Hundred Times Income Multiplier System

Chapter 535 Emergency Program Activated

Chapter 535 Emergency Program Activated

[The host is right. As long as a person is considered an enemy to the host, as long as the hosts gets something from them, then, that something that he would have received would be multiplied by 100 times.]

It was not as If this was the first time that the system was revealing information like this. But, Jack had not actually expected that this was actually going to be counted as well. If he knew, then, he would have asked the entire Force organization to hand over everything to him.

And of course, they were going to refuse. But, even if they refused, were they capable of preventing him from taking whatever he wanted? It was not as if they had the strength of stopping him.

Just as Jack was still contemplating about what he was supposed to do next in order to be able to gain even more resources, another prompt appeared in front of him, accompanied by a notification sound coming from his communication device.

[You received 3,598,510 star coins. Multiplier effect applied. You receive 359,851,000.]

Jack was a little surprised. But, he still went ahead and looked at his communication device, to know who it was that had sent him this amount of star coins. But, after looking at it, he realized that it was actually from Matthias.

"Well, it seems that this guy is quite rich." Jack stated. Although he did not say it out loud, but still, Celine who was sitting not far from him heard him clearly.

"Rich? That guy has already transferred the money to you?" Celine questioned. She was quite curious about the amount of money that had been transferred into Jack's account, for him to be this surprised.

"Yeah. That guy actually transferred over 3 million star coins. Then, added together with the 5 million that came from the organization, it is a total of 8 million star coins." Jack responded, not mentioning anything about the amount of money that had been multiplied by the system.

"It seems that is true. After all, it is not that easy for people to be able to keep their money or wealth in terms of liquid cash. So, for him to be able to possess that amount, I do believe that the amount of wealth that he possesses in terms of assets will be even greater." Celine stated excitedly.

Of course, she knew that the reason why they were in this small stronghold was due to the lack of resources, or maybe due to the fact that they had not yet gained a good enough foothold.

But still, all of that required them to have a large amount of money. And, she already knew that this was the first time that Jack was coming into the stronghold domain. So, she was not expecting that he was going to possess so many star coins.

"Well, we are going to see that very soon." Jack stated. He was expecting that whatever was supposed to be brought over physically was supposed to come before they closed the store.

And if those guys did not bring, he was going to take everything by himself. And this time, he was going to take even more than what he had asked for previously.

The two of them continued to chat for about 2 minutes, before Jack finally brought back his focus on the second prompt that he had received during the first round.

The system had stated that he had received several basic information. But, from the system, it stated that it was the very basic information, implying that according to the system, it was not even at the standard basic level.

It was just that, currently, Jack had already received several information about skills that he could learn. But, it was just that, it was going to take a very long time for him to be able to learn everything, considering that, even with the hundred times multiply effect, it was definitely going to take a month or two.

And, that was just the theoretical knowledge that he was going to possess. As for the practical, he had to do that himself. That was something that was going to take some time as well.

Just as Jack was thinking about how he was going to solve this problem, another system prompt appeared in front of him.

[Emergency program activated. The system can enable the host to learn every information that he has received so far. But, as usual, the host will have to complete a task that will be assigned by the system.]

[Another thing to note is that, only the information that came from the system through the multiplier effect can be learned using this emergency program.]

Jack was momentarily shocked. But still, he did not show much on his face. Anyway, this was expected from the system considering that, it was so overpowered.

After thinking things true, although Jack did not really want to get another mission from the system, but, he did not have a choice.

He was going to face strong enemies very soon, so, he had to make sure that he got stronger as soon as possible. Additionally, if he gained the information and skills that had been sent over, then, that implied that he was going to be able to strengthen the people with him.

After thinking about this, Jack decided in his mind, 'System, I would like to learn every information that has been sent over. After that, I would like to know what tasks I'm supposed to complete.'

[Host, confirm your choice.]

Jack: "…."

Jack was left speechless after reading that system prompt. After all, this was not the first time that he had engaged in the emergency program. But, why was it that he was being asked for a confirmation from the system first?

Could it be that it was going to be the way that it was for the free skill slots from the system? After all, at that time, he was asked to confirm the choice that he had made.

And, at that time, he came to realize that, the level of skills that he was going to get from the system through the skill slots was going to be better as long as the time that he spent with the skill slots was going to be high.

'System, is there anything that I'm supposed to know?' Jack questioned cautiously.

[The host can go ahead and explore for himself.]

Jack: "…."

Jack was once again left speechless. After all, ever since that mistake that had happened in the past, there was a change that had happened to the system. And ever since then, he was not receiving any information in advance, as long as it was related to a function of the system.

Unless it was a main function, like the one that he had received during the time that the system came in, or after the upgrade, all the other functions of the system were left for him to explore by himself.

Anyway, Jack decided. It was not as if he was going to be given a mission to kill himself, right? As long as it was not that way, then, he really did not mind that much.

'I confirm that.' Jack stated in his mind.

[Confirmed. All the knowledge that the host has received will be integrated into the host in the next 30 minutes. The host has to make preparations because he will be unconscious during that time.]

[The tasks that the host is supposed to complete are going to be granted to the host after everything is integrated into the mind of the host.]

Jack did not expect that something like this was going to happen. Anyway, curiously, Jack went ahead and looked at the information that was sent over to him.

He had not actually read all of them, and just casually saw the few names that had appeared. But so far, he was not sure about the number of documents that had been sent over possessing information about several fields of study.

But, the moment that Jack began looking through, he could not help but be dumbfounded. After all, it seemed that the people of the Force organization were not willing to leave anything behind.

Since Jack had said that he wanted every information that they possessed, these guys had actually sent over information to him. And, they had even sent to him the very basic information about something like cleaning a house and so on.

Basically, that kind of information was useless to him, but, it was still sent over nevertheless. At this point, Jack finally confirmed the reason why the system had actually asked him if he was going to confirm the choice that he had made.

It turned out that he was going to be thought an intermediate level skill of tying his shoes, cleaning the house, washing his clothes, folding them, cleaning the dishes, and even something that was more ridiculous to Jack was that, there was also the information about how to hook up with girls.

Wasn't this too much? At the thought of this, Jack could not help but ask the system, 'System, is it possible for me to be able to change the decision that I made? I don't really want to learn all these information, but, instead, I want to learn part of it.'

[Once the host has confirmed his choice, then, the changes cannot be made.]

Jack: "…"

Although he was expecting a response like this, he could not help but be disappointed. But anyway, he decided to set the matter aside, considering that he had to be ready for the integration of the knowledge that he was going to receive from the system multiplier effect, in 30 minutes.

But, Jack was just about to begin rounding up things when suddenly, somebody came into the store.


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