She looked at Celine with an angry expression on her face as she asked, "What do you take me for? Do you think that I will just go around snatching other people's men? Why will I do that? You better mind what you say, or I'm going to deal with you right now!"

Subconsciously, due to the anger that was in her heart, Sylvia released the superhuman aura. The group of guardians and other higher level members of the Panthers organization that were still around suddenly began trembling.

It was not just due to the pressure that they were feeling from Sylvia, but, due to the fact that she was angry. Just from what they had heard about her, they knew that when she was angry, then things were going to be bad.

And now, looking at the group that she was facing, it was obvious that they were not simple. Otherwise, according to Sylvia's behavior, then, they would have already been killed.

But since this group was still in a single piece, that implied that Sylvia was not capable of just doing a she pleased. Additionally, from the way that Celine was talking to Sylvia, it was clear that she was not afraid of her.

That implied that, if Sylvia could not vent her anger on the group in front of her, then, she had to find another target that she was going to vent on. And of course, they were the most eligible and available targets.

It was a good thing that Jack's group was still here. So, one by one, this group began thinking of how they were going to sneak away from here. As long as they got the chance, they were going to get out of here, making sure to keep out of Sylvia's sight.

"Deal with me? Do you think that I can be dealt with that easily? I am already tired of getting kidnapped. So, since your group was the one that was involved, you are supposed to be giving us a compensation right now!" Celine, who had been acting nonchalantly all this while, suddenly erupted as well.

Of course, she was frustrated by the fact that she was the one who was kidnapped several times. Each and every time, she had to depend on Jack to save her. That was not something that she was proud of.

Now that she had found the mastermind behind everything, and she possessed the strength to compete with the other party, she was not going to play down.

"Kidnapping? Are you kidding me? You are a superhuman, do you want me to believe that an eight-star ordinary human is going to be capable of kidnapping you?" Sylvia retorted. She felt that this group of people was just being unreasonable.

Didn't they just want the compensation from her? They just wanted to make her Panthers organization that had already suffered innumerable losses due to the loss of the eight-star ordinary humans, to suffer even more.

Of course, Sylvia completely forgot about the fact that, Jack and his group were just about to leave, but she was the one that had chased after them to ask for compensation. It was just that, the situation had already been turned around, with her organization being in the wrong. So, Jack and his group were the ones that were now asking for compensation from her.

When Celine heard what Sylvia had said, she opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but, there was nothing that she could say at all.

Of course, she had already received the information about how difficult it was to become a superhuman. Was she supposed to say that she had become a superhuman after the kidnapping incidents?

Was she supposed to say that at that time, she was completely helpless? Who was going to believe her? If she really was at a level below the eight star ordinary human, then, how was it possible that in just about 2 months, she had already become a superhuman? That was something that was completely impossible.

Even Anthony had already been at the 10th star of the ordinary human for over 5 years now. But still, he had not managed to become a superhuman. It was completely difficult to be able to break the genetic lock without the necessary resources and dedication in training.

Looking at Celine's speechless expression, Sylvia thought that she was right. This group was just planning to swindle her. Just thinking of this, the fury in her heart ignited even further.

"Don't tell me that you guys were actually pretending to be weak, and in the end, you ended up killing my guardians. From this, I can already tell that you must be targeting my Panthers organization all along." Sylvia began making conjectures that made no sense at all.

Jack and his group felt their lips twitching. After all, from all of this, they were the ones that had suffered. Of course, they were the victims, but the Panthers organization had suffered simply because of their retaliation. Who was just going to be attacked, and remain silent?

Looking at Sylvia who was continuously stating something that even she herself would not have believed it had she not be enraged, Jack shook his head and decided to leave. Anyway, there was no need for them to continue arguing with a person who was completely unreasonable.

It was as if Celine and the others had thought the same. So, the group slowly left. Sylvia on the other hand had not even realized the changes that had happened In her surroundings. She was still ranting, acting like a spoiled little girl, stomping her feet on the ground from time to time, just to express her dissatisfaction.

The group of guardians and the leaders of the other factions present inside the Panthers organization also took this chance to slip away. Although it was a little funny to look at the leader who was always having a cold expression on her face behaving like a little girl, they knew that by the time that she came back to her senses, they might be the ones that were going to suffer.

It was way better If they acted as if they were never there. They had to behave like they never saw her losing the cold image that she had built in their minds.

It was only after about 3 minutes that Sylvia finally finished stating all the things that were in her mind. Then, blinking her eyes, she looked around, noticing that she was the only one around here.

Speechless, she looked around, trying to see if Jack's group was hiding somewhere. But no matter how she looked, she could not find their traces.

It was only then that she finally realized that, even the group of guardians had also disappeared at some point. She could not help but wonder how it was that she had not realized that a group of many people had suddenly left, although she was a superhuman.

It was then that it hit her. Right now, she had been behaving uncharacteristic of the position that she held. And, she had done that in front of her subordinates. That was something that she had never done before, and she had never thought that she was going to do that at all.

"It is all his group's fault! Had they not provoked me, then, I would not have reacted in this way. Now, I have just lost my face, and my reputation as the leader of the entire organization has plummeted!" Sylvia stated in a low voice.

Of course, she was both angry and embarrassed at the fact that she was behaving in such a way. Anyway, this was the trait that she hated about herself. This was the main reason why she was always cold. She had already built this personality, and she was not willing to destroy it.

But who knew that this personality that she had been keeping up with for such a long time was going to be destroyed by a group of youngsters?

'If anyone tries to laugh at me, I am going to slaughter them. That's right. You laugh at me, I kill you!' Sylvia thought to herself. Since she had already lost face, she had to try and look for a way that she was going to bring back her cold personality in the minds of her subordinates.

She believed that by thoroughly punishing anyone that pointed fingers at her, laughing at the way that she was behaving not long ago, the other people would be scared and would no longer be laughing at her whenever they saw her.

"No, that is not enough. I'm sure that they will not talk about this in front of me. But still, they are going to talk behind my back. So, I have to make arrangements to make sure that I get all those people that dare to talk about me when I'm not there." Sylvia stated once again.

And after she had thought about a plan, she finally decided to leave. She had to take care of other things. The only clue about Anne's whereabouts was now gone considering that even her son did not know where she was.

At first, although Sylvia was surprised by the fact that both Jack and Celine were superhumans despite their young age, she immediately forgot about that the moment that she related them to Anne.

She had her own impression Anne, and from what she knew about her, she knew that it was not an impossibility for her to make Jack and Celine superhumans. After all, the abilities that she possessed were not things that could be easily judged.

Although it might be true that there was no record of anyone becoming a superhuman before reaching the age of 25, it was not as if they were going to reveal the information even if a person became a superhuman at the age of 10.

They were currently facing off against an enemy that had invaded the blue planet. It was always good if they kept information about those with great potential hidden. Perhaps this might actually be the reason why there was no information about Jack and Celine becoming superhumans.

Not long after she had entered her living quarters, Sylvia thought of something. "Could he perhaps be capable of helping me in activating this item?"

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