523 Using Force

"Where have they gone to?" Sylvia questioned.

Not long after she had asked that question, she used the communication device that she possessed to contact the person that was in charge of keeping an eye on Jack and his group.

"I'm not sure why, but I think that they are heading towards the Force organization. They have already killed two of their superhumans." A male voice responded respectfully.

Sylvia could not help but be a little dumbfounded. She was obviously not dumbfounded by the information that Jack and his group were heading towards the Force organization. But instead, she was dumbfounded by the fact that other two superhumans had also been killed.

At this moment, she could not help but question herself, 'Are superhumans that easy to kill? Why didn't I know?'

According to the information that she possessed, during a fight, it was the superhumans that made the major impact. But still, it was only during the time that they were on the battlefield that several superhumans could be killed.

But right now, inside this small stronghold number 17, there were actually three superhumans that had been killed. Additionally, all of them came from big strongholds. And, to make the matter even worse, the one that had killed them was actually Jack and his group. 

'Could it be that I underestimated them? But, this should be impossible for a person of their age.... Sylvia thought to herself. But, that thought appeared in her mind momentarily before it disappeared. It was just that, she had suddenly thought of Jack's mother, Anne.

'Whatever. It is not as if I am the one that is going to be punished by the people from the big strongholds. Anyway, let me go and look for him and see what it is that he is intending on doing: Sylvia shrugged her shoulders before she dismissed whatever thoughts she was having in her mind.

Immediately after that, she got back into her car and began driving towards the Force organization hurriedly. She had to get there as soon as possible, to ensure that she did not miss much.


Before they left, Jack had instructed Ivy to leave. Anyway, it was not as if there was anything that they had to deal with her. More than that, she herself was only a two-star ordinary human, and she was not that useful in what they were going to do.

Although Ivy was a little reluctant, she had no choice but to go back. Anyway, she had experienced a lot on this day, and, her brother was definitely waiting for her back at the place that they were staying inside the stronghold.

So, she had decided that she was going to come back after Jack and his group came back. This time, she had already decided that she had to make sure that she followed this group. Only by following this group, she believed that she was going to get stronger than she had ever imagined before.

After about 30 minutes, Jack and his group finally arrived at the area where they had registered as members of the Stronghold domain.

After arriving there, Jack and his group did not make any commotion. Instead, they went according to the procedures, and asked to meet the leader of the organization of this branch that was located within Stronghold number 17.

Of course, the moment Jack and his group requested for something like this, they were not given the permission. At the end of the day, not just anybody could meet up with the leader of the organization. That was something that always happened, even the big companies. 

Unless there was a good reason behind that, then, a person could be allowed to meet with the leader. And, the person that was receiving them this time was a middle aged man.

He could not understand the reason why This group of young people had come over to request a meeting with the leader of the organization. According to his point of view, the only person that was older here was Samantha, someone that was currently at the age of 29.

As for the rest of the group, they did not even look like they were at the age of 25 yet. So, he did not believe that they were that much strong.

"I'm sorry, about, you don't have a valid reason for meeting up with the leader." The middle aged man stated. Currently, there was a sombre atmosphere within the entire force organization.

Although the majority of the people within the organization did not know what had happened, but still, they knew that something bad had happened. And, that was the reason why the leaders of the organization were both furious and afraid as well.

So, in this situation, there was nobody that was going to be able to meet with the leader of the organization, unless there was actually a very good and a valid reason for doing so.

"Okay. I guess we will welcome ourselves in then." Jack stated before he began walking towards the elevator. It was not as if he had come over with some good intentions. His real intention was to deal with the entire Force organization that was located within this stronghold.

Other than that, he wanted to get the resources of the entire Force organization, something that he was going to boost to start his business. Additionally, he was looking forward to the system.

He was not sure if whatever he was going to get from the Force organization was going to be multiplied by 100 times or not. But, he really hoped that it was going to be so.

When the Middle aged man realized that Jack and his group did not intend on listening to him, he was both infuriated and anxious. After all, currently, with the situation that the Force organization was in, anybody that was going to cause trouble was definitely going to be in deep hot soup.

"You! You better stop there right now. If you dare to do anything that is against the rule of the organization, then, don't blame us for being rude." The middle-aged man shouted.

And as he said those words, the guards that were close to the entrance made at the move. They immediately blocked the path of Jack and his group. They were waiting for Jack and his group to make any more move, and if they did that, then, they would definitely not hesitate to deal with them.

Although they could not kill them, but, that did not imply that they could not beat them up. So, they looked at Jack and his group with hungry gazes.official website noveIfuIlb00k.com It was not that easy to find a person that they were going to beat up inside the stronghold. So, for some time now, they felt that their muscles were itching to do something.

Instead of stopping, Jack and his group continued. As for the group of people in front of them, they were suddenly repelled by an invisible force. They did not even realize what had happened before they passed out due to the impact of their bodies against the wall.

The middle aged man was about to tell them that they were supposed to leave before they were dealt with, when he was left with his mouth hung open after realizing that the people that were supposed to be dealing with Jack and his group had been taken care of.

What dumbfounded him the most was the fact that, they had actually been dealt with without even getting touched. It was as if they had been beaten by someone invisible.

The man felt his throat going dry. And, whatever words he was about to say, he immediately swallowed them back. Then, he watched with fear as Jack and his group entered at the elevator.

A few seconds after the elevator was closed, the man took a deep breath before he rushed to contact his superiors. Currently, he was not sure about the aim that Jack and his group had for coming to the organization. So, he had to give an alarm.

But of course, it was not as if it was needed because, all the action that was taking place on the ground floor was already seen by the people that were monitoring the surveillance system. So, they had already informed the high level members of the organization.

It might be true that the Force organization did not possess that large number of people, but still, it was not as if they could be underestimated.

So, the moment that Jack and his group exited the elevator, they found that they were being waited for by a large group of people. 

There was a menacing expression on each and every face that was looking at them. Of course, all of them were angry at the fact that Jack and his group had the audacity of barging into their organization. If news went out, then, they were going to lose face. 

The moment that the elevator opened, this group of people did not even hesitate to attack. Of course, they began using the laser weapons that they possessed. It was just that, the level of the laser weapons that they had was not the most lethal one considering that currently, they were inside a building.

It was also during this moment that Celine finally decided to test out the full capabilities of her telekinesis ability. So, as the lasers charged towards them, she took a step forward and activated the ability.

Of course, she did not target the lasers that were heading their way. There was no way that she was capable of dealing with light, considering that the lasers that were shot towards them were an amplification of light stimulated by radiation.

The moment that she activated the ability, the doors of the elevator that had not retreated fully suddenly stopped. Then in the next moment, they began making a loud noise.

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