Chapter 546 Collect Compensation

"If you are sure about what you're saying, then, it is better that we sign a contract." Jack stated after a moment of silence.

Sylvia looked at Jack with a hint of hesitation on her face. To say the truth, she herself was not really sure that her sister-in-law was going to agree to give her the support that she was asking for.

So, if they signed a contract, then, that implied that, if the sister-in-law did not follow what she had promised, then, that implied that Sylvia was going to suffer the consequences.

Looking at the hesitation that was on Sylvia's face, Jack could not help but scoff, "Are you trying to tell me that you came over, wanting to have an agreement, but, you don't want to sign a contract?"

When Jack asked that question, Sylvia was immediately irritated. She looked at Jack and asked, "What do you think? Do you believe that I'm going to trust the contracts anymore? I signed one of them about 5 years ago, and until now that contract has not been fulfilled. And for some reason, it has not also been nullified!"

Jack immediately understood what it was that Sylvia was trying to imply. After all, his mother had signed a contract with her, and not just her, but even the shadow organization. But, both the two contracts had not been fulfilled, and for some reason, they had not been nullified as well.

Although Jack did not really know about the punishment that was said for those that broke the contract, but he felt that it was definitely death. But, if it was death, why was it that his mother was alive? At the end of the day, there was no way that the contract was going to be active if one of the members that had signed the contract was dead.

"I don't really know if you have a method that you are going to circumvent the contract with. So, I'm feeling insecure here. I will have to fulfill my end of the contract because I don't have a method of going around the contract, but you, I don't really know if you will fulfill that end of the contract or not." Sylvia stated.

Jack looked at her and said, "I know my mother well. If she signed a contract with you, then, that implies that she is really willing to fulfill it. But, if she really did not fulfill her end of the contract, then, there must be a reason for that."

Sylvia wanted to say something, but, looking at the cold expression that was on Jack's face, she decided against it. After all, right now, she was actually badmouthing his mother. So, It was normal that Jack was going to be angry if she continued.

In the end, she snorted and decided to remain silent. Jack on the other hand did not do anything as well, but, just focused on driving.

And not long after, he stated, "We are about to arrive at our destination. So, you better make your decision right now. If you're going to make a deal with me, then, we have to sign a contract. And If you don't want to sign a contract, then it is better that you focus on other things."

Sylvia felt her brows twitch. She really felt disadvantaged. And, to say the truth, even when facing her brother, she really did not find herself in a situation like this. But right now, because of her own goals, she had to be in this situation.

And, had it been that there was a chance that she could go around everything here, abandon the goal that she was having, then, she would have definitely done that. It was just that, it was an impossibility for her.

"Alright. We are going to sign the contract. Will we sign the contract after we go back to the territory that belonged to the Panthers organization?" Sylvia finally complied. At the end of the day, she was the one in need of help, and she had no choice but to compromise.

"There's no need for that. We are signing the contract right now." Jack responded as he drove the car towards the side of the road. After stopping the car, he retrieved the contract from the system, but of course, he did not do that openly, but pretended to be taking it from below the seat of the car.

Sylvia could not help but be surprised that Jack was actually carrying a contract around with him. At the same time, she thought that perhaps Jack was actually expecting that she was going to agree?

Nevertheless, it was finally time to discuss the conditions that were going to be added to the contract.

"What I want in that contract is that, you are going to help me during the time that I'm going to face my brother. Of course, I'm pretty sure that he is not going to do anything directly, but, he's going to send someone to come after me." Sylvia stated.

"It is a good thing that whoever is going to be sent will not be coming over to kill me, but instead, to just take me back. What I want you to do is to prevent that person from taking me back to the family.

And other than that, I will like your assistance in activating an item for me. But, you have to state it clearly that you will not have any ideas about that item, but I will not blame you if you really don't know how to activate that item."

Jack thought about whatever Sylvia had said, and found that whatever she had said was actually not that bad. In any case, he could actually fulfill everything that she was saying. But, he had to make preparations because he really did not know about the level of the person that was going to be sent over to look for Sylvia.

As for the second one, it was not as if Sylvia was stating that he had to activate it. Instead, she really wanted him to attempt activating that item. And, to say the truth, Jack was really curious about this item because it was something that his mother was supposed to activate.

"If I decide to activate whatever item it is, and I actually have the ability of doing that. Will this affect my mother in any way?" Jack asked with concern clear in his voice.

He was not willing to Involve himself in something that was going to harm his mother at the end of the day. If he activated the item, and the contract judged that his mother had not fulfilled her end of the contract, and decided to carry out the punishment for her wherever she was, then, Jack was definitely going to blame himself for this.

"I really don't know about that. But, I do believe that since she is alive right now and she has not yet fulfilled the contract, she will not be affected.

Additionally, I am the one that decided for the item to be activated, making it that I denied her a chance of fulfilling the end of the contract. So, the contract should not punish her at all." Sylvia responded.

Jack thought about it, but decided to keep the matter aside for now until he saw the item that Sylvia was talking about. It was only after he realized if he could activate it or not that he would make a decision on the matter.

"As for my part, you already know what you need to do. The first thing is that, all the resources that belonged to the Panthers organization have to be handed to me. And other than that, you will have to provide me information about the people that are from the Force organization." Jack stated.

"Providing you the information is not difficult. As for the resources, they are already ready as I have already dissolved the Panthers organization.

But, in that part of the information, I believe that you will have to offer me protection if you want better information considering that if I start looking for information about the Force organization, they would definitely not sit idle." Sylvia replied.

"No problem with that." Jack nodded his head as he responded.

Although it might seem that he was receiving a little as compared to Sylvia, but, Jack really did not care about it. To him, it seemed that Sylvia was going to lose a lot more in the near future.

At the end of the day, Jack was given the mission of conquering the Devin stronghold. And since that was the case, that implied that he had to conquer whatever family it was that was supporting Sylvia.

But, coincidentally or not, that family had to support Jack in his quest. After all, it was his organization that was going to conquer that stronghold, and not just him.

It might actually be cruel of him to do this, but, in this stronghold domain, there was no need for him to not take whatever had been offered to him. Since it was Sylvia who took the initiative to look for him, then, he was going to take advantage of this.

Not long after, Jack wrote the information that was required on the contract form, using the special pen that was used for writing on to the contracts. Immediately after that, he cut his finger with a utility knife that was present in the car and dropped blood onto the contract form.

Sylvia also went ahead and made a wound before dropping blood onto the contract form. In the next moment, the contract disintegrated and lodged itself into the glabellas of the two people.

With that, the signing ceremony of the contract was completed. And with that finally out of the way, Jack finally focused on getting to the Force organization.

"Where are you heading to?" Sylvia asked after she noticed that Jack had gone back to driving.

"To the Force organization." Jack responded.

"What for? Could it be that you have some business there?" Sylvia asked curiously.

"Somehow. I need to collect some compensation for the hard work that has been given to me there." Jack replied with a shrug of his shoulder.


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