Chapter 62 - Alpha Damon

[ Alpha Damon ] 

Damon paced back and forth in the training area. As soon as Aila left, he wanted to chase after her. But his duties as an Alpha meant he had to stay behind and console his pack. The pack seemed to go in an uproar by Aila's exit and Lydia's words. This was not how tonight was meant to go. He planned it specifically to introduce his mate formally to the pack. 

But as per fucking usual, the cockroaches of the pack emerged from the shitty shadows whence they came. If people thought being Alpha was easy, they had another thing coming. There were so many rules he had to uphold and stick by. He wanted so badly to rip the spineless piece of shit of a Delta into pieces; he could, and the pack couldn't do anything to stop him. 

Unfortunately, Darren was from a family line of Delta's, and Damon couldn't kill him unless Delta Darren openly challenged him, physically attacked Aila or betrayed the pack. 


He raked both his hands through his unruly hair.

"There is another way to deal with that arrogant prick," Darius growled. Damon already knew where his wolf's thoughts were heading. 

Damon sighed, "No one has challenged their family in years."

"But there is a perfect new candidate," Darius replied thoughtfully. 

"Finn?" He glanced to the side. No one except the pack leaders was now in the hall, except for Delta Darren. Damon ordered him to be thrown into the cells. He couldn't kill him, but he sure as hell could punish him for a few days. 

"Exactly. There is something about him. I have noticed he is naturally submissive and protective of Aila," Darius' voice rumbled through his mind.

"Most wolves are naturally submissive and protective of their Luna and Queen?" Damon reminded his wolf.

"This is true. But I sense he is from a leader bloodline. Maybe Delta?" Darius said pensively. 

"Is that so?" Damon's lips curled into a smile at the idea of getting rid of Darren without making his own hands bloody. 

While Damon and his wolf talked to each other, Damon did not stop his pacing. Even with the discussion about Delta Darren, his mind was still filled with Aila, his angel. His angel that at this moment was nothing but. He was informed by a she-wolf named Hailey a few minutes ago that his mate had left with Ajax, being far too friendly together. 

He already knew Aila had left the estate; even without his men reporting to him about her location, he could tell from the bond that she was getting further away from him. It was tugging at him to go to her. Although the bond's powers were still not in full effect due to not having mated nor marked her, there were still some advantages and a few already forming. 

Maybe the partial mark that was left on her skin was taking effect?

"Fuck what Darren and Lydia said. WE are the Alpha. If you want to mark her, then you should. And if you don't, then I will be taking it into my own paws. It's been two weeks!" Darius snapped, "Any longer, and Malia won't be able to control herself."

"Not yet."

Darius roared in his mind, making him sigh in agitation. The thing about being an Alpha was the wolf was just as short-tempered as him.

An hour later, and Damon was in the living room. His flatscreen tv was smashed on the ground, the distorted colours and lines flickered on the cracked screen. He was pacing and barely keeping Darius under control. Typically Darius only took the reins if he was needed, but lately, since Aila joined the pack, he had become harder to control.

His pacing turned into him wrecking some of the furniture in the house. He didn't care about such items; they could be replaced within a few hours. Chiara and Kane watched him in concern and waited on his instructions. 

As soon as that mutt mind-linked him, he would go straight to his darling angel. Damon would also discipline this she-wolf who dares to not mind-link for an hour without any updates. He didn't care how little it was. To tell him Aila left without any protection other than a shapeshifter, who, quite frankly wasn't a lot of muscle, then to stay quiet, was not on. 

"They went into an escape room" A female voice came through his mind once again. 

About fucking time, he had waited far too long. He stormed through the mansion, his Beta and Gamma following behind him without any exchange of words. Once they made it into the garage, he halted.

Hailey sent an image through the mind-link. Ajax and Aila were sitting at a table in some bar; his hand was on top of hers. He couldn't see her face, only the back of her head and the length of her white hair. Rage consumed him. Darius almost bolted to the surface, making his eyes glow, but Damon snapped at him, "HE'S MINE."

He barked his orders to his Beta and Gamma to get in an SUV and follow him. He rounded the corner and climbed onto something much faster. His black motorbike: Big Bang. He climbed on with nothing but a leather jacket and the helmet he always left on it. 

As soon as the garage doors opened, he sped through the small gap and barked orders in a mind-link to his guards after making it to the gates within a few seconds. The roar of his bike resounded through the countryside as he sped down the roads, diving in and out of traffic. His reaction time was impeccable and much quicker than the average werewolf's. With his speed nearing 200mph, he was in the small town within a few minutes. 

He parked his bike on the side of the road across from one of his SUV's. Near a van that looked to also be one of his. But his attention was not on his pack members, though he knew Kane and Chiara were a few minutes away. Placing his helmet on the side, he leaned against his bike, arms crossed and waited. 

And waited.

And waited…

How long do those fucking escape rooms take? Are they stupid? 

"Rip open the door," Darius snarled.

Damon shook his head, "I'll rip someone's head off instead."

"Much more satisfying," Darius grinned.

Finally, his darling mate walked down the street with Ajax by her side. A growl vibrated through his chest, making the ground rumble around him. Damon watched as Aila stopped and locked her gaze with his. 

Damon heard her curse under her breath. 


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