560 Probing

Sebastian was a little surprised by what Jack had said. But to say the truth, looking at Jack, a young man like him would definitely not like restrictions. It was during the age like the one that Jack was in currently that many of the youths wanted to enjoy themselves.

But for Jack to be able to reach the level that he was currently in at his age, it was clear that he had actually sacrificed a lot, trained a lot, not having the chance to enjoy his life. So, it was definitely going to be something disturbing for him to be restricted.

Nevertheless, during this age, inside the stronghold domain, those that wasted their time in enjoying themselves who would end up having to work extra hard in order to be able to catch up to their peers who had actually been training since young age.

"You have to know that there is nothing that comes for free. So, you might actually sacrifice a little freedom for yourself, but still, you'll be able to gain it once you get stronger. Perhaps if you are the strongest person in the entire Stronghold domain, then, who can actually restrict you?" Sebastian shrugged his shoulder as he stated. 

Of course, the last part of the sentence was just a joke that he was making. He himself already knew how difficult it was to be able to lead in terms of combat capabilities within an organization. So, just how difficult was it for a person to become the strongest being in the entire Stronghold domain?

"Well, as long as I can remember, I don't think I have ever requested anybody to give me anything. You know, I have been able to reach the level that I am currently in without the assistance of any person. So, do you think that I need the resources from the organization that you are from to be able to reach the top?" Jack questioned back.

Of course, it was true that he had received assistance. But, the assistance that he had received was not from a person, but instead, from the system. Well, Jack himself was not sure if this system was something that belonged to a human or not.

But in any case, he knew that the system was actually not from the blue planet. For that reason, he had almost every right to claim that he did not receive help from any person. Well, was an alien a person?

Sebastian thought that Jack was joking. After all, how was it possible for him to be able to reach the level that he was currently in without resources from the big organizations? It was just that, he did not really know which organization he belonged to.

That was actually the exact reason that Sebastian decided to choose this method, rather than just attacking Jack. After all, unlike Smith and Watson who didn't even think much about the fact that Jack, a young man in his twenties had actually reached the superhuman level was kind of strange, he was thinking big.

If it turned out that Jack actually possessed a bigger background as compared to the force organization, then, he would definitely die without even knowing how he died.

Additionally, what he was doing here was just an invitation. As for whether Jack was going to agree or not, that was not something that he could decide. But still, he was going to try and convince him as much as possible.

"In any case, it might be true that you have actually reached this level without depending on any person. But still, do you believe that you will be capable of reaching the talk without depending on a person with greater capabilities?

In the Stronghold domain, if a person is found and has great potential, then, the majority of the organizations here would try to recruit him or her. But, what happens if this person decides not to join them? They would definitely make their lives hard, or they would even end up killing them.

And, let me tell you this, things are going to be completely different for you. Not to mention that you have actually reached the superhuman level before reaching the age of 25, there is also a fact that your genetic structure is quite strange, something that is kind of mysterious.

For that reason, as long as information about you is revealed, then, the number of people that are going to come after you is going to increase drastically." Sebastian stated calmly.

"Should I consider that as a threat?" Jack asked as he squinted his eyes.

"You can decide on how you are going to take that information. But in any case, I'll tell you this, the Force organization is not going to use any force in order to have you join our ranks. In any case, we want to nurture you as a part of the Force organization, not a person who is going to attack as soon as he gets a chance." Sebastian responded.

Of course, whatever it was that he had said initially was just part of the negotiation. He had actually revealed this information to Jack, trying to tell him about the danger that was there.

Currently, even Sebastian believed that the Force organization was the only one that was possessing information about Jack and his group. Of course, the small organizations that were present within this small stronghold could be ignored.

Other than just a small threat that he was giving to Jack, there was also another aim that he was having. And that was, to see Jack's reaction. If he did not have anybody that was backing him, then, he would definitely react strongly to this.

But, Sebastian was a little disappointed after realizing that Jack did not react much other than asking the question if this was a threat or not. There was actually nothing that gave him a hint on Jack's background.

Before he came over, he had actually tried to investigating about Jack. But, inside the stronghold domain, there was completely no information about Jack other than the one that was found within this stronghold number 17 and the town that was located outside. 

Of course, Sebastian never considered the fact that Jack had actually become a superhuman while he was in the normal world. That was something that he considered an Impossibility, which was something easy for the system to do.

"In any case, I'll have to repeat myself. I'll not join any organization. So, you can stop trying to convince or threaten me. None of them is going to work." Jack shook his head as he responded.

Of course, he could see the logic behind what Sebastian was saying. If it was true that they forced Jack to join their organization, then, they would definitely try to make sure that they restricted him.

Perhaps they were going to use something like a contract to bind him, but, how could they guarantee that he would not be capable of breaking that contract in the future?

So, rather than training and keeping him as a ticking time bomb by their side, it was better if they were allies. If Jack joined them according to his own will, then, everything was going to be good for them.

"There's no problem with that. But in any case, if you change your mind, you can come and find me in the new small building that this branch possesses. I'll be waiting for your response." Sebastian stated. After that, he turned around and left.

Matthias who had been standing on the side all along followed behind him. He was the only person that was completely disappointed in this place. He had expected that Sebastian was coming over to take care of Jack.

That was the exact reason why he had an offered to come together with Sebastian. But, he was completely disappointed after realizing that, not only did Sebastian not try to attack Jack, but, from the looks of it, it did not seem that he was going to use that method at all.

But, Matthias was relieved after Jack decided not to join their organization. If Jack actually joined, then, he was going to go to the headquarters. And if that happened, then, there was no way that he was going to get his own revenge.

As they left, Sebastian remained silent. They got into the car that they had come in, before Matthias began driving away. Inside the car, Sebastian squinted his eyes as he began thinking about the conversation with Jack.

He could tell that there was definitely something strange about Jack. But, that was just something that he wanted to know about before he made his own move. Of course, It was definitely not going to be something that he was going to use force.

Other than that, during the time that he was inside the room, he was trying to look for any method, anything that could be considered as a weakness for Jack. Of course, although he was not going to use his own strength to make Jack submit, that didn't imply that he was not going to play some petty tricks to try and force Jack into making the decision.

"I need more information about him. If there is anybody that he has ever gone against, let me know. All the information that I know about is until the first day after he had completed the test. I need more information than that to be able to know what I'm supposed to do." Sebastian stated indifferently.

His attitude currently was completely different from the one that he was showing in front of Jack. In front of Jack, although he was almost indifferent, but still, there was a hint of warmth in his voice.

Although Matthias did not like this, he was excited about the fact that Sebastian was actually going to cause trouble for Jack. That was something that he was looking forward to.


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