all.

His hand hesitated, uncertain of whether this newcomer was truly the easy prey he had presumed.

And at that second, suddenly, he felt like small tendrils of dark shadows moving at him.


And the fear enveloped him.

"Look," Nathan stammered, struggling to maintain his confident fa?ade, "if you're not cut out for this, it's better to turn back. The Eldertine Spires are unforgiving to those unprepared."

The young man didn't even move for a second, but Nathan had already started backing away cautiously.

He couldn't shake off the sense that this encounter was not what it seemed. The young man's gaze bore into him, making Nathan question the tables he had intended to turn. The darkness of his intentions clashed with the mysterious aura of the newcomer, creating an atmosphere charged with uncertainty.

The young man finally spoke, his voice calm and collected despite Nathan's obvious unease. "Have you noticed a tree in this area that gives off a different vibe than the others?"

The question struck Nathan with both surprise and trepidation. How could this young man be aware of the specific tree that he had sensed earlier? Panic surged within him as he realized that this person seemed to know about his unique ability, the trait that let him see the special types of mana.

"I… I don't know what you're talking about," Nathan stammered, attempting to mask his growing fear.

He didn't want to show that tree. He understood that it was a special place with his trait. Even though he didn't see any runes in there while searching, he knew there existed something different there, so he wanted to hide it as much as possible.

The young man's gaze remained fixed on Nathan, unwavering and intense. It felt like he could see through the facades and lies that Nathan tried to construct.

"Are you sure?"

It was a simple question the young man asked. His tone and eyes didn't contain any emotion, neither rage nor greed. It was as if he was looking at emptiness, and this scared him more and more.

Each passing moment filled Nathan with an increasing sense of dread, a belief that this young man was someone he should not have crossed.

No, this young man was someone he shouldn't have even come close by.

In a trembling voice, he finally let slip, "Alright, there's a tree not far from here that feels different, okay? It's not like the others—it's... unique. But I don't know why, I swear!"

The young man's gaze lingered on him for a few more moments, scrutinizing him as if assessing the depths of his fear and truthfulness. Then, he finally spoke, "Where is this tree?"

Nathan, his fear compelling him to be compliant, described in great detail, "It's to the southwest from here, near the edge of the cliff, past a small clearing. The trunk is thick and gnarled, and the roots form an intricate pattern on the ground, like veins pulsing with energy."

The young man nodded, absorbing the information. Nathan could feel his heart racing, anxiety clawing at him as he wondered about the intentions of this enigmatic figure.

"Thank you," the young man said simply, turning to leave. It was abrupt, leaving Nathan bewildered.

"Wait!" Nathan blurted out, his fear getting the better of him. "Who are you?"

The young man glanced back, his hood still partially shrouding his face. "Does it matter who I am?"


"Let me give you a piece of advice," the young man began, his voice steady and measured. "Avoid the northeast exit of the Eldertine Spires for the next three days."

"Northeast Exit? Why?"

"Blood will be spilled. It's in your best interest to not go anywhere near there."

Nathan felt a chill run down his spine at the gravity in the young man's words. He nodded vigorously, swallowing his fear. "Of course, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for the advice."


Without another word, the young man disappeared into the shadows, leaving Nathan alone with his thoughts and the sounds of birds chirping.

'What a weird young man.'

The weird feeling in his heart disappeared the moment the young man left his presence, and he finally relaxed his breath.

'I guess I should avoid that place.'

And started walking toward his next destination.


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