"Any information from him?" Jack asked as he looked at Denali.


"Yes master." Denali replied. Although the thin man was pretending to be tough, in the end, he was just a weakling. Not only in terms of physical capabilities, but even his mind was weak as well.


And as a result, due to the torture that he had gone through under the hands of Denali, he was forced to reveal everything that he knew.


There was a time that he had tried lying to Denali. But in the end, she easily noticed that he was giving her false information. And as a result, she had tortured him even harder than before.


The ability that she had, the one that she was able to tell whether a person was going to be loyal or not, was the one that had enabled her to easily identify that the thin man was actually lying to her.


When he was discovered the second time, the thin man was forced to say the truth. The only solution that he could remain with was to not disclose all the information that he had on him.


But with the question from Denali, "Is that all the information that you have?" He was forced to reveal others as well. After all, there was no way that he was going to say that, that was all the information that he had, when it is true that he was hiding a lot of information already.


"So, do tell me what he told you." Jack asked.


Denali didn't waste any time and begin telling him all the information that she had received from the thin man.


It turned out that the thin man was a part of an organization called The Panthers. They were a part of stronghold 11. There was a total of 382 strongholds.


As for the aim of the strongholds, no matter how much the thin man wanted to say it, it was as if he was blocked by something. Not only that, he even underwent immense pain as long as he dared to try revealing that information.


Denali came to find out that, there was a restriction that was placed on every member of the stronghold, so that they could not reveal any information about the strongholds to others that were not part of the stronghold.


This was the reason as to why that thin man couldn't reveal any information about the stronghold. But, he had revealed that it was the second in command of the Panther organization that had sent him on a mission to come and look for Nathan.


They had sent him alongside some ordinary members that were easily hired outside of the stronghold. These were the people who wanted to enter the stronghold because not just anyone could enter the stronghold.


As long as they completed the mission, they would be given a chance to undergo a test, and those who passed the test would receive the option to enter the stronghold.


He himself was the weakest amongst the troop of the Panthers organization. The organization itself contained thousands of soldiers. And each of the soldier was at least at the level of the thin man.


But, there were several other people who were incredibly strong, and they could easily crush the thin man with a single finger.


Although he was considered the weakest member of the Panthers organization, that didn't actually mean that he was the only one who was at that level. There were several others, who numbered in thousands that were in the same level as him.


All of them what those that had just recently joined. The number of deaths in the organization was something that couldn't be underestimated. And as a result, there would be new replacements on regular basis.


| The thin man himself had only recently joined the organization. He had managed to gain the favor of the deputy organization leader by doing him a favor.


In order to repay the favor, the deputy commander had given him this mission. As long as he completed it, he would be promoted and be given benefits that would enable him to grow even stronger than he was.


In the organization, strength was what determined a person's rank. The week will always be bottom feeders, they were the cannon fodder that were usually sent out first during the war with other organizations or the enemies of the organizations.


When Jack received all of this information, he was stunned speechless. One thing that he had come to realize was that, the thin man and the organization that he was talking about were all not present in the current military of the country.


That was simply because, when Jack presented the body strengthening solution, Valnaro was so ecstatic. Furthermore, due to the fact that Jack would produce the body strengthening solution, the military had thought that it was better to have him as a member of the military as well.


That simply meant that, a person at the thin man's level could be considered as an elite in the military. This was actually part of the trump card that the Aziminian military was planning to use to launch a surprise attack on their enemies.


Since that was the case, it was obvious that the stronghold, as well as the mission of the fact that the stronghold was located out of this continent, then this wasn't part of the military.


But the question that was running through Jack's mind at that moment was that, who were the people at the stronghold fighting against? And how was it that they had been hidden all along, without any of the information leaking out?


Jack wanted to get all this information. But it was just that, the thin man couldn't actually give him any more information other than the one that he had already released.


The seals would make sure that the thin man would experience severe pain the moment that he dared to reveal the information that was considered confidential.


Jack could somehow relate this to the moment that his memories were sealed. Just like how it was a mystery to him on how his memories were sealed, that was just how it was a mystery for him to understand how it was possible for the seal that was placed on the thin man to easily identify that he was actually trying to reveal the information that was supposed to be hidden.


According to the information that the thin man had revealed, it was that, the seal would annihilate him the moment that he dared to endure the pain and reveal the information. Of course, he would die even before he revealed the information.


Jack shook his head. He then asked Denali to get the location of the stronghold so that he could pay them a visit one day. Since there are people who wanted to join the stronghold, then it was obvious that these people were not part of the stronghold before.


And since that was the case, Jack could utilize the chance to try and get into the stronghold, so that he could perhaps understand what was going on. He never liked the situation where, his life was being controlled by another person, or he was in the dark about some of the important things in life.


As of now, he thought that it was finally time for him to end Nathan. This guy didn't deserve to be alive any longer.


As he watched as Jack approached Nathan, the thin man shouted at Jack, "You can't kill him! If he is dead, then you are going to face the worst problems that you can ever encounter!"


"It doesn't matter what kind of problems you are mentioning. But to me, anyone who dares to offend me must pay the relevant price. And since he took the life of the person that I love, he has to repay that with his own life as well." Jack didn't even turn around as he replied.


Even though he had heard that the stronghold contained several strong organizations, that did it mean that he was afraid of them.


Even if they decided to come after him, he was sure that they were not going to come over, all of them. Additionally, there had to be a reason as to why they didn't send a person who was even stronger if what Nathan and had was that important.


As for what it was that they wanted from Nathan, that was none of his concern. Since he was going to kill Nathan at the end of it all, since that's something that they wanted when Nathan was alive, that meant that he will be first to keep Nathan alive if he wanted to get what it was that the organization wanted.


Without saying another word, Jack took out the gun that he was given by the military and aimed it at Nathan.


"I hope that you rest in no peace." Jack said as he looked at Nathan who was looking at him with lifeless eyes. It was as if he didn't even notice that Jack was there.


Without hesitation, Jack pulled the trigger.




The bullet penetrated Nathan skull, ending his miserable life.


"You! I told you all the information that I had so that you could at least allow me to complete the mission that I was given. But now that you have not only stopped me from completing the mission, but you have even destroyed the mission, you have to prepare for the price that is to come." The thin man shouted at Jack hysterically.


Immediately after that, he began twitching on the floor. When Jack looked at him, he noticed that the thin man was actually suffering from a type of poison.


His skin turned purple, before it finally turned black. After that, the thin man disintegrated into nothing but ash, that was left there, indicating that there was a figure that was lying on the floor previously.


Jack was surprised that the person actually had poison. And he didn't even hesitate to kill himself the moment that he knew that he had completely failed the mission.


Since his mission was to save Nathan, and Nathan was dead, then there was no way that he was going to complete the mission. And to the organization, failing in such an important mission was nothing more than a guaranteed death.


To the thin man, it is better to die in honor, rather than getting killed when he got back after failing the mission.

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